What if Mercy healed +10 more

Unless Overbuff’s reading it wrong virtually all of your time on her is from early 2017


Mercy’s changes dropped on Sept 19th 2017.

You had one full win as her in QP since then and won 11 matches in competitive play as her with 16 losses with some partials mixed in.

The last Mercy nerf dropped on August 9th 2018. I’ve won more than 20 matches in QP since then.

I also played at least 20 on the PTR.

I try to give everything a fair shake before I decide on it.

You can see how your numbers would be a bit frustrating considering your topic count on the subject and dodging around your point of view. If you hate x or y just stick to saying that.

If you can’t I’ll try to provide an example with Roadhog.

You liked the old Roadhog a lot I personally didn’t.

If I took your approach to Mercy, I’d start suggesting lots of changes to him that will do very little to actually help him because after his latest “bugfix” his pick rate will likely continue to be in it’s sad state or get even worse and they’ll eventually need to get around to reworking him/buff him.


Chess, please can you copy my link. You are going to laugh when you see it. :joy:

Not unless you do placements in the end of every season, you don’t. :rofl: Got quite a lot of Mercy mains as friends doing exactly this.

Says you again without any credibility or evidence.

Think whatever you want mate.

It’s a lot more than that and you know it. :grinning:

Nah, Mercy is easier.

Symmetra needed to be changed and the devs were right to do so. They just need to fix her primary and her ultimate. The rework however is absolutely needed however.

What else I can say, I can just put my money where my mouth is, you on the other hand my friend have no credibility and is just a dog that barks a lot as the saying goes. Keep dreaming that Mercy is super hard to play and mass rez was good for the game but unfortunately reality is different. Also don’t make wild claims you got a GM alt unless you are prepare to back that up :rofl: Especially when it’s likely on a console. Not to mention I can easy-peazy get a GM account myself and present is my alt if I wanted to. Also wasn’t pointing my rank, rank shaming according your guys strategy? You are bullying me now man, why you gotta rank shame me, I’m just a diamond player ;/ Just kidding, of course. I don’t falsely report people.

Yeah, I’ve run into his reddit account on my reddit account from time to time. I don’t link accounts generally since that can lead to too much personal information fast.

Fascinating. No comment. Seriously.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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You think it’s a coincidence that a month after I spam the devs with “healing per round” charts and suggest 50hps.

That the devs do 50hps, and use healing per round as their justification.

It could be :slight_smile:

Are you seriously trying to credit yourself as being the reason for Mercy’s healing revert?

Sorry, but that is truly amusing. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Such… devotion, such an ego. I think after seeing this comment I won’t be able to take any of GreyFalcon’s responses seriously.


I can literally do this with any other hero…

Feel free to tell me…

I disagree.

Apparently not if every change they do is right…

I mean, would my old PS4 smurf account suffice?



Yep, it probably is a coincidence. :slight_smile:

We love a makeup community drama queen!

I’m open to the possibility that I could be wrong, and merely good at predicting what the devs will do. :slight_smile:

Was anybody else suggesting 50hps?
Search results for '50hps @GreyFalcon-11737 before:2018-07-24' - Overwatch Forums

Can we please hereby promote GreyFalcon as a developer. Just a few weeks ago he stated the game should be balanced around gold and below. Two days later he says “it should be balanced around Diamond”. And now, the Gold Pharah main gives himself credit for balancing.

Such a devoted man… Such emotion

EDIT: /s

Like I said before, I was trying to explain how 85% of the playerbase has more of an impact than 15%, on the math of an “Overall Winrate”.

But I guess you can keep misinterpreting that if it makes you feel better :slight_smile:

A lot of Mercy haters have mentioned they wanted her healing reduced. I think you may want to think about what you’re saying, I understand wanting to feel special, but there are hundreds of others who have most likely proposed this outside of the forums. I don’t think you are solely to credit for the OW team’s decisions. It does sound a little silly.


Where did you leave the other part of my text.
Like this:

Gold and below is 60-ish %, not 85% according to the last RELIABLE statistics. More proof you are bending words the way they suit you.

You mean besides this person? Literally posted almost a year before you? Yes.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

You had to look all the way back 11 months, huh?

Can you point out to me the part of that thread that where it mentions healing per round?

You are using platitudes at this point…

Your original question was

I proved you wrong.

The fact remains, you were not the first one to make the suggestion. Simple as that, and thinking so is objectively false.

Sorry, you get no credit for reverting Mercy here. Many others have given the suggestion long before you. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Completely ignored my reply because it proves him wrong.
Ahhh, typical GreyFalcon.

Inb4 “You weren’t worth my reply”, because hell, noone that proves him wrong is worth the reply

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