What if Brigitte doesn't use her shield to bash?

My win-rate legit went from sub 15% from when I was learning her with all of the other Ana in the lobbies (back then no limits was the standard) to like a staggering 70% once I started duoing with my sister who was a ridiculous Rein main. We literally won games, just the two of us, and there was nothing anyone could do. It made even 2CP enjoyable on offense. Ha ha ha…

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Just some examples, and if that is not enough, you are arbitrary at having on group having say over another because you belong to one.

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Can we have the same concept applied to Doomfist rocket punch ?

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Not a thread about Orisa.

I’m never said that people who want genji nerfed don’t exist. But they’re clearly not large enough to have a meaningful enough of an impact. Otherwise…they would an impact.

Like, Blizzard is the ultimate arbitrator here. Who gets nerfed and who gets buffed is not an absolute popularity contest, but a large part of it is. And lots of people like genji and think he’s fine where he is. Probably because he’s fun. And lots of people don’t think that about Brig. Because she’s not.

That’s…pretty much the long and short of it. And I know it can suck, because I still think Roadhog’s damage should have never been changed. But in this case, I feel it’s pretty clear enough people have spoken about how unfun brig is and how strong she is (when used in certain contexts) that nerfs are warranted.

Like I said, I don’t think brig should be deleted, but I want counterplay to her. Because that’s what makes for a better game. In my opinion, but my only job here as an Overwatch fan is to try and convinced blizzard of my arguments.

The Genji detractors have failed. The Brig detractors have succeeded. I don’t know what else you really want here. I think brig is awful and is going to keep ruining the game until her abilities are reworked to be more counterable, and I hope that blizzard comes to think this as well.

That sounds like trash… you guys are over nerfing her. She’s strong right now like Reinhardt was weak with the meta and you guys refused to buff him. Can you at least wait to see how the meta changes with these other buffs and hero release? She’s going to hurt from that and her other nerfs…
Now it sounds like it’s becoming unreasonable.

I think she’s strong within the meta… but she’s not that strong by herself.


Then you should do the same for Doom’s abilities too. Otherwise it will not be a design decision, but an appeal to low skill players that refuse to learn how to counter.


In my opinion, it comes down to class numbers. There are simply more DPS players than support players. Therefore, the “Brig is unfun” that comes, largely from Genji mains is not a separate issue but one in the same. DPS players are not complaining about Genji, which baffles me as he wins the match-up against virtually all of them but the characters that Genji mains most hate, Sombra and Doomfist. But whatever. The point is the unfun argument works when DPS players use it. Mercy has the largest fan-base and that has not seemingly gotten them anywhere because that is not supported by other support players. In other words, I agree with you that it is a popularity contest; however, you asserted it is not entirely one and that is where I disagree. It absolutely is which is why characters that nobody cares about, such as Bastion, or characters that people hate, such as McCree, took over a year to get addressed in a meaningful way.

So that is all what is wrong here from the start, the entitlement to have a say over others, how the game is to be played or how the heroes they play should get deleted or made unplayable.
Because a lot of people like Brigitte, and think she is fine where she is. Probably because she’s fun, and I say that as Rein main.

You can’t take a movement which openly states they want to make a hero unplayable serious, otherwise it is just circus. Again, you are being arbitrary on who of the heroes is fun, and who not, based on the prejudice against her design, which is not shared by many other people.

The change is, in my opinion, not needed, because I don’t find her a problem as someone who mains tank in the first place. The devs will test it first, don’t act like it is final, and we shall see how it is played out, and the possibility of it not being implemented is not from the table either.

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yes! thank you I actually really like this change. tanking is frustrating enough without the stuns.

I would think it would be this one and the shield bash will now just hit the barrier as if it hit a player as it does now.

df is still buggy, but i’m sure ow dev team is working on this

For me, a large part of it is that you have to be really good at genji to do just win matches.

Genji is a character I practice a lot on, but I fail with him a lot too. He has to hit his shuriken, his deflect usually doesn’t do much reflected damage, and as soon as they hear his ult, everyone plays ‘Look for the genji’.

Good genji’s, supported by their team can get work done, but he’s not braindead to play. Which is the crux of the issue for me with brig and I imagine very others. She is just so braindead to play.

This makes sense really. Shield Bash was the only ability that was going through shields with Brigitte and all her other abilites were blocked.

This changes makes it much safer behind Rein’s or Winston’s shield as a support and tank player main. Rein mains should be really happy with this change and we all know that pro players usually use Brigitte to shield Bash the enemy Rein and the teammate Rein shatters them. It a free cheap easy win and with this change happening. You cannot cheese your way to victory like that.

Brigitte players now require some thought into their actions like any other character now. I actually like this upcoming Brigitte change. Yes, it’s a nerf but it was needed.

Makes playing Rein safer when he’s clearly holding his shield up. People like McCree require skill and thought like looking up to flashbang him or tricking him by looking up and then quickly looking at his feet to flashbang him.

That isn’t through the shield. He thought about that flashbang before using it. The enemy Rein needs to think about countering that McCree because he knows what he going to do.

Now the enemy Rein can actually counter a Brigitte in the same way.

I hope people aren’t mad about this change. It’s really needed and makes perfect sense and allows people like Rein, Winston and even an enemy Brigitte to counter.

Brigitte vs Brigitte is very dumb. Whoever shield bash first wins the fight. Now, you can bait and block that shield bash if you quickly put your shield up. See what I mean???

This is what separates players to be honest. It’s called game sense.

that is a start, but between so many dps to choose from and power creep, playing tanks just feels like all you do is feed enemy ult charge.

If this is done you better revert some of her previous nerfs. She does NOT need a nerf right now and if this change goes through she needs either a second shorter cooldown or the 100 shield health back. Don’t listen to all the forum whiners she is not OP… far from it.


I like the idea of giving Orisa the Dva treatment and putting fortify on a resource meter rather than a cooldown. Also perhaps just like with translocator you should be able to cancel a placed shield to readjust its positioning (perhaps with any damage directed at it still registered to balance it)

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What if we put the stun on the whip and the knock back on the shield bash

Finally, a step in the right direction. Good job guys. Brigitte was designed to help the healers against dive. She’s aim never was to initiate a push.

Again, good job. Thanks for the communication.

Shield bash and whip shot both great space for the team to take advantage. She is essential another tank while in the game. Tracer has nothing in her kit makes her frontline hero. Yet we can replace another dps for her tanking support ability.