What I, a Torbjorn main, thinks of the upcoming rework:

We torbs will rise :metal:


Quick, who else can I main? Who else can I main?!


Main mercy or Brigitte !! Be fast !

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I will do it! For honor and glory!

Wait, I already mained Mercy… can you double main her for another rework…? :thinking:



i another torbjorn player made a similar post, if you want to see what i think its here:


We got our Jonas ! ^^

also, i feel ya

i used to main mercy, dropped her due to rework

used to main symmetra, i dont like her new kit

i main torb as well, might have ot drop him as well

i also main bastion, which their gonna trash him too probably


Feel like these are famous last words.

Be careful what yo uwish for. They could rework Torb, decide hes ‘to strong’ and gut the new rework, leaving him in a place worse than where he started.


While an auto-building thrown turret is good and I’m looking forward to it, my biggest wish for the rework is an ability that lets you choose which target you want the turret to prioritize, reverting to default behavior if no target is chosen or target leaves line of sight.

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I like the base idea of his rework thought i much more like if i can see a dwarf and his turret and not a dwarf with a turret or a turret with a dwarf.

I would like to see the turret turned into a crawler kind of robot able to bu built and commanded around the map, scaling walls and moving around with the objective as long as Torb controls it.
This change would make sure that torb is no longer a stationary defense hero but an actual dps valuable to us.

Oh shush. They do exist.

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And they are angry

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I HATE that he’s losing armor packs.

It was the best part if kit aside from ult, and no falloff on left click.

As someone who averages ~40+ packs per game it kills me inside.

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Especially considering that without this directional placement of the turret is key.

Throwing it kind of removes this possiblity.

Throw it to high ground… well too bad, its facing the wrong way and has to spend time turning around to initially lock (usually the wrong) target

you say your a torbmain but you don’t mention his crit box at all.
It’s one his biggest draw backs because you just can’t not crit torb.
This reduces his effective hp from 200 down to 100 just through the damage multipliers that his large crit box piles on to him.

torbs other problem is the long set up time but again you don’t mention that but instead just want a damage buff with even longer setup to upgrade to level 3.
torb needs a lot of time to set up and reducing setup time would make him more adaptable, he is also the only hero whos self heal is unavalable from the start of match and is either 50seconds to wait for scrap or hope someone dies close by to hand him the scrap he needs.

Thats because everybody already knows about it. Including me. This is something that can’t be forgotten.

That, and its not really the main aspect. Its his whole kit thats the focus.


Your problem is how narrow your personal roster is. Every hero is going to get changed at some point. It’s just the nature of this kind of game.

Any change that hits a hero you play has the potential to remove that hero from your available pool for any number of reasons. When you only play one or two heroes, receiving a change to one of them doesn’t affect your pool. It affects your ability to play the game at all.

I mean, aside from Mercy and Sym I also play:


So I really don’t think I’m that narrow.

It just happens that two of my (at the time) top three were reworked.

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" a turret with a dwarf" lmao

that made me laugh thanks