What if Mercy healed +10 more

But not altogether surprising.

The drama is always fun :slight_smile:

What if she just got res deleted and reverted to 60hps.
Wow balancing is hard.

Mercy doesn’t need to be less tedious (though she also needs this). She needs to be more effective in combat. 50 hps is not enough. It’s not working. She needs 60. This might necessitate tweaks to res (such as removing it) or to Valkyrie, but the 50 hps experiment has been flat out terrible. You should be less proud for suggesting it.

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Oh I’m sorry, in what way is you going onto every Mercy thread and spamming “revert :cry: mercy - xoxo lover of fair balance” constructive? I’m curious. :blush:


It can’t be a conicidence, we all know the devs read the forums right ?

Oh wait !

The reply to the comment is what’s cracking me up. :joy:

I think Mercy is very balanced right now on a pickrate basis.

If a couple buffs with counterbalancing nerfs would be more Fun. Then do that.

But I don’t think she needs to be more powerful.

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If you haven’t gotten healed within the last 4 seconds, you’re better off juat getting a health pack. Because your Mercy is either:

  1. Dead

  2. Just not paying attention

The secret is to not take things too seriously and have fun.

If I’m wrong, oh well, if not cool :slight_smile:

Ahh, the TF2 Crit heal mechanic.

Don’t worry, I wasn’t intending on taking it seriously to begin with. Just find it hilarious.

His right click is still projectile after it pops. There is travel time on its pieces.

Mercy “discussion” threads in a nutshell lmao.

Just give up people, trying to act factual against them is futile because no matter what you say they’ll still think they’re in the right and therefore Blizz is forced to act on it. “The others” don’t matter when my fun and my voice is the right one.

Mercy threads are “factual” (or well, Mercy mains think they are), there’s nothing to discuss about “facts”, there’s nothing to discuss.

I’m not talking about balancing the game around gold. These were your words. See what I mean by “the typical forums troll”…

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If those are my words, could you find the quote you’re talking about?

That said, I did think devs want Mercy specifically to be an accessible healer for lower ranks, including Gold.

But I think the game as a whole should be balanced around Diamond.

The thread got 404’ed, I’m pretty sure. But quoting “The game should be balanced around Gold and below, since the majority of players are there”. These were your words, more or less, can’t recreate them perfectly. The main idea is that you said the game should be balanced around gold and below.

Anyways. Mercy is terrible in all ranks except diamond. If we follow this

logic that means Mercy needs some serious working on. Buffing won’t do much as it will push her as Meta again. That’s why we nerfed her 13 times. (+2 side effects). I’m more in for a rework including mass res with LoS/Cast time and some neat E ability. I like the rework idea included in
Titanium’s post but I’m open to hear other ideas, and ofc I will share my comments on it

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Well, if that’s what I wrote, my bad. Because then that’s not what I meant. Must have been a typo.

As for balance,
Any thoughts on these?

What if Mercy healed +10 more - #22 by GreyFalcon-11737

Can’t wait for her new nerf, where she can’t leave spawn.

/s :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This is… not exactly what I’d like to see as a change. The main input is in the middle of the fight. It is unlikely that any hero, if not a sniper, won’t take any dmg in the teamfight. So her effective healing stays at 50 :confused: What I’d like to see is a more dynamic ult, even if it means 50 hps. If not lets make a compromise and give her 60hps at the cost of Valk’s length being 10-12 seconds instead of 15. It will feel more dynamic this way

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