What if Hack was a skillshot?

A somewhat forgiving one, but still. Maybe have it so she uses quick melee for it, with a slightly narrower but longer hitbox.
Or simply a thick projectile, like Brigitte’s whipshot but faster.

I know people hate getting hacked, but think about sleep dart. It’s probably an even more dangerous cc-effect, yet nobody really whines about it because it’s not easy to land.
I think Sombra’s hack should be somewhere in the middle between sleep dart and current lock-on (because she should be useful against genji, tracer, and pharah)


sounds like a nerf. Why would you want to nerf her?


I’m not sure. If hack was straight-up just applied by quick melee, for instance, Reinhardt or D.va could kiss their abilities goodbye. It’s true that you’d trade it for usefulness against other heroes, especially Pharah.

But I think a type of shot can be made that achieves a good middleground result, and with enough practice, a sombra player could hack more than before.

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No. Make it a skillshot, and it’s usefulness against high mobility heroes drops by a huge margin.


if you were to quick melee reinhard, you would be dead afterwwards, unless you TL away immediately. That new playstyle is in no was worth being unable to hack people from behind or from above where they wouldn’t suspect it.

The only problem is just having to find the right target when they are all clustered together.

If you were to bind hack to melee, you would have to get rd of the cd so that punching everyone was actually useful. Otherwise you would just desperately try to sneak up to someone, hit them, then hope it actually connected and leaves you around for long enough to capitalize on it before everyone unloads on you and forces you to either retreat or die.

This would be ok if it made hack insta-kill. that way, the people who siad getting hacked is worse than dying won’t have to complain!!!

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I wasn’t fond of this idea before, but if it allowed me to actually hack people consistently unlike current hack with all it’s bugs, then maybe this is better option.

Just don’t make it as difficult as sleep dart though, Sombra is already hard to play effectively.

Absolutely not, her hack is ****** right now as it is.

This week:

Sombra’s pickrate: 0.48% (dead last)
Sombra’s winrate: 44.13% (dead last)

yeah, let’s nerf her further lmao

Somba is already trash-tier, what’s the purpose of making her even harder to play?

I think you guys underestimate how easy it could be made to land. I say “skillshot”, but technically even a hitscan projectile the size of Coalescence counts as a skillshot, and it would be trivial to land that.

What I’m saying is find a good balance of projectile speed, size, and range so that Sombra isn’t hacking everything for free, but can still land it on Genji/Tracer/Pharah with relative ease. And don’t forget that this would mean that it cannot be interrupted. One of Sombra’s weaknesses right now is that she can’t really attack from the front, this would eliminate that.

If you think Sombra is hacking for “free” I doubt you play her. Sombra doesn’t need a nerf like this. Please stop spouting nonsense.

Read that sentence again, I didn’t mean she’s hacking for free now. I meant that about my suggested hack “shot”, i.e. it shouldn’t be too easy to land (but not too hard either).
If I was a developer, I’d tweak it so that she ends up getting the same or slightly more hacks than now

Gettins hacks is not her problem.

Many people agree that she was “good for two weeks”, then made weak again. What changed? Her hack was nerfed, with a harsh penalty for interruption (and also janky behaviour in terms of breaking/LOS-checks). I want to see the whole mechanic of interruption gone, with hack instead being avoided with plain old dodging.

You get a 2 second cooldown if you take damage. That’s not harsh. There are glitches with her hack that need fixing but the cooldown is your fault.

And yet it is cited by many as the reason her stats have dropped again after her initial buffs. In fact what else is there? Nothing else got changed since then

With hack, you still need tracking therefore I think it fine the way it is.

If they made it skillshot then some things need to be changes and it also need to inflict damage.

Name them. If you’re getting your hack interrupted constantly then you’re not hacking in the right places at the right time. I can understand the occasional d.va spray across the map but other than that, if you’re always in a situation where you’re getting the cooldown penalty, you may need to practice more with Sombra and if you do get it, 2 seconds isn’t long at all. It’s the same as the guardian angel cooldown if you’re always trying to hack in a situation where 2 seconds is too long to survive, you’re hacking at the wrong time anyway. She has a gun and a translocator for a reason.

Name what, the stats? Here’s one of many threads on the subject:

Here’s her pick/winrate graphed out, also found in that thread

(click it to see full size)
The image in fact shows that even before the hack nerf, she still wasn’t particularly great.