What is Brigitte's job now? (PTR version)

It’s up to us to express our opinion on the direction a hero is going so Blizzard knows how we feel about them. It’s up to us to put a stop to double PTR nerfs less than a week apart before the first one even went live to see how it settles/affects the hero first

It’s up to us to put an end to the ‘tradition’ of slow drip feeding of nerfs month after month for up to a year straight on supports. Just get all the nerfs out of the way at once and buff other things so the hero is playable.

Don’t give us whiplash with newer, worse builds every month

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So now, like sleep dart CC, SB will be a team-effort-CC. You can callout your SB combo and if your team is good enough, they will be able to kill the enemy while they’re stunned

For sure. That doesn’t mean we should be diving off the deep end into speculation, or employing hyperbole and exaggeration. We don’t need more “Forum Brigitte” type discussions.

This forum needs to chill tf out when it comes to exaggeration and just making these wildly emotional statements of feeling and position.

The rest of what you said is just your position/perspective on recent balance changes. We all have our own takes on them etc. Is what it is. I cbf to engage in that in detail.

Point remains. Don’t exaggerate, don’t just make emotional subjective/speculative statements. Try to understand the situation as best you can and take into consideration everyones perspectives.

Ez stuff. Balance benefits all. There has to be reason behind balance, and we can’t be reasonable if we turn every house fly into a fire breathing dragon.

I just want to also point out that I hope you realize a LARGE portion of this community was VERY vocal about having problems with Blizzard sledgehammer nerfing heroes and wanted them to take on a more minimal adjustment approach. There has never been a “tradition” of slow drip up until recently.

I personally agree with that, but what you said seems to make it out to be a problem. I don’t think we need to go back to wild swinging sledgehammer nerfs. I think the slow adjustment is a better approach, but it’s not without it’s problems either.

There, fixed it for you :wink:

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I’m a Brigitte player and I’m ok with the nerfs. I don’t think they’re as bad as people say they are. I have some ideas that could help her become more of a healer:

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Since when countering someone and killing someone are synonyms?

Edit: she still can be very effective. She can force tracer to recall and punish flankers. Armor she provides is a nightmare for example tracers gun. The fact she can’t insta kill tracer anymore doesn’t make her useless, but at least doesn’t make tracer a troll pick.

But Brig needs more compensation buffs than just slightly inspire buff, tho.

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Since Brigitte.

If you cant straight up delete someone via your choice at the hero selection screen it isnt a hard counter.

protect the backline, shield ults and high damage abilities, stun and damage the flankers to force them off, out play the dive tanks and allow a better defense against the dive tanks
i’d see her getting well with orisa hog

Complaining about her not requiring any skill, because aiming is so hard…

Who cares if she is a somewhat easy character to play, she was most likely added to keep high mobility characters in check and she for filled that role.

Nobody cares if you feel like a low skilled noob killed your high skilled behind.
But now we will have Tracer and Genji run amok again without any reliable way to stop them, that people will care about i’m sure.

Btw. i’m still tired of the Tracer - Genji meta.
Watching an OWL stream where the only character being shown playing is Tracer until Genji gets an ult is boring.

How come all this " Just rely on your team" talk and “Just adapt to changes” talk suddenly vaporized?

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And as Roadhog, I often start off fights with 2-3 kills, then mop up the enemy.

The marvel of having a jack-of-all Tank…

Her job is not to kill flankers, her job is to make their attempts at flanking much less efficient. New changes also will turn off her overly aggressive play style where she can easily 1v1 any dps/support (let’s drop the “just don’t let her get close” excuse as most fights in the game are at mid-close range, especially in lower ranks).

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The whole point u r not supposed to kill everyone on 1v1, u should tank them and support ur team.
I bet on that she still will be really strong after this, at least in certain maps on half organize team.

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Sit in the corner like mercy

Constant, easy reliable damage and healing during fights as well as a low cd burst healing ability that gets value no matter who or when it hits. Also no skill required to use that burst healing.

Also, the knockback can mess up flankers and divers pretty hard if you land it while the stun can secure a kill if the target has low health, which is not a small thing.

She is super difficult to kill for a healer and her existance is a big detriment to the enemy flankers and cqc fighters, so thats also an advantage.

You not being able to recklessly and carelessly CHEESE every engagement through busted mechanics does not mean she has no place or role to fullfill. It just isnt the same percieved goal of making you look like a good player while not necessarily being one.

I mean… I see it.

The thing is, now she is more of a “jack of all trades, the king of none” type of hero, and I think we have never had this kind of healer, so thats cool

If we look at it from that perspective, thats no longer a problem. Its a nice feature :smiley:

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I am kind of amazed reading this post actually, it confirms my suspicions about most Brig mains. "Brig used to have ‘best 1v1 solo killing’ but now that’s up in smoke… me thinks me see why people were picking Brig, easy kills… so now that is over, she’s just garbage?

The reality is her job is to create space for the healers and tanks in the team, not to go out getting picks 1v1. She doesn’t have to kill Genji, Tracer, or even the diving Winston or D.va, she merely has to work with her support team to drive them off and make them think twice, thus creating time and space for the supports to do their job. Imagine that, no more “Hunter-Brigs” roaming like wild elephants around the map, but actually for once doing their job of staying in position.

Brigitte was always weak against Reinhardt in a matchup because he’s a better brawler. That concept doesn’t change any. She can still stun him out of Charge and Earthshatter animations, which is a very strong trait to have.

Because there’s a theme on here where people who enjoy easy-to-play heroes also like them to be overtuned. They may not want to admit it, but it does seem to be a recurring thing.

Brigitte has finally been defined as to what role she is supposed to fill on her team, which is backline brawler and a peeler. She isn’t supposed to be a frontline bruiser. You can’t be both.

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