What if instead of role queue/222

The game is designed as jeff discussed to flex.

One tricks exist because the game inadvertently rewards it. Moving to multiple role SRs will help this. Teams play GOATs because as I just said, problems in the game, that doesn’t mean the designers wanted GOATs or metas period. Ideally they don’t.

2/2/2 will not prevent “metas” explicitly, but it makes them less rigid because a set of characters balanced to be in pairs in sets of six is far, far easier to balance with. So we go from say one rigid meta per map to say something more like 3-4 equally viable “metas” per map, if that.

And fwiw, OWL is not the best measure, we are concerned with what QP and the ladder look like as that’s the better example of what the game really is for players.

I apologize for asking about your 2-2-2 statement, if you want to debate about 2-2-2, go to those posts about 2-2-2 that are abundant these days as people are always willing to fight over something so nonsensical (in my opinion at least)