What if B.O.B prioritized targets without shields?

I have to say, B.O.B is annoying. It seems like he prioritizes shooting endlessly into a shield when there are unshielded targets with low health standing right next to him. I don’t understand. Is he programmed to prioritize targets at all? Or does it just fail sometimes? It’s an ultimate. If it’s going to be auto-targeted it shouldn’t be so stupid.

I literally watched BOB ignore an unshielded enemy Ana that had been heal blocked and had 1 hit of life remaining so that he could shoot at a Rein shield for a few seconds until the Ana slept him. I was reloading at the time and was sure that BOB would finish her for me. Boy was I wrong.


Betting it’s the same as turrets. Closest visible threat.


If that’s it, then it should be changed to closest visible threat not behind a shield. Or even better: lowest health hero not behind a shield. Targets behind shields when there are none unprotected.

Turrets (and Bobs) pick the nearest enemy in sight when looking for a target, and then continue shooting that same target until it’s dead or leaves sight/range. Once that happens, repeat the process.

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Why should it be though? Straight buff to Bob if that was the case. He’s already pretty danged destructive.

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Not when he’s shooting into a shield for no good reason he isn’t.

This, bob is balanced the way he is now, sinces he’s a pseudo hero with the AI of a turret.

But if he targeted people with a smarter AI he’d be OP no doubt.


He’s destroying the shield which is also useful in certain circumstances. I think most people already agree he’s pretty impactful. If Bob is shooting the shield maybe you can too and it’ll break then Bob will be shooting the enemy behind it. He absolutely shreds things.

I’d actually prefer him to have better target prioritization and lower damage than this. At least then he couldn’t waste all of his uptime doing nothing so often. Also, if it’s an Orisa shield, shredding it does no good.

I’m sure you would, but his initial popup is very valuable for Ashe too. Like skeet shooting. Can’t make one ult a one man wrecking crew. I will never understand the mentality that shooting orisas shield is useless. It goes down FAST when focused and if you make her use it that’s one more shield for the next 8 seconds that isn’t gonna be popping up to block an ult from another direction.

I literally watched BOB ignore an unshielded enemy Ana that had been heal blocked and had 1 hit of life remaining so that he could shoot at a Rein shield until the Ana slept him. I was reloading at the time and was sure that BOB would finish her for me. Boy was I wrong.

That sucks. But it still isn’t a solid reason to make one ult overpowered.

It wouldn’t, it would make it so that it wasn’t stupid and self-wasting half the time.

Says you. The person with the Ashe portrait who is likely a TAD biased. I’m not doubting you’d really like to have a smart AI perfectly shooting all vulnerable targets and ignoring tanking and delay mechanics… but consider that against the rest of the ults.

I am, most ults are aimed in some manner so that you can do it yourself. This ult is self-aimed but STUPID! And it wouldn’t ignore tanking. If the tanks are positioned well they will still be able to protect, but people caught off by themselves won’t be given a free pass while Bob does nothing despite his orders. You could also imagine a Rein flicking his shield on and off to split the damage with someone out of cover while he gets healing.

That’s because Bob did something! :blush:

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Unfortunately it’s because he didn’t.

I agree that bob should be at least slightly intelligent. Right now he isn’t just dumb - he’s unpredictable for both Ashe and the enemy.

I’d much rather face a BOB who I can understand and predict than one who sometimes spams at an invincible zen and sometimes focuses the dblade genji. If I knew when I would be focused and when I would be ignored it would make it a lot more fun to play around BOB, and he would become a lot less frustrating to use too.

I think the same goes for torb’s turret. As torb, you want the turret to prioritize small fast enemies like tracer - the same enemies who it’s extremely difficult to hit with your primary fire.

If automatic intelligent targeting is a skill issue, I think this would be a great use of the interact button to manually choose targets for BOB/turret.

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You are in control of where he goes, knowing his rules for engagement isn’t it on you to make sure he has optimal engagement lanes of fire?

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True, stoping this boy with Fortify and placing him behind the shield feels like: sorry pal, i know you wanted to have fun and kills but not today.

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