What is Brigitte's job now? (PTR version)

Well if you wanna have some fun, try googling “iamsofancy brigitte”

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Yes, old Torb was devastating to Tracer. Sym shield gen was a brutal Tracer counter as well, though it was too easily destroyed and the rest of her kit wasn’t strong (FYI Sym never granted any armor).

A great deal of us were always aware of this “amazing secret.” Watch more YouTube videos.

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That was beautiful. :joy:

Tracer has never dominated in Silver. She’s never even been decent in Silver (or even the next few ranks).

I have lots of memories of really good Tracers just having their way with my team and we all get stressed and force someone to play McCree to try and counter her

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Yeah I’ve never seen her or genji be a big deal in gold either. Especially since moira came out.

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As a good user once said in the forums here and I 100% agree w/ him, countering a hero isn’t necessarily killing the them, it’s denying them from getting any value by their own gameplay


Okay but a 1 second CC and 5 dmg is not a good enough denial of value. Hook is a longer duration/range/damage and he has followup burst to kill them. Sleep is a longer duration CC, Junktrap is a longer duration CC with more damage and followup burst damage, etc

There’s so many more powerful heroes who can be considered better flanker counters once this patch goes thru based on that alone


Me too. Sure her winrate wasn’t high but in the games she was in turned out to be an absolute nightmare for me.

If someone’s a really good Tracer in Silver, a rank in which Tracer has an abysmal win rate and always has had even before Brigitte (so it’s clearly not a matter of picking Tracer=easy win), then surely that player deserves to win? Someone earlier in the thread argued that Brigitte should be able to neutralize high ranking flankers smurfing in low ranks and that would just be absurd, the solution to someone being too good for their rank (either because they’re in the process of ranking up or because they’re smurfing) can’t be as easy as switching to a Brigitte. The solution would be the good player ranking up or Blizzard banning the smurf, whichever is applicable.

And this discussion is moot since Brigitte remains a Tracer hard counter with her ult and her burst heals and her stun and auto aim, the damage combo was just icing on the cake and more often a problem for other heroes when the Brigitte was frontlining and stunning and killing tanks or healers…

To be fair, she should still be getting 100 damage total if she catches someone with a shield bash.

I could see it not being enough though.

A support that can barely heal, can no longer peel, and with average utility? Why pick her now?

A 20% healing nerf sent Mercy to 1% pick rate, why would this be different in Brigitte’s case?

Now we’ll have to deal with Tracer and Genji running around and killing stuff without a worry.

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Iunno. When reading a lot of what’s said on this forum it’s like the really good Tracers you describe are smurfs and in that sense they should just win and get out of your tier. Lot of people seem to just have a fear of smurf Tracers smashing on them. Smurfing is a problem beyond hero balance. They’d still smash you on DF or Widow or Genji or whatever DPS hero of the week it may be.

Honestly I wouldn’t want to hold them back from getting out of my tier and into one they belong in if they can play like that. I don’t need a hero to ez mode make it difficult for them to get to where they belong.

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Exactly. Other mobility hindering characters can do her job better now. Whatever happened to wait and see approach?

Want better heals? Ana/Moira
Want better mobility? Mercy/Lucio
Want better damage output? Zen
Want a totally cute ponytail? Brigitte

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150 burst heal is clutch af. Her radius is not bad, she has good zone control potential, and she is very difficult to take down.

Brigitte is still a reasonable pick, even with upcoming PTR nerfs. She might be weak, but we have to see. Maybe she will require buffs/further tuning.

Acting like the sky is falling gets us nowhere.

With her armor factored in her healing rivals Ana/Moira, and armor has benefits over raw HP since it reduces incoming damage. She’s also very tanky and the ultimate peeler and a very strong duelist (yes, even with her nerfs). And she provides utility like stunning ults. Brig is going to be just fine.

It’s up to us to express our opinion on the direction a hero is going so Blizzard knows how we feel about them. It’s up to us to put a stop to double PTR nerfs less than a week apart before the first one even went live to see how it settles/affects the hero first

It’s up to us to put an end to the ‘tradition’ of slow drip feeding of nerfs month after month for up to a year straight on supports. Just get all the nerfs out of the way at once and buff other things so the hero is playable.

Don’t give us whiplash with newer, worse builds every month

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So now, like sleep dart CC, SB will be a team-effort-CC. You can callout your SB combo and if your team is good enough, they will be able to kill the enemy while they’re stunned

For sure. That doesn’t mean we should be diving off the deep end into speculation, or employing hyperbole and exaggeration. We don’t need more “Forum Brigitte” type discussions.

This forum needs to chill tf out when it comes to exaggeration and just making these wildly emotional statements of feeling and position.

The rest of what you said is just your position/perspective on recent balance changes. We all have our own takes on them etc. Is what it is. I cbf to engage in that in detail.

Point remains. Don’t exaggerate, don’t just make emotional subjective/speculative statements. Try to understand the situation as best you can and take into consideration everyones perspectives.

Ez stuff. Balance benefits all. There has to be reason behind balance, and we can’t be reasonable if we turn every house fly into a fire breathing dragon.