What if Mercy could apply overheals that decay overtime?

And in turn, they are allowed to completely disagree with you and disregard your insults. As once again, they are entitled to their opinion, and they are justified in their feelings of not having fun with a hero, just as you are in thinking #MercyIsFine, whether that feeling seems realistic to you or not.

Their concerns are still, just as valid as yours, and statistically, Mercy still has the lowest avg winrate percentage of all the supports for the past 6 months, for the record. :blush:


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I dont hate it but 150 overheals is a lot

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Only way that would go through is if they dropped Rez for it (which I mean…at this point I’m okay with that). Still applies with the “heroes never die” idea but doesn’t have an ability so strong that everything else about her needs to be weakened. I’d make it her new E ability with a higher decay rate (I think like 30 hps decay).

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Look, I know you don’t care about the Mercy community, but there are some of us that do. And people spreading ignorance is reflected upon all of us. If you want changes fine, but keep them in touch with reality. You are the first person to mention fun, but if that was the ops intent, he should suggest the nerfs required to balance his proposed buffs. Otherwise he’s not being realistic and makes us all look bad.


I care about the Mercy community, which is why I believe that everyone’s opinions are valid, not just the ones you agree with, and I don’t insult people who disagree with my views by calling them “out of touch with reality.”

As I said… The reality is that not everyone has to be #MercyIsFine, and those opinions are perfectly valid ones to have, as is yours, whether you like that or not. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Your actions say otherwise.


Your Ad Hominem is noted. My point still stands. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


This wasn’t really a nerf, but rather a correction.

There’s no reason I can think of that knockback should work differently on a flying object than one on the ground


I am aware of some changes on the PTR, but I am not aware of any nerfs to Mercy

There are two kinda-sorta nerfs.

  1. Change to damage boost.
  2. Change to flying target knockback.

But… these are both changes made for other reasons. The damage boost change is to make the game compatible with amplification matrix (plus, it’s the way it should have always worked). The knockback change is for loads of reasons, but it isn’t specifically to nerf Mercy.

I’m ignoring the question of whether it would be OP or not with my post here.

I don’t think overhealing would work with her kit as it exists right now. The Medic wanted to keep overheals up on as many people as possible, switching targets frequently. Mercy, meanwhile, wants to spend downtime when people don’t need healing damage boosting them instead.

I would actually prefer overhealing to her damage boost, if I had to choose between them. Overhealing is one of the reasons why I found Medic to be far more engaging to play than Mercy.

yea definitely.

We don’t have enough sustain in the game. Just bringing people back to life, not letting them die, insta heals, insta armors, added armor, added shield, high bursts of healing.

We definitely need more. It’s not like goats is a thing because of sustain right?

I’d rather build a new main healer around that mechanic than add it to Mercy.

the thing is she doesnt need a buff, she needs something that feels more… fun fresh and new, but not less or more impactful than she already is.

too bad the devs aren’t taking community ideas otherwise she wouldn’t really be talked about much anymore.

Yes, I knew of these already…they aren’t nerfs

I’m assuming that’s what the other people are referring to as nerfs.

Yeah, it finds the anti-Mercy and “the devs hate Mercy” agenda better if they are seen as nerfs

And I agree. But regardless of whether it was meant to be that way or not, it is still objectively a nerf given to an otherwise balanced hero in a decent spot.

Same as when Moira was changed so she couldn’t heal through shields.

The susceptibility to knockback while airborne is a nerf any way you look at it.

The knockback change is definately a nerf, theres no other way to look at it. Whether it was a bug fix or not, it is still a nerf, especially when it was around for so long. The damage boost change is neither a buff nor a nerf but the knockback change is a nerf.

What would you call increasing the enemies ability to boop you further away from targets you are rezzing if not a nerf. It’s literally a direct nerf