What if Brigitte doesn't use her shield to bash?

Orisa is balanced that’s your gripe. Buffs can be made to her weapon which may have small effect however won’t do enough to meta her. If we want to make her meta her whole kit has to be reworked that means a different shield type which we have the most optimal 3 already, the fortify ability would be the only kept ability probably and her halt would be either changed or removed and replaced to favour DVA Orisa comps over hog Orisa comps.

She is the main tank built around niche picks learn it.

(Source: Best Orisa OTP in the UK)

And yet, we’ve already got people still saying it’s not enough because “she’s not fun to play against”.

This is why you don’t negotiate with terrorists.


EFFECT does have his problems and I won’t deny that. Not sure why people think we literally want to #DELETEBRIG though. Obviously I wouldn’t mind it but I’m fine with her as long as she gets toned down.

You literally said the counter is OP. That’s why he doesn’t like it. Anyway, gotta go skadoosh to get some sleep

Fair enough, if anyone asks for a nerf after this, you can probably just laugh them out of the conversation. Good point.

Lul. Glad you have it covered. :rofl:

Honestly, I am practically mad about it because I DO have a bias. I love having Brig on my team as she, by design, is always healing and a decent distraction. No matter the skill of the player. But good Brigitte could cover 3 roles and that helps when you have a lot of deadweight on your team. Beyond that, as a sniper main, yes, she was EZ money.

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I’m mad about it, because this is the fifth character I’ve mained that got nerfed by the hate brigade.

I’m seriously fed up.


No, I said that’s what he claims.

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Honestly, screw those people.

And yeah, maybe i’m too reasonable here. It’s my weakness sometimes.

Exactly this, and I would certainly not like the developers to give in to hero bashing from a minority, which openly states they want the hero to be unplayable. Leaves a real bad taste.


Fine, sure, maybe Brig’s bash doesn’t need Reinhardt Charge’s specific weaknesses. I wasn’t really saying that anyway.

But it does need SOMETHING because it’s just awful. And I can’t help if you don’t believe that, but brigette is the most damaging change to the game in regards to me just wanting to enjoy the game that there is. I don’t want her deleted, but she simply cannot stay as is. And enough people feel that way that we have this huge conversation about her.

So yeah. Give me reactability or whatever you want to call it. Because as is, it’s terrible.

Fixe. :ok_hand:
5 chars.

Oh, man, trust me, I understand how that feels. Not just nerfs either. Some of the buffs have turned me off from heroes I played constantly such as Sombra or Hanzo. They just feel too easy and I avoid playing overly easy characters not because I have a problem with the fact that they are easy so much as it just makes me burnout fast. I get bored of them. Obviously I kept bringing up Widow and McCree who were the first victims of the hate brigade. I am only a victim of 4; however, with Ashe… I am a bit scared I might be joining you with the fifth ruined character. I already see a lot of complaints about Bob… And dynamite.

And if you can get enough people to agree that Genji’s ult is bs, then we’ll have a conversation about it.

But you can’t really because not enough people feel that way. It’s preventable to enough people that his design is considered fine. When enough people complain about Brig that there is a damn movement about it, that’s a different story. They’re not changing brigette because she ruins my game. They’re changing brigette because she ruins the game for a huge number of people.

Brig should NEVER have been able to do this. There is 0 reason to test this change on the PTR. This change should have been out the same week Brig went live.

Push this to live the same way you pushed the Sombra Hack cooldown (which btw should have been tested because that change ruined how Sombra feels to play. You made her feel clunky instead of just reverting the Hack cast time)

Exactly. Maybe “nerfs” was the wrong word, because some of them were just reworks or even buffs that I didn’t like.

Sombra, D.Va, Mercy, Ana and now Brig.

I seriously don’t see the point in getting invested in any character anymore unless it’s a super aim-based, headshot-intensive DPS.

So I guess Ashe.


People have not complained about Genji having no counters, his ult being overtuned or him being the best of the whole dps roster, no. Do you read the forums? Because they did, and many think this way, so maybe the devs need to adress this as well.

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Oh, man, I completely forgot about Ana, I used to play her a ton before the damage nerf. It has just been so long. I used to love the Pokemon meta where you are Ana, your buddy is Rein and you would battle their Ana and Rein. It was so fun, and back when nano made Rein a beast, oh ho ho… That was amazing. And now I never flex. Thanks Blizzard. :scream:

It just doesn’t lol.

NanoRein was legit broken, though. People can complain about GOATS or Dive all they want, but NanoRein will always be the most braindead meta that ever existed.

Just shoot Rein’s buttcrack until you get Ult, then press Q. Easy win.

That said, she definitely did not deserve that damage nerf.


Or Hog for me I bet Ashe will be unplayble in QP in the first week.
I will try Symm’s buff too.

Not enough people, obviously. I certainly wouldn’t be one of them. Genji’s ult has plenty of interplay or reactability or whatever you want to call it. He can be stunned, dodged, blocked, etc. And he actually is fun to play and even play against. And, lastly but most importantly, it’s an ultimate ability.

Brig’s stun is not in the same sphere at all, and clearly has way more hate going for it. Justifiably, imo.