What if Mercy could apply overheals that decay overtime?

Like, 150 HP max and decays 3 hp every game tick or so?

Yea this is taken right from TF2s Medic, but they’re more alike than anything.

Yey or nay?


Mercy is fine. This would be unnecessary.


What if we didn’t buff a hero that is already balanced?


Nay, she needs help but that’s a little too much :smiley:


IF she was fine, she wouldnt have gotten the knockback nerf on ptr.

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Mercy is fine. Move along.


If she was balanced, she wouldnt be nerfed on ptr. Shes too strong /s.


If she was, there wouldnt be a need to nerf her when using her ultimate.

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Did they even confirm that is was a nerf?
Is it in the patch notes?

I’d like to see a buff that adds depth to tell the difference between a good Mercy and a healbot Mercy.

I’d like 60hps, but in a way that makes it earned… Not just “Here is more healing for nothing”



Quit with the dramatics. It’s a nerf in some situations, buff in others and it’s more logical this way. It’s a just a change, and imo a good one too as it makes a lot more sense this way. How it should have been from the get go.

So what’s your point as it relates to the OP? If you’re saying she needed nerfed that means she was too strong and a buff presented by the OP is unnecessary. So thanks for agreeing with me.

Being able to be knocked back in valkyrie or when using GA is not a buff. If the enemy somehow manages to move you in such a way as to benefit you, that doesnt mean the change was a buff.

Because so many things make sense in the game.

Probably, but thats not the case, its happening now and its a nerf to a “balanced” hero. Just like when Moira could heal through shields, it shouldve been something she was unable to do since the beginning, but then decided tochange it, essentially nerfing her.

Basically, just because something shouldve been some way or another doesnt mean that making the change at some point to the detriment of the hero is not a nerf. Its still a nerf.

I’m not responding to the OP, im responding to you.

I did not say that.

Thanks for demonstrating how you can jump to conclusions on an assumption that you admitted to, since you said “If you’re saying…” only to state that I agreed with you, when your original statement was based on the possibility that I was saying she needed a nerf when I didnt.

You went from stating an if-then argument based on what you though I was saying and followed a true premises yet your conclusion that I agreed with you makes your argument unsound.

What I’m saying to you is that If she was fine, she would not be nerfed as much as she would not be buffed


Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were talking about the damage boost change, not the bug fix. That is actually even more pathetic. I really wish people like you would stop making us Mercy players look bad. Mercy is in a great spot and most of your complaints would be resolved by putting down your stubborn attitude and hive mentality to actually learn the hero in her new form and enjoy her for what she is.


I’m not talking about the bug fix. I’m talking about how they made it so Mercy is able to be knocked back in Valkyrie and when using GA.

If she was, then they wouldnt need to nerf her.

She is the same hero. Nothing has really changed only that in order to use your iconic ability you are forced to hide rather than have the versatility to decide if it would be better to not hide.


It would barely be used. Mercy takes so long to heal that she rarely has time for anything else.

Damage Boost is better than Overheal

Mercy does not need a buff to anything in her existing kit. If anything she need to be nerfed to the ground so they can add/replace something that is beneficial for the enjoyment of her kit. Buffing her existing kit would be completely wasted and would probably just make her op


Just like you think Mercy is fine, people are allowed to disagree and not think she is fine.

It has nothing to do with making #MercyIsFine look “good” or “bad” as that is irrelevant. They are entitled to their opinions, and it matters just as much as yours. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


And I’m allowed to call those people out for being out of touch with reality since most everyone and statistics seem to say she is balanced and not in need of buffs.