What I like / hate about the game

You know what, I feel it is time to do one of those posts.

Difference in Heroes (good!)

I like the variety of heroes, picking a different hero, makes the game different enough that I kind of feel I am playing a different game.

I don’t log on thinking I want to play Overwatch, I log on thinking like I feel like playing some Mei. This gives the game a lifespan most games on my play list don’t get, if I get bored of Overwatch/Mei I can play Overwatch/Sombra or Overwatch/Moira or whatever.

But this has a downside that sometime it is frustrating that I feel like Overwatch/Sombra (or whatever) isn’t currently on offer, since the hero could be weak enough that playing them isn’t really viable.

It is ok for Ashe since I can just play Hanzo/S76 since they all have similar play styles, but for the off meta style heroes, they don’t have similars to fall back on.

Hypermobility (bad!)

I find hypermobility super frustrating, and I think I can sum it up with firing a sleep dart at Tracer.

It takes time for the sleep dart animation, which the Tracer can react to. So, it doesn’t feel like you landed an awesome dart, it feels like Tracer failed to blink.

You didn’t do something good, it was your opponent did something dumb. That matchup doesn’t feel like it is up to you. You rely on the enemy to fail, rather than for you to succeed, and that isn’t good.

More so, the abilities which are effective against hypermobile heroes are not ones which feel good to use. It feels great to dash and avoid attacks as Genji, It doesn’t feel like you are preforming an act of skill to burn him down as Moira. You can’t balance the feeling of abilities on both sides there.

Cheaters (good!)

Honestly I think Blizzard is going a great job there, I rarely see cheaters in games. I know others think they are a cancer and is in a lot of games they play, but I don’t think they are.
I don’t feel like I am vs cheaters often at all, maybe a couple of times in the last 6 months, and that is really good.

Smurfs (bad!)

I think there is a lot of Smurfs, like… a LOT OF SMURFS, both the new players which are obviously WAY higher rank than they have been placed, and people throwing to ranks they have no business being in. I think it is the worse problem in the game.

PriQueue (eh!)

It is frustrating to KNOW that the queue will be a long time, but not be able to use a ticket because the matchmaker isn’t estimating queue times right. You want me playing more Tank / Support, and you could have it, if you let me use my tickets.

In teams, I want to be able to use tickets to get my team a faster game even if I am not playing the DPS.

And I think it make the matchmaker worse, in part because it gets DPS into Tank / Support where they are just not feeling it. Which means playing the other Tank / Support feels bad, which isn’t what should be happening. Yeah, 2 conflicting things, but that is feelings for you from your player base :slight_smile:

How the overwatch team is doing balance wise (great)

Honestly, I still rate Overwatch as one of the better games I have played, and seeing people argue over 0.6 damage changes, and 25 health being the difference between OP and trash says a lot about how well you have balanced the game.

They are small small changes, and they now are considered big as far as changes go, so congrats there, it is obvious you have done well.

Ok y’all, lets see your takes on this, lets give the Dev team what they have been asking for in one big thread. (and remember this is how it feels, not an argument of how it is)


Yeah I agree with pretty much all of this tbh.
I don’t think hypermobility is too much of a problem though, I think (anymore at least). As long as we have characters to counter them like brig moira etc.

I guess for some heroes. There are a few heroes that need quite decent nerfs, and quite a few that need quite decent buffs or a rework. I guess some of this is already happening on exp though, but overall yeah balance is pretty solid.

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I’d be real interested in your version of this. What do you think feels good and bad about playing Overwatch.

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Zen is everything I love about this game, he requires basically every skill set to succeed except for mobility. And everyone loves playing against him because he is thicc and a free kill. But is he? That mind game is what keeps things exciting as Sombra flies at you to solo ult in a “skill based” match up, or how Wrecking Balls spawn trap you in a “skill based” match up. Anyone can win those with enough nen ability, imo.

Things I hate… That I even discovered that I was a Zen one trick waiting to happen. Queue times have made me do some very disgraceful things.

Anyways, I just love mediating and spamming “Do I think?” With my dank new skin while my teammates threaten my family because of my hero choice.

All in all, what I am trying to say is that Zen has the best voicelines, emotes, highlight intros and skins. I like those.

But I hate McCree, he is just Zen with benefits. Disgusting.


ZensWithBenefits would be a hell of a username.