Edit: Thank you Game Master Marrekwethir for resolving the inappropriate flag. You da bomb~
Let’s start with a few definitions, a thesis, and then put it all together.
Definition: Competition is an activity involving multiple parties that are attempting to achieve an exclusive goal, one which cannot be held in common or shared among the parties, and in which there are some set of rules, guidelines, or constraints on the means for participating and achieving the goal.
Thesis: Match Making Rating (MMR) algorithm removes the integrity of competition, thus invalidating it as a real, authentic, genuine competition, because the algorithm fixes the outcome of the match by pre-determining the win rate chances for both teams at/near 50% and, therefore, must be removed from Competitive Play in order to maintain/uphold Competition’s integrity and authenticity for Competition’s sake.
What is Match Fixing?
Match Fixing means the arrangement on an irregular alteration of the course or the result of a sporting competition or any of its particular events (e.g. matches, races etc.) in order to remove all or part of the uncertainty normally associated with a competition.
What is Integrity in Sports and Competition?
The manifestation of the ethics and values which promote community confidence in sports, including fair and honest performances and outcomes, unaffected by illegitimate enhancements or external interests.
Over the past weeks, I have read what feels like countless of counter arguments as to why MMR should/shouldn’t be removed; however, they were not countless arguments as there were really only TWO arguments actually being made (it came in variations, but it is essentially the same arguments) and those are:
“Git Gud”; “Get Good”; “Stop complaining and get better”; “players that are hard stuck are right where they belong”; “only low tier ranks are complaining about MMR, just get better” (which is extremely ironic because it seems to me that the ones using this as their main defense are the high ranking players, lmao); and however else you want to phrase it.
Matchmaking BOTH of the teams to a near/at 50% chance win rate is a “balanced” match, and, therefore, is a “fair” match.
Let me debunk the 2nd point argument first and then share my thoughts on the 1st. Please bear with me.
Debunking the two main arguments:
#2. “Matchmaking BOTH of the teams to a near/at 50% chance win rate is a “balanced” match, and, therefore, is a “fair” match”."
Although this form of matchmaking may sound like a noble thing to do as it uses language like ‘balance’, ‘fair’, ‘50% win rate’, etc.; nevertheless, this is called Match Fixing and we defined this above, which is a universally used principle and definition (slightly worded different, but the principle is the same) in all sports and competition categories.
Match Fixing removes the “uncertainty” of the outcome that is “normally associated with competition”. Matchmaking in a real competition is done by a random selection of competitors through a process of natural selection confined by specific parameters, which does not take into account the outcome of the match, whereby allowing the outcome of the match to define itself purely by the competitors performance(s) themselves.
Imagine the competitive matches of the Olympics for a moment; it doesn’t matter whether they are individual or team sports. According to the logic from this 2nd argument, Olympic competitions are NEVER FAIR and are NEVER BALANCED.
Why is it not ‘balanced’ or ‘fair’? Because the OUTCOME of EVERY OLYMPIC MATCH is not predetermined/rigged to give a near/at 50% chance of winning for both teams.
And this is PRECISELY the point:
Real competition is not meant to make sure all competitors equally have a 50% chance of winning. (Wow…can you imagine if the outcome of Olympic matches were predetermined, rigged and/or tampered with!? This would be complete Nonsense! Ludicrous!)
*The OUTCOME of real competition IS NOT about “balance” or “fairness”.
Balance and Fairness have it’s rightful place within the confines of the RULES of the competition, to which, every Player is subjected to–NOT the outcome/result of the match.*
Real competition is about who is the BEST, who is the VICTOR, who is the CHAMPION with every match that takes place.
The OUTCOME of real competition is to simply reward ONLY the victor(s) and is NOT to be predetermined/rigged/tampered with in any shape or form.
Balance and fairness have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OUTCOME of the match.
Balance and fairness have EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES that every single Player has to develop their skills to get better at the game and compete utilizing the same rules that all Players/Competitors are subjected to.
Once you “get good”, go and then test out your skills in real competition and see if they are worthy enough to compete amongst the best of the best. Persevere and be resilient even in the face of losses for only then will you build healthy Performance Psychology that can only come from authentic competition. This is exactly the reason why I care so damn much… It is for the Player’s development of healthy Performance Psychology, which is getting ruined by the implementation of MMR in competitive play.
