What if Mercy healed +10 more

Why though? She’s fine as she is now.

I meant this:


  • Press Q to toggle between chain beams, and focus beams.
  • Focus healing beams have 90 heals per second, heal only one teammate, and the shorter basic beam length.
  • Focus boost beams have 40% damage boost, boost only one teammate, and the shorter basic beam length.

Secondary Ultimate: Resurrect

  • Ult Charge high enough to average 5 ults per game
  • 0.5 second cast time

It used to say #revertmercy at the end. So it still annoys me lol. Doesn’t help that the name is “Revert Mercy” lol

Balancing on the basis of pick rate is a very incomplete way to balance. In diamond-gm Mercy and Brigitte have comparable pick rates. One is the lowest win rate healer by a good margin, and one is the highest. There’s about 6% separating them. Are Mercy and Brigitte in a similar place in terms of balance?

Mercy players aren’t complaining about pick rates. The current pick rates are fine. What we’re complaining about is efficacy (and also play experience).

The data is there, clear as day. Mercy is currently struggling. She’s not powerful enough right now. If this situation persists for a while, she absolutely will need to be more powerful. Now, if this comes in the form of a buff that also has some partially compensating nerfs, then that’s fine. It’s probably for the best, since no one wants to return to the must pick situation again. But it will need to happen. Her current 50 hps is a disaster that’s preventing her from performing her role, and will need to be fixed if the situation stays at it is.

The whole debate feels very frustrating. There’s so many false and misleading claims being put forth. That she’s balanced, that her win rates are going up, etc. When you point out that none of this comports with the current data people either ignore the claim, talk about some less relevant data, or use a motte and bailey defense that more time is needed.

It feels impossible to get someone to honestly admit that there may be cause for concern here. That the current Mercy data doesn’t look great. That it bears careful watching. That in the zeal to get Ana back into the meta, Mercy might have been hit too hard or in a way that warped her character too much. That maybe this was not the ideal solution, and maybe it will need to be revisited in the future.

Just so you know, the picture uses Valkyrie’s old icon.

Well, we’ll have to see where things go.

But winrate is a strange metric. Because it looks more negative when there’s a mirror match, more positive when there’s mismatched healers.

And as we’ve covered before, the biggest contributing factor to low winrates is playing a hero on maps/comps where they are weak. “Maps/Comps where Mercy is weak” is a strange and new concept.

And if both teams pick Mercy on “Maps where Mercy is strong” it makes the winrate look like 50% minus draws.

How about this idea

You keep her the way she is. However

If you valk you can mass rez. It has a cast time like normal rez only a bit longer.
Healing is at 55HPS
If you are zen orbed for heals 50% of that healing goes to your target as well as 55HPS
Mercy pistol does 10% less damage

Win rate is not a strange metric at all. It’s the number one most natural metric, as long as you pay a a little bit of attention to not say silly things or try to apply it in silly cases (like when a character has 16% or 0.01% pick rate). It’s what’s separating Brigitte from Mercy right now, and the two are in very different positions.

When Mercy’s pick rates neared 16%, all matches were mirror matches and Mercy’s win rates were at exactly the tier averages. Interestingly enough, Mercy’s win rates were also constantly average for every pick rate between February’s 5% and July’s 16%. During this time, not every match was a mirror match. Mercy wasn’t more powerful than the average character.

So what fueled her rise? Your second point. Mercy was significantly better than Ana, and the disparity pushed Ana down. This was never going to change unless changes were made.

Right now, all of Mercy’s competitors are significantly better than her and it’s pushing her down. This is never going to change unless changes are made.

You claim that this is going to be fixed over time, but color me unconvinced. It’s been weeks. Mercy’s not complicated and she’s not new. We’re not seeing an upward trend. We’re not even seeing it in higher ranks, where people would presumably be better at figuring out where a character is good or not.

Mercy’s pick rates are already at Brigitte’s level. Brigitte is a specialist. She only works in certain situations. She sees much more success than Mercy. If Mercy has an undiscovered niche, it’s more specific than Brigitte’s. Ana is map and comp dependent and sees much higher success with much higher pick rates. If Mercy has an undiscovered best comp/best map strategy, then it’s far more specific than Ana’s. Mercy is not a specialist, and she’s not as comp/map dependent as Ana. I’ll wait to see, but I’m preemptively calling bs here.

I see, so I take it that you have no reason for your previous post and are just following my posts around to spread hatred against me, instead of being a part of the discussion. Got it! Thanks for offering your input! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

60 health per second was fine, other supports just needed the buffs. If they just nerfed Mercy, they wouldn’t be better.

Have you been paying attention to her stats? She needs no more nerfs. In fact, it’s more likely that she’ll get a small buff. Doubtful, but still more likely.

Well, they have a point. You did come in to reject an idea for Mercy and promote your own, preventing any discussion on the topic.

This. The entire rework was to make her more engaging in combat but the end result is that she barely has any presence mid fight anymore. Valkyrie was never good against ult exchange fights so it s better used to push when nobody else has ult. Her recent hps made it harder for her to juggle, and keep the team alive midfight. It s balanced out by cd rez but cd rez itself removes mercy from the fight for almost 2 seconds

Her healing should be reverted completely. She has almost none mid-fight value. Healing tanks take eternity, and you heal only 1. Valkyrie’s healing aspect is nearly useless.

Why they can’t just revert her healing, tie REZ to Valkyrie and give her insignificant E ability… this would be best option.

I’ve heard they do not wanna tie rez to valk, but what’s the problem?Rez once was her Q, why just not lessen numbers of Rezz by just giving her 1 insta rez during valk… I don’t get it Blizzard…

You are mistaken. The OP gave an idea, and I offered an alternative idea. Afterwards there were / are people still discussing the topic. So… No. At no point did I outright reject their previous suggestion nor did I prevent any discussion. Even though they outright rejected mine. :smirk:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

And what you want Mercy with old REZ on Q without invulnerability?

Additionally with new E ability?

I’m pretty sure he ever included that in his signature. Anyway, we’ve gone off topic for long enough. Time to end this discussiom.

I haven’t ever replied to one of your posts before this point. Stop being a cringey little e-girl for half a second and do your research.

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A revert now would throw balance out of whack. Personally I think Mercy is fine, just not the strongest main healer anymore, which I’m okay with even as a Mercy player.

And with a projected insult like that, I’m sure it won’t be your last reply. But yes, do enjoy boosting your own ego by continuing to belittle others, I’m sure it’s doing great things for you within this community. :slight_smile:

That’s a fine opinion to have. You are entitled to your own opinion. As for me, I disagree. I believe that Mercy could most definitely use a revert, and seeing as Mass res mercy wasn’t nearly as unbalanced as Valkyrie has been overall (lest we forget which version of Mercy was an OP un-killable moth for 5 months straight), I think we should certainly at least give it a second chance. After all, we’ve already given Valkyrie 11+ chances already with each nerf, and from the looks of it, it still doesn’t look like it’s going to make her any better. But that’s just my own views. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.