What is considered High ELO?

Which rank/SR would be considered high ELO?

I’m just curious since I’ve seen multiple people say that low GM/Masters is “low sr” or “the second Plat” :roll_eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Some masters games I’ve played have felt like that tbf. Genuinely do think that some people have lucked their way into this rank, I feel like I have sometimes.


Mid Masters is high Elo


Tell my momma I made it


I’ve finally made it to high bronze. You can say, I’ve finally arrived.


When Blizzard released actual numbers for it, all of Diamond and above was basically only 15% if the game’s total population. Masters totaled only 3% of the pop, and GM was less than 1%.

Anyone arguing that low GM is 2nd plat has, frankly, lost touch with reality. At that point, you’re in OWL/streamer territory, I.E. this game is your job now.



This is what the devs balance around, so it’s the only definition that matters imo


Masters+ is high imo.

Bronze-Silver - Below Average
Gold-Plat - Average Player Performance (I think?)
Diamond - Just Above Average
Masters - Way Above Average
Grandmaster - Top Percent of players


Yup that’s the correct player breakdown, except Masters is good players not just way above average. They can and are balanced around

They don’t mean in the literal sense. They mean in the sense that there’s a lot of boosted apes. Either from literal boosting, getting rewarded from playing broken heroes and can only play those broken heroes at that level OR played at that level 14 seasons ago on 1 hero, and now soft throw half the games because they can’t actually play at that level any more.

A lot of players (more than you would think) get to higher ranks without having any understanding of more than the fundamentals of the game, and are carried by their mechanics or their understanding of how to play 1 or 2 BROKEN heroes/comps. Any time that hero/comp isn’t played or they need to adapt they are lost and/or unwilling to adapt to actually win.

Teamwork also flies out the window some games because you end up with a “NOHEARU” fan locking the Swedish turret man no matter what he’s playing into. The only difference here is that a lot of the time the “trolling” one tricks are actually good at their hero unlike in plat.

To answer the question though, I would consider 3700 getting toward being good, and around 3.9-4k as actual decent players. Above that is mostly good players with the aforementioned outliers above.
So like 3900+? Idk it’s kind of relative to where you play at. To plats diamond is high. To bronze plat is high. To gms GM isn’t high. I think it’s more dependent on what you consider good not what actually is.


Just GM. Everything else is pleb territory.


Prob mid masters for most people.

But for GMs even that is bad.

Edit: spelling lmao


Anyone below me is low ranked, everyone above is high.
My dad also works at nintendo.



Pretty much.


Everything below 5000 SR is low elo, everything above 5000 SR is high elo.

Does he know my uncle? :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue:.


Close but not quite. This is the actual distribution as officially released by Blizzard.

  • Bronze - 8%
  • Silver - 21%
  • Gold - 32%
  • Platinum - 25%
  • Diamond - 10%
  • Master - 3%
  • Grandmaster - 1%

Put another way:

  • Bronze - 92-100% - Worst
  • Silver - 71-92% - Below average
  • Gold - 39-71% - Average
  • Platinum - 14-39% - Above average
  • Diamond - 4-14% - Way above average
  • Master - 1-4% - The air is getting thin
  • Grandmaster - 1% - The top 1%

Higher than than the person making the post. A silver player mentioning high ELO may very well be considering plat in that consideration, a plat refers to shiny ranks, a masters means pros and top 500 games.


From what I have heard there is quite a difference between GM players like 4500 vs 4300 and especially 4100.


I’d say about Mid-Plat up. Diamond is at the 90th percentile… so… Mid-Plat probably around 75 since just into Plat is now the median (50th percentile) of players.

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