What i like about new brig the most

Are number changes alone a sign of an “increased skill floor”?

I always felt that it was lazy design to make a Hard Mode boss simply have more HP. If we reduced Lucio’s hp down to 100 then we could also say his skill floor was raised- But in reality, I dont think that would be a meaningful approach to his skill level or balancing him.

I wonder if PTR Brigitte is really “more skillful” now than before. More healing charges on E rather than just one to autolock and spam out and an increased range on her whip boop. Neither of these changes actually promotes her fighting against enemies and if anything, rewards her for hanging back behind her allies. Ptr bring seems like she has to be more cautious and maybe that direction is okay but does that equal “more skill”?

Anyway, I have no idea in the end! Just thought it was weird to state that she was a more skilled character outside of the idea of “meme Brig killing everyone”. I would love to see her mehanics evolve somehow or have more depth but nothinng in the changes so far seem to indicate that in high tier matches, I think.

Heroes can be hard to play because they’re hard to play, and they can be hard to play because they’re trash. Brig is the second option.

There isn’t going to be any high level Brig play, because high level players will just not play her at all.

Also, without her tanking, what do you actually bring her along for? Even with more healing, she’ll just be a crap version of Moira, big heals but no utility. Except Moira heals even more and can actually handle herself in a fight.

if the enemy let’s brig get 6 swings which is 3.8 seconds in 6m range she will kill them, how is that a feasible time to kill anyone in that range? and how do you even get that close without dying at this point now?
is she only allowed to kill someone within 2.4 seconds time at 6m range? is that better with a low cooldown whipshot? especially against heroes that can one-shot people?

and let’s not forget healing, if someone is getting healed the brig can’t actually kill them. the hipocrisy is stupid, characters with longer range have more damage than a character with no range has less damage, she would have been fine if she was able to swing at multiple people but that is not a valid argument for a squishy backline healer is it?

i’m sorry but if someone dies to brig it’s because their skills and abilities and game sense and positioning was not up to par and they would have died either way by any other character.

no utility are you kidding?
a fat easy to land stun, a boop, a shield, and armor.
that is a ton of utility.
and she is still tankier than every healer and dps in the game except for maybe doomfist. moira is also very survivable due to her self heal and evade but i dont consider that “tanky”.

i absolutely think she might be possibly to weak on PTR right now, thats not my point. but her kit as it stands now, with the heal over time armor pack, higher heal aura lower self heal, much faster boop, and lower shield health definitely demands more from the player compared to the older version, while still providing a lot of unique traits. of course she wont be suitable for every situation, and that is good. and if she needs buffs after this, then she will get buffs.

It requires you to be a safer, less independent heal bot, or you’ll die more.
Not sure if that was the right way to raise her skill requirement…

She never should have existed, so…

She is still one of the tankiest heroes in the game, still a strong 1 v 1 hero, and with more healing and a better cc. She’s just not ez mode go goats and win anymore

She needed buffs prior to this and she got this. I am not sure we can take common sense for granted given what happened. It would be utterly foolish.

you want common sense?
how about you turn yours on and realise that a rework is always better done by releasing it undertuned, and then slowly turning it up.
you see what happened with moth mercy?
you want the brig rework to be like that? no.

She isn’t a dps man. Before this she was the strongest dps hero in the game. So strong that she made playing other dps pointless. Blizzard buffed the hell out of dps and nerfed the hell out of tanks, and what the pros did was just drop the 2nd tank for another dps and still run brig.

Shanghai, the worst team in the league, won because they realized dps goats was the meta before anyone else. They won with orisa/Hammond - pharah - sombra - brig - Ana - mercy.

Who else can we blame for goats with that comp? Be honest with yourself.

So blizzard was finally forced to do something about it. They nerfed every tank, buffed every dps. They nerfed the other supports. And still brig meta existed with every other piece changed. There was literally nothing else they could have changed but destroy the OP monster that broke the game for a year and a half.

The only reason they were so hesitant to do so is because they know that mercy mains are a large portion of the game for whatever reason and they baby that group. They always have an easy broken hero so people who are bad at video games can beat people who are good at overwatch. They’ve known it was broken this whole time.

Now she’s a support who can fight flankers off which is what she always should have been.

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“Brig needs to be better for 222”… Into a literal nerf. Comparing this to moth Mercy is only viable in that this rework is as worthless as she was broken. Those situations are basically antithetical, first of all. Furthermore I want her to be worthless so I can easily throw without throwing. I like this rework a lot and intend to pick her up. It is my style through and through. I could not he happier.

I am observing facts. The fact of the matter is this Brig is objectively worse than the live version. No one with half a brain would pick to play this one over the live version if given the choice.

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What I like the most is that people will choose a better off healer instead of her.

The only issue is we’re going to have boosted mercy/brig mains all over the ladder throwing games for a few months. Which they already do, but now they won’t have OP brig to fall back on when they get bodied as Ana/zen.

ok i want you to explain how 70 dps is even a dps currently, that’s not what she was for.

she was there for the instant stun and boop and to a lesser degree the aoe healing, most likely because she was durable, not a dps.

also notice something? they had 3 supports, 3 supports that can’t exist in 2-2-2 role lock, so why did they “buff her” then because she didn’t get a dps nerf at all.

and also if a brig is just running forward holding m1 she isn’t shielding herself anyways so that’s your opportune moment to just kill her which should have been as easy as killing a reaper or a mei but even easier as she doesn’t have an invincibility button.

now she’s not anything, she’s not even a support, she’s a joke, what is she going to do the flankers? stun them? hope the team kills them for her? boop them so they can’t hurt her? throw repair packs on cooldown spam whipshot from the backline, yeah real fun to do that.

i mean while were at it, might aswell give reinhardt a foam hammer and a paper shield too because he’s also the same type of character.
or better yet nerf every supports weapon so it can’t do any damage, nerf zens damage too why not? he’s a support right?

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does everybody here ignore the possibility of future buffs on purpose or do you legit forget about that option? just asking for a friend.

Oops, I was wrong, Brig’s ranged healing in longer fights is more trash than I thought. You can only do 4 within 12 seconds. Mercy’s healing in this time is greater at 50 HPS vs Brig’s 40 HPS. If you do another repair pack at 12 seconds, average HPS becomes 20… to a single target… so the longer it goes the more of a disadvantage you’re at. Putting it to 6, what were they thinking… you will have to 2v1 flankers anyway, leaving your 4 vs their 5. 5 usually beats 4, just saying.

No, they’ll just have an even more unkillable version of Moira. Have fun with that.

These changes make that utility pointless. Bash has a range of 6m but good luck trying to get in range with a 200HP shield and with Inspire being halved on Brig is not helping her sustain. That’s not also including the stun time being reduced means she doesn’t even have time to combo.

The other healers don’t have to be in melee range for them to access their utility and have better healing then Brig and ults.

Better to not trash her in the first place, you know?

Also, I don’t like what they’re doing to her overall playstyle.

Finally, they don’t fix some heroes. Junkrat has been left in F tier since his projectile size nerf and Bastion has been F tier forever.

I’m not sure if this is true. the most skillful thing in her kit was her Whipshot, and the changes made Whipshot easier to land. If you make the hardest parts of her kit easier does that not make her less skillful?