What is considered High ELO?

I’d consider mid master+ high ELO. The thing about OW is that some ranks despite suggesting that you are average or above average compared to the overall playerbase is that the level of play generally speaking is quite low across the ranks. It’s rather weird but it mostly IMO stems from people refusing to use outside sources to actually improve their gameplay and knowledge.

2000+ is generally considered to be high SR

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2000+ is gold. So, no. Most people are at least that good or better. Anyone below that is below average.

Wait why are u banned again?

I have no idea :man_shrugging:t3:

As someone who played in Diamond, Masters and GM (even tho I’m hard stuck masters right now but that’s besides the point) the difference between GM and Masters is like comparing High School to College, and high elo start around high masters.

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I would argue with you but then I realized it’s true.
Though maybe that Rein who charged in alone was having a bad day. Maybe :eyes:

Yeah there is a huge diff every 150-200 from 4000 to 4800 SR. Even though you can have a top 500 match with a High Masters… lol


What color is the sky in your world?

If we go by population, anything above 2200 would be.

If we go by player skill, I believe it was around 4200+?

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When you get past mid masters there’s basically 4 different ranks. High masters (3750 - 3999), low gm(4000 - 4199), gm (4200 - 4399) and high gm (4400 - 5000). Each of those sr ranges have players in them that play differently. High masters are people with peak mechanics, they’re hard stuck High masters because they only have mechanics. Low gm is when players start to understand the game on a micro level but sometimes don’t understand working as a coordinated team. The gm range is where you get people who have the potential to be contenders level players. High gm are players who would be capable of playing at owl level. Once you hit high gm you despise getting high masters in your games because they just have a lack of understanding of coordinated 6 man overwatch which is why it is called plat 2 or shiny plat


Prob like masters or higher


For me Diamonds and above are all gods. I’d be extremely happy to even get to plat tbh.


You can make it!! If you sacrifice time.


But if you’re 4500 you shouldn’t be expecting to get games with 11 other players who are also 4500. That should be extremely rare especially in 2021.

You’re supposed to carry the masters so if you have a 3700 on your team but the other team doesn’t have any master players then you can probably assume the other team doesn’t have a 4500 either and if not then well you can always blame the MM.

Same thing happens to me in plat sometimes when I am like 2800 and all my teammates are golds and silvers. I hate them too because they are hard af to carry. I much prefer the other way when I am the only plat on a team of all diamond/masters. But not too much out of my league like the time it put me in a 3800 game that was not fun at all for anyone.

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Technically 3700 players should never get matched against 4500 players because the SR range is +/- 350.

Then again… Player base has all but moved on at this point.


anything above smurf fest bronze.

Why does this opinion seem so much more popular in ow than any other game I’ve played? Like in chess for example I don’t see many people calling 2300’s trash, or even 1800’s even though that is far from GM. It’s not like they made getting to GM easy it’s still top 1% of players.


Yeah that’s the same way I feel, in so many other games people recognise Diamond+ as high ELO, but in OW everything below 4.2k is “low sr” lmao


I think asking what is considered high elo is different than asking what is considered decent or good. I wouldn’t consider diamond to be high elo either but I still consider it decent.

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