What if Brigitte doesn't use her shield to bash?

This shield bash change helps dive. Winston dives backline puts shield down brig now has to fight tipy toe battle to shield bssh dive heros inside Winston bubble.

Personally I would make her shield “break” for 3 seconds after shield bashing, this would make it higher risk ability while maintaining its power.

That being said I have nothing against the devs changes either.

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Do you even know what this change will cause to the game? It will just make GOATS stronger. You need to go through the Rein shield to stop the death ball. Brigitte was the answer to it.

You guys just keep nerfing heroes that people complain about because they are lazy and don’t want to adapt to the new heroes added if they counter their main. This happened to Roadhog and Mercy, turning them to F tier heroes. Stop listening to the whining. People will never stop complaining, each time a different hero.

This is a fanstastic change, it should have been in place from the start. Now with this PLEASE revert the CD changes that were bandaided onto her to bring the power level down.

Hi Geoff. Love the game. Awesome work. Could you also by any chance test this out?

  1. Her e ability -> Heals 150 hp if character is not full hp. If character is full hp, gives 75 armor. Makes the ability more tactful and isn’t stronger than Mercy 1.0 Res.

  2. Her ultimate. Instant bonus armor instead of armor over time but fades over time. It’s kinda ridiculous that her ultimate single handedly determines the fight outcome for two fights sometimes.

Curious, does Whipshot have pierce (like other melee?). If not, maybe it should, in combination with the Bash nerf.

You are right. It will be kinda the same situation as Mcree vs Winston but Brigitte is capable of go inside the bubble to still stun the Winston. But your argument will be still correct. This will take a bunch of new ghost-bashes bugs and will end on your point, we will need to wait and see/test on PTR.

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If you add this change to Brigitte, then please add it to Doomfist as well.


It does not. It just deals 40 damage to the barrier and ignores the boop.

I’m already tempted to start posting gif reactions like other people do.

I agree. She’s part of why Mei is so good right now. I can both counter enemy Brig and team up with friendly Brig and she completely solves Mei’s issues against dive heroes (Mei doesn’t counter dive, contrary to some claims. Genji, Winston and especially Tracer all have the tools to win Mei). Brig (and Mei buffs) finally allows me to play Mei in competitive. I’ve waited since 2016.

Just hearing that hurts me physically. I’ve only been in that situation twice. It was bad enough that i seriously considered quitting.

But five! Good lord… i don’t even want to think how that feels like…


You wanna know what’s worse?

I actually did quit at one point. Just ONE thing brought me back to this game:

Brigitte’s announcement.


Please don’t let this change go into the live game.


Then I’m curious what people would think if the Bash nerf went through but Whipshot got pierce. Brigitte would regain a bit of counterplay against Rein and Winston, and much less so against Orisa. Being able to pierce Whipshot could also open up opportunties to push other enemies back a bit, that are attacking under barrier cover.

All they seem to be able to do with Brig is to nerf her. :-1:

Why not a partial rework that makes her more fun to play against while keeping her as a viable pick?

It’s absolutely insane. On the one hand Jeff rightfully talks about “Forums Brigitte.” On the other hand Blizz proves that they continue to capitulate to ridiculous demands. :frowning:


OMG NO! It’s a melee move why would you do that? OW Devs only listen to whiners and the 1% of the player base and the people that follow them like bots #DELETEBRIG,#REMOVEMERCY,#NERFHOG anyone? Look how Hog and Mercy ended in the long run after. People need to counter play hero’s and stop complaining.

Don’t come for me about skill! Just because a hero is more difficult then the other doesn’t mean they should have an easy kill on less demanding hero’s. “We should just die because your playing a hero that takes more skill GTFOH”

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Will doomfists stun or Rein’s charge not go through barriers? Why is the only hero with a melee stun being nerfed a support when tanks and DPS have the same chance to do what she does but they aren’t being changed? Brigitte hasn’t been out a full year and already she’s been changed to be worse so many times. It’s unsettling as a support main that one class can be changed so much while the other classes remain largely untouched or are being improved while supports continue to be reworked and have their current impacts lessened.

Rein, Zarya, Winston, and D.va are all balanced within each other. This buffs all of them but does nothing to Orisa and Roadhog, who are already struggling to compete with those four.

This change might help hog because it will make her weak and Hog may take her place, but it won’t change that. It will just make already strong choices even stronger.

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This feels like it breaks a precedent though: movement abilities bypass barriers. Having this apply to Brig’s bash but not Doom’s punch, Rein’s charge, Hammond’s top speed form, or D.Va’s boosters makes zero sense to me.

I’d like to know, has the team given much thought to the idea of having the shield take some amount of damage when used in a bash?

It was already a standing joke that the developers will do anything to give haters of Brig what they want, and will nerf her over and over until she is useless.

Doenst make any sense for her not to be able to stun trough shield. She is close combat, its all she has. But not even that is allowed.

Reinhardt is more important then balance. Unbelievable.