What I don't understand about the Symmetra nerfs

Devs fix a bug on her beam and she starts doing well

Sym is being used because of double shield meta, a meta where she should excel at

Players complain that Sym does too much damage so the balance team nerfs her beam

Sym still doing okay, even tho there are better heroes than her, because of double shield meta

Balance team nerfs the rest of her kit for some unknown reason

Like if she got all these nerfs because of a simple bug fix, why wouldn’t you just revert the bug fix?

Of course Sym is going to do okay in a meta where there’s a bunch of shields, she was reworked to be a shield breaker. And Sym wasn’t even that good at shield breaking.

Sym just needs a revert to 2.0, or another rework, because 3.0 is a joke of a character. It’s very obvious the balance team doesn’t know how to balance her and they’ve made a fool out of themselves for it. :clown_face::clown_face:


Yeah, one thing I dont understand is why they are so hellbent on lowering her damage after she got a “40%” increase in dmg, I mean, of course thats gonna happen. What about all the other heroes who got buffed and do WAY more dmg than her. What about Reaper, his damage should have gone up alot more, so where are his nerfs? What about DF? He started getting used alot and is played by every player in the top 500 leaderboard and didnt get nerfed as hard as sym. So why?? I dont understand, she was still so squishy and had ALOT of outplay/counters.


not to mention rework being about making sym more flexible and dynamic, then nerfing the hell out of tp making her pretty much as rigid and static as before the rework and enforcing her to be played on defence only or on cp only.


Great joke, but the answer is no.


I think the term they used is to make her “less restrictive”

Then proceed to make her TP 15 second cooldown upon destruction and make it permanent with 2 second delay each use!
Then revert it to 12 second and remove the delay but still too long none the less!

Less restrictive my butt!

They are really clueless and just throwing in random words to make them look smart or somethin!


symmetra not too esports viewer friendly I bet


I personally think that her teleporter offer the most impressive plays for viewers available, so I am not very confident about your statement.


She would have a better designed kit if that were to happen

Maybe just nerf shield gens duration

But yeah it’s pretty clear the devs don’t want her to be thriving in her own niche with 3.0

At least 2.0 was great at her own niche


At this point it won’t be long until shield gen appears back in her kit as a buildable with a 30 second cooldown.

Symmetra was never a shield breaking character, her role in the meta was a farce and simply overreactions from the players. Just because she has a bonus for attacking shields doesn’t mean she is good at breaking them, it’s just a bonus against those characters.

Specifically, it was probably put there to help Symm against Reinhardt and Winston since she is a close range character like them, but doesn’t have the instantaneous damage they have.

Same thing as mercy rework. They add rez as an ability. CLEARLY that isn’t working so instead of swallowing their pride and reverting it and starting from scratch they just butcher the rest of her kit. The balance team are total morons.

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She was only given the ammo gimmick because getting charge off of a stray barrier has been something you’ve always done as Sym. They didn’t do it to make her a shield breaker, they did it to accentuate that playstyle. Being a shieldbreaker is just a side effect.

Make Symmetra 2.0 again!! Her kit had MUCH more utility back then. The only reasons people didn’t play her was because they didn’t bother learning her, and those who wanted to play her got yelled at for playing her, because “the pros aren’t using her” which I never understood why they wouldn’t. Winston was her only “counter” and he was very easy to avoid. And despite how strong she was, she still wasn’t even as OP as Mei for example who can single out anyone she wants with an ice wall and beat ANY character in a 1v1, and even if things don’t go her way, she can make herself immune to damage while she heals herself. The ONLY sustainability Sym had was throwing a barrier. So she was not too powerful, and she wasn’t useless like she is now with a “team teleporter” that no one uses.


Where 9 out of 10 players exist-

Symmetra was winning upwards of 60% of her games (pretty much across the board).

Doomfist was winning around 50% of his games.

At these ranks, doomfist and sym were picked more or less in line with eachother- Appearing every 2nd or 3rd game. In lower ranks, sym was picked more at her peak, with doomfist being about 1-2% higher in pick rate by mid level rank (However both were still similar enough in pick rate that you were seeing them every 2nd to 3rd game).

Since those “tiny” nerfs hit doomfist, his win rate in GM has dropped to the THIRD lowest out of all the heroes.

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Everyone should know at this point the balance team don’t know what the heck they’re doing with this game.

That and there’s bias and the game has to cater to OWL audience for entertainment more than balance.

She wasn’t doing okay after the beam change.

You know what I don’t understand? Her Ult, and why is her right click so easy to spam away?

Those two things could have been altered and changed and everything else could have been left alone. I would not have had a single problem.

Sorry, but I don’t want to participate I another one of your ever - repeating monologues.

It would be much better in my opinion if you stopped answering to my posts altogether, unless your mindset has actually changed and you have stopped being so entitled and biased, which if it’s true than I would love to have an actual conversation with you for once.

Until then, good bye and have a nice day.

stop right there.

she DID do too much damage. Instead of her damage being what its damage numbers stated. She was doing 20-40% more damage than intended which is insane.

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Take a look in the mirror :stuck_out_tongue:

But I agree we shouldn’t talk about 2.0 you never never learned that kit but we can talk about 3.0

But seriously this new version of sym is just as problematic. How is it in any way an improvement?

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