Think about it.
In the context of balance and fairness, every single player from the old to the new has the EXACT SAME opportunity to play the game and get better because they are under the same exact rules/regulation; under the same nerfs/buffs; under the same Application Programming Interface (API); REGARDLESS OF SR OR RANK. This is balance, this is fairness. This is enough.
Balance and fairness should never have anything to do with the OUTCOME of a competitive match and only to do with HOW the match is played via it’s rules.
This is precisely why MMR needs to be removed from competitive play because it removes the integrity of what makes competition, real and authentic competition, and, thus, because of MMR, it is no longer competition. It is fake and an illegitimate reflection of the Player’s true skill/performance and potential.
Your development as a Player–the development of your Performance Psychology–alone should be more than enough reason why you the Player ought to care about this issue. If anything, high ranking, extremely talented and skilled players should REALLY care the MOST about this. Plus, you spent money on this didn’t you?
#1 “Git Gud”.
We have had 31 SEASONS AND COUNTING with the growing issues of MMR being implemented in predetermining the outcome of the match–by giving each Team a 50% chance of winning–and your only defense is to “git gud”?
We have had threads after threads, replies and responses, posts after posts, data and sources being shared, Player’s testimony after testimony about the inconsistencies, unfairness, smurfing issue problems, etc. etc. (GOD THERE ARE SO MANY ISSUES WITH MMR in Competitive Play) this matchmaking system (MMR) has for 31 SEASONS AND COUNTING since JUNE 28th, 2016 and your only defense is STILL, “Git Gud”?
After 31 seasons (GOD THAT’S SO MANY SEASONS!) and counting, the growing number of Smurf accounts exacerbating the problem, Blizzard not saying anything else about MMR, the forums filled with the unfair practice being seen within Competitive Play, Player count dropping like flies, BOTS filling up these ‘competitive’ matches, matchmaking queue times getting longer and longer, and the Players that are mainly using this defense are predominantly HIGH RANKING players…what is this defense? The DEFENSE predominantly being used for this growing issue and problem that has lasted 5 and half PLUS years and counting and will inevitably destroy this beautiful game…IS STILL “GIT GUD”???
It’s been 5.5 years and counting! We have WAY MORE DATA for a strong case and all you have is “git gud”… Come on you guys…
To all of you with this lame excuse of a defense/argument:
You are missing the entire point of what real, authentic, genuine competition is, to which, I surmise now that you simply just don’t want it nor do you even care for it.
You’re okay with fake ‘competition’.
You’re okay with the fake reflection of your performance and skills.
You’re okay with an unhealthy development of your performance psychology because it’s based off of a complete lie because this isn’t real competitive play.
You’re okay with having put in COUNTLESS upon COUNTLESS of your precious hours in Competitive Play, YOUR time that you will NEVER get back from this game, for an illegitimate Rank never truly determined and trialed by fire through the arena of real competition.
You’re just simply okay and content with this.
“Git Gud” is no longer a valid excuse and/or defense now. We have had 31 seasons of this and this cannot carry on for the longevity of this amazing game.
I love this game and I know you all do too because you’re still playing.
I want Overwatch 2 to be a HUGE success… Don’t you?
ALL of us from Bronze to Grandmaster have seen the results of MMR after 31 seasons…5 and half years and still counting and guess what…there’s no long lasting fruit and the quality of this game is decaying with the passage of time until it will be no more.
New heroes. New maps. New game-modes. New storylines.
None of this will cause Overwatch 2 to be a success.
To Overwatch 2 Developer and Team:
If you’re relying on this and think that OW2 is going to be a huge success…the fruit of your labor will only be momentary and short lasting. Sure, you’ll have tons of players buy into this in the beginning…until the SMURFS come back; sure it can go on for another few years; sure you’ll have another forum that talks about this…but you know what? All of the current problems will come ROARING back even stronger. The quality of the game is going to deteriorate as it is now and the game-creation-competition will beat this to the ground and I DO NOT WANT THAT as I’m sure you don’t either.
You want this game to stand the test of time?
then start here…
#RemoveMMRfromCompetitive #DefendYourSR
Edit: Removed " It can also be referred to as ‘rigging’, which is an illegal practice in any sports competition." Thanks @BrightTitan.