What I, a Torbjorn main, thinks of the upcoming rework:

I’ll even make my profile public to prove I’m a Torbjorn main. Yes, we exist. Just as much as a Bastion main.

In all honesty, I can’t wait. As of right now, anything for Torbjorn is a good thing considering he is currently in F-tier. In fact, I want a day where Torbjorn actually rises to C or greater tier, making him have the same pickrates as a HANZO or a WIDOWMAKER.

I’m pretty sure you guys know how many times Widow or Hanzo are picked. I want to live in a world where Hanzo will be put in F-tier, to experience what we Torbjorn mains have went through FOR TWO YEARS.

In fact, what would really be awesome if the pickrates of Hanzo and Widow were swapped with Bastion and Torbjorn. Forget two snipers. TURRETS is the new thing now.

Right now, Torbjorn is considered a troll pick because of the meta, making him useless in all scenarios, no matter what. Hanzo and Widow are troll picks if and only if the player continuously plays them, and they’re doing poorly.

Here is an interesting tip: The reason why you perhaps see more pathetic Hanzos or Widows when they decide not to switch, even if the enemy team has a Winston, is because their pickrates are so sky high, everybody joins in the bandwagon.

Its pretty hilarious. If they wanted to be a so-called professional sniper player, I’d say go play CS:GO. But hell they won’t listen to me.

Still though. I remember from the beginning of Overwatch where Torbjorn was able to increase his turret to level 3 without the use of Molten Core. It merely cost him scrap. I’m all for that again, because the missiles that are shot from the turret are… well… crap. They’re only good vs. shields.

Heat seeking missiles would be SO FUGGING AWESOME. I mean, the Overwatch heroes live in, what, somewhere in the timeline of 2050+? Yet the only homing projectile in the hero roster is Zenyatta’s discord orb vs. the enemy team. Everything else is done manually.

And before you say that S76’s ability is a homing capability… no its not. Its using “perfect” tracking. You would still have to aim for which target you want to pick.

Of course, I’m merely exaggerating. Whats rumored to be the upcoming reworks are throwing down a turret that builds itself, and having an ability that is somewhat like a mini molten core. Which sounds pretty cool, but I’m hoping for a kickass voice line.

That alone excites me. Now I can have a little bit more flexibility when I verse somebody who is hard locking my turret.

The only thing that I find questionable is his mini molten core. What is going to replace his ult? Perhaps a level FOUR turret?! That would be SUUUUUPER awesome.

Anyway. This is my two cents. I’m hoping that Torbjorn can finally get out of F-tier. The same goes for Bastion.

TL;DR: I don’t trust Blizzard at all, but anything would potentially get Torbjorn out of F-tier, and he’ll be played more. It would be as if he’s a new hero to some players.


I would say buffing the turret is not a good thing. Right now he is a turret with a dwarf and it should be the other way. A deadly dwarf with a disposable source of damage. More active, more engaging, higher skill ceiling with avout the same skill floor.


Hanzo has been F tier from the begin to his rework, we know how you feel.


I snorted water up my nose


I am going to miss armour packs, though

Unless the new ulti is a giant armour pack, like the new ulti of symmetra…

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The idea Blizz has of Torrb throwing his turret in front of him and its automatically build, and its a level 2 turret (could be the new level 1) without hammering is good.
Currently level 1 turret serves no purpose at all and it dies as fast as a Sym turret.

Additional things I want are:

You could then upgrade the turret to the next level by hammering it or by it getting kills. The new level is the same as the previous except not it can focus and fire on 2 different enemies at the same time.
The last level of the turret could be like when you ULT and it gets more powerfull and shoots faster like the current version, but can focus 2 targets at a time instead of just 1.

I hate to say this, but I’m actually pretty fearful of the rework, considering what’s happened to other reworked heroes.

I like Torb just as he is.

Level 2 turrets insta-deploying is not good, it’s just power creep.


I don’t think they’re removing Armor packs…

it would seem static heroes are always going to be low tier since overwatch is a game about mobility more than anything

You need to pair a static hero with a shielding hero to be effective

Whereas a mobile hero can do almost anything he wants alone through skill.

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You’re very trusting, given the outcomes of previous character reworks.


I enjoy.symmetra a lot nowadays

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A lot of original Symmetra mains don’t though… and, objectively, her results just haven’t shown any improvement. If anything, the opposite is true.

Don’t even get me started on her primary. I’ve had DVD burners with a more powerful beam.

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I’m sorry, but I’m scared. I used to main both Mercy and Sym and I haven’t liked any of the reworks, and I was just starting to get into Torb when the rework was announced…

I feel cursed.

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I’m with you there.

Like I said, Blizzard isn’t really meant to be trusted.

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Symetra, Bastion, Sombra and Mercy. Not a great track record. And dont get me started on the much needed buffs for Reaper and Mcree


What’s a “Bastion main”? Now you’re just making stuff up.

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Please, don’t ever play Reinhardt. Ever.

I don’t like that actually. Turret is weak to be damage dealer as it is, and it’s only purpose is to flank incoming enemies, or to provide you enough time to escape … Real damage is in Torbs alt that shreads everyone from up close. Now, the problem is … he’s way to slow, and way too big. Like, if you didn’t know, you’d ask if this guy is a tank or what … And his head is half of his body …
So, only thing they would need to do for Torb was increase his survivability a bit, and that’s all. No need for rework, that will make him … I don’t know … but Symmetra rework was failure in the eyes of Symmetra players, Sombra rework was failure in the eyes of the Sombra players, Mercy reworks was failure in the eyes of Mercy players, Bastion rework was failure in the eyes of Bastion players … I doubt this would be any different.
So, for the Torb players - just don’t expect too much, because you’ll prob get very disappointed at the end.

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So, uhm, the second hero I picked up was Rein (no joke). :scream:

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Gosh !!! Rework is coming !! :scream::scream::scream:

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