What is Brigitte's job now? (PTR version)

5 ways to peel for teammates? What are these 5 ways?

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and…dodge.

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I definitely agree with you, and I am a Brig / Moira main.

Tank support hybrid, her damage comes from her tank half. Tanks can a lot of damage.

Yes, I agree with the tank-hybrid element of her kit, but she can also apply armor to her entire team and heal.

She is a frontline bruiser and a backline brawler, who can also heal. These changes further force her to fall into the role she was designed for, which was anti-dive and peeling. Right now she’s doing a little bit of everything, except obviously range.

I’m not opposed to lower the shield bash damage. But really a 90 percent damage reduction on shield bash. Something tells me these brig and doomfist changes where not meant to come out this patch.

All of these comment saying “this is her role now” but everyone ignoring that any other hero is better in her place. Trash healing, trash tanking, trash damage, just pick McCree to peel and you have some damage.

I am not seeing any PTR notes for damage reduction, I’ll admit.

I do agree that 5dmg is laughable.

Mcree doesn’t have shield or knockback to peel for his team. The only peel mcree has is stun

The 90 percent damage reduction is shield bash going from 50 dmg to 5.

He has a stun, a lot of damage, and can peel before the flankers even come close. If Brigitte stands near her healers she’s not doing anything for 90% of the match except spamming E. McCree was just 1 example. You can also pick Torb and place a turret at your backline and still have long range to contribute to a fight.

Trash healing i don’t know zen was trash healer or lucio.

Where is this at, though? I’m not seeing it on the PTR notes, at least on the forums.

Both Zen and Lucio have one of the most important ultimates in the game, which makes them the only contenders for the secondary healer slot. Both Zen and Lucio have very important abilities which are Speed Boost and Discord Orb, Zen has a lot of damage and Lucio is evasive.

Rally is a amazing ult turning the team into tanks. Shield bash can still be used in the frontline to allow brig team to get a pick which is important. She the only off support with burst heal that can win fight by its self. Brig, zen, and lucio still going to compete for off healer spot. The off supports have been more competitive spot than the main healers.

What is the point of her if she can’t kill flankers?
Her healing is subpar, has a long cooldown and only gives armor when over healing.
She also needs to hit stuff for her aoe heal to kick in meaning it’s worthless if people remember to stay at a distance.

If flankers are no longer afraid of getting killed when flanking then wheres the risk vs reward?

She needs to be aggressive for her healing to work.

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Her heal can not win fights by it self.
As i just stated her heal ability is subpar, has a long cooldown and only gives armor when overhealing.
An Ana can heal much much more than it does by a long way.
Also her aoe heal is only 16hp/s.

So she can’t instantly kill flankers by facing vaguely in their direction and suddenly she’s useless?

Flankers live and die by their speed. Any time beyond a few seconds in the enemy backline and they’re dead. Brig has this neat power to burst heal a significant amount of damage which can protect her teammate. She can also wade into the fight with her flail, which due to her aim-free design means it doesn’t matter how fast the flanker is she’s still gonna land shots, which triggers her passive dragging the fight on longer. She can stun and interrupt high speed movement allowing for more damaging heroes to confirm the kills.

Personally, I think it wouldn’t even be a terrible idea to bump her life up a little or increase the duration of the stun now that she isn’t just straight murdering anyone under 300 hp.

I was talking about her bust heal which has won me fights by its self. If brig healing ability is subpar than all of the roof supports are terrible healers. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve repair pack a tank and than that takes wins the fight.

Also six seconds is not a long cooldown.