What is considered High ELO?

3500+ is where i would start


I would say High Elo is 3800+

I’ve seen too many people able to squeeze into low Masters without understanding several basic principles of how to win.


Lmao :rofl:

Hey, being at the Top 3% is definitely high enough imho

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High ELO is GM, and even then, there are differences between low GM and high GM.

Masters is the bare minimum to gain a decent understanding of the game, and sometimes not even then.


So being better than 97% of the playerbase is the bare minimum?

Maybe 3k - 3.3k, but Masters? Nah son



Plat and Diamond are those who have grasped most of the fundamentals but unable to perform it consistently.

Masters are those who knows the fundamentals, and able to perform it consistently.

GM are the ones who understand the fundamentals, able to do it consistently and understand other heroes.

I rose from high plat to nearly 3.4k before dropping down due to RL work. I can safely say, even during that period, diamonds have not much of a clue at times. Masters is the bare minimum to really understand the game.


It’s all about perspective.

To Gold players Plat/Diamond players seem good but in reality they’re not, they lack many fundamental concepts of the game required to win, and are typically only mechanically decent.

Most players peak around Plat/Diamond for this reason, because they haven’t leveled up with their game knowledge or mechanical skill to the point that they’re actually good or really good instead of just decent.

When I use the word decent, I mean average. I would say Plat/Diamond players are average, and you start being “good” around mid Masters, and elite in GM. But even then, I’ve encountered countless boosted players in high Masters & GM :laughing:


3250 to 4250

3000 SR is not high-elo because a lot of platinum players for Lucky-Shots can get into diamond but they go back at 2750 SR if they play more games


I would say diamond is ‘high’ and everything above that is kind of elite.


I’d say it’s fair to say that you are in high elo if you make it out of metal ranks.


Me I am high elo :sunglasses::sunglasses:


i would say diamond +

since no way would i ever attain that rank (maybe with a new account for a tiny bit), ive only been plat once and thats because i abused brigitte :laughing:

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Hey, good to see you unbanned

Nah, 3000+ is high ELO :smirk:

I survived on Chubbyboy but it’s not the same as jason bent :disappointed:


According to the game devs, diamond serves as a sort of cut off point.


Ummm, couple of things. First, if ur Masters/GM, saying those areas r low sr just tells me that u’ve lost ur marbles. I’d consider even Diamond to be a good rank! Obviously not better than GM and Masters, but still a really good place to be in. Secondly, answering ur question, I’ve been told by a little bro who does some real good research that the high ELO rank is Plat. Plat in and of itself is the perfect example of High ELO hell, if u have been in Plat be4. Third off, Where have u heard of GM and Masters being called “the 2nd Plat?” I have never heard of anybody say any rank was the 2nd Plat be4.

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Masters is when players can generally begin to call themselves high ranked without a number of people laughing. However, the skill gap between low masters and top 500 is vast so often GM+ players consider masters to still be low ranked.

Realistically though the answer is masters.


Anything below 4200 is low elo. Once you’ve grinded the game and are at 4200 or above, every player below 4200 seems like they are still learning how to play the game. Most ppl under 4200 cannot demonstrate what a prefight set up is, how to engage in a mid fight - or tell you what a midfight is about and they cannot tell you what an ult cycle is.

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If you’re talking to people who don’t play the game I’m sure they’d consider Diamond+ to be pretty good.

But what “High ELO” is though… most people who are high rank would tell you that 4200+ is “High ELO”

4400+ Used to be considered “High ELO” until the population got too small.

If you put a 3700 Rein in my 4500 game, and that 3700 doesn’t know what a rotation is or where to rotate against a spam comp on attack - that’s a pretty big problem. That’s actually throwing at that level of play. That Rein is still learning how to play the game because in 4200 plus games - unless the person is boosted - it’s common knowledge.