What is 'cool' about new Symmetra? Why do people play her?

She is when I use her. Not only does she drain the shield, but it recharges her ammo and powers her beam so that, when it breaks, the people behind it are immediately being melted by a high-powered beam at full ammo.

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it probably takes a long time to destroy a rein shield.

It does 195 damage per second when itā€™s fully charged. Even if she was the only person attacking the shield, she could melt it in a little over 10 seconds. Realistically, itā€™ll almost never take that long because theyā€™ll be other teammates shooting at the barrier, too.


Thats if theyre not shooting at you.
Shields are fantastic for getting her tickrate up. Downside is you have to be close enough that the Rein can put his shield down and start swinging.

Thatā€™s true, but I was assuming Sym was in a position where she was relatively free to attack the shield. Itā€™s usually a pretty reasonable option if sheā€™s behind her own tanks. If Rein he drops the shield, it takes less than three seconds to melt him, assuming heā€™s not being healed, I guess. Maybe closer to 3.5 now with the beam damage to armor reduction.

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Rein also has a team to fall back on.
Shields are great for charge up, but sometimes its really not that effective.

Personally I love when Iā€™m playing Symm and the enemy has an Orisa. Easy tickrate charge up with those abandoned shields :joy:

Yeah, it always depends on the situation. Speaking from my own experiences, more often than not, when Iā€™m on Sym, Iā€™m in a position to make shields more of a liability for the other team than an asset. I only use her when the situation is right, though. Yeah, I love eating Orisa shields, too, but it makes me feel bad for her. Sheā€™s trying so hard. :frowning_face:


I play her because she feels rewarding to win with. Sheā€™s the underdog, the underappreciated and still very misunderstood. People I play with do seem surprised to see a Symmetra that actually knows whatā€™s sheā€™s doing and contributes to the team.

Her kit has changed a lot but I think sheā€™s in a better place right now. She feels far more engaging (at least to me).

Sheā€™s fun to play in general. And sheā€™s also faster.

Old Sym was just sloooooooooooooow.

2.0 Symmetra was too defensive. While that would work sometimes, it would also have itā€™s own problems that are shared with 3.0 that they can now balance with slight updates to 3.0

Granted, putting same upgrades to 2.0 would probably make her as good as 3.0 but here are the list of problems:

People hate getting killed, especially to what they believe are cheap gimmicks. Since the high level players in Leagues and Streams promote the game and give revenues, the powers that be will bend over backwards for them.

Pierce Orbs
With current speeds in 3.0 having pierce properties will make D.va a must pick counter for Symmetra ranged Assault. But will say, orbs are now an unreliable form of damage.

See auto aim. They are characteristic to her kit but pros complain. So to reduce coverage and overall possible DPS (35x6=210) they made each turret, ā€œStronger,ā€ by ramping up damage but reducing turret amount (50x3=150) to hide the fact they were giving a nerf hoping Symmetra mains donā€™t math so we will let this slide.

It all comes down to which player base supplies the most revenue.

I personally prefer the new symm, she enables tons of cool plays now.

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i like new sym i think she is balanced. (except for turrets could use a small damage nerf and less cc effect). her new rework made her unique and fun to play (kinda) and is not as stupid as locking onto someone that is not on ur los

So what sort of massive compensation buff would you give by making her turrets useless? Theyā€™re already quite weak, as she is as a character.

She needs buffs and qol fixes and bugfixes, not nerfs.

Piercing orbs. Throwable photon barrier. Shield gen.

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She is fine and she a got a recent buff to her primary fire which is good and i think small nerfs should be done for the turrets if not done its ok. the hero does not need buffs. She technically got two this update

What? Two? She got one buff that slightly improves her primary fire where she now has to charge it for slightly less time to start doing the same damage as other dps heroes.

The turrets die in one shot and are on a 10 second cooldown, loud, and obvious.

Iā€™m sorry but your opinion is bad.

She needs buffs to her tp, and could use some other stuff. Not nerfs. The turrets are already weak at any appreciable rank.

I am sorry but it seems you dont understand you own hero. She got buffed so that she get to max charge in 1.5 seconds less (which is a big thing bud) and the beam damage to armor got buff so what are you on about. Her tp is more than fine it is not meant to be an get out of a jail free card like most people think. Your opinion is idiotic.

the reason i said to nerf her turrets a small bit and to reduce the cc effect is because turret nest are an instant free kill for the sym no matter how fast ur reaction time is to destroy all 3 turrets (that their damage has been buffed too btw).

Itā€™s not like I donā€™t miss her old noodle beam that made the perfect genji counter, but Iā€™m not gonna shove her into the trash from my hero pool. I got only so many heroes I can play well.

If youā€™re going to be smug and call me an idiot, youā€™d better get the facts correct.

The armor change is a negligible buff to rank 1 and 2 of her primary fire, but a nerf to rank 3.

Her charge time has been reduced by less than a second overall, not 1.5s. You made that up.

No itā€™s not, no they havenā€™t been buffed. The rework actually changed max turret damage from 180 dps to 150 so youā€™re wrong yet again. What a surprise.

Please check yourself dude.

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I like her Energy Balls, Sentry Turrets, and Photon Barrier. Havenā€™t tried her beam since the last buff, but Teleporter is still oftenly too clunky to get clutch usage out of.