Those quotes are a paraphrase. ^^This quote is a quote. Much like this one here:
Removing the uncertainty is impossible. “Fixing the match at 50%”, which is what you claim is happening, is literally impossible.
But, of course you realize it’s impossible, so when pressed, you backtrack with some caveats.
I implore you again what makes a fair match uncompetitive?
It can’t be that we think the expected outcome is 50%, because that’s a fair match by definition.
So explain how a fair match is uncompetitive?
Also, time and time again, over and over and over as many times as you need.
So? Stop using patented products, then?
Yep. It seems you don’t understand that all you need to do to accomplish this task is to put two people of the same SR together in a match.
Which, is what you want to do, right? Do you not understand that if two people is accurately ranked, and their rank is similar, and you put them together in a match, that you’re creating your evil 50% outcome?
Is this really that hard of a concept? It seems to be a major hangup for people, but it’s like you’re screaming about the most mundane, boring aspect of the whole system.
Let me guess…your word is your evidence because it’s a PRIMARY SOURCE?