What heros do you find the funnest to fight in a 1v1 with?

I know people say Rein vs Reins are one of the funnest and Widow mains seem to enjoy widow vs widow duels. But what about hero A vs hero B duels? Like for example when I used to play I really enjoyed the Brig vs Mei 1v1. It was like a battle between two wannabe tanks. The fight would take forever and it really came down to who made a mistake first as to who would win.


Hog vs Hog is pretty funny.


As a doom, I like to fight against zen for ease and brig for fun

As pharah, I like to fight Junkrat for ease and mccree for honour!


Sombra dittos are fun IMO

Valkyrie vs Widow/Pharah
Ana vs Genji
McCree vs Tracer
Echo vs hitscan

There are other ones that are also fun, but the ones above are probably my favorite.


Out of mech Dva vs roadhog.

Roadhog’s get complacent in thinking they’ve won so don’t tend to use hook on Dva thinking they’ll just be able to land a good shot or two and end up missing mostly and in that time I have a mech back and he misses the hook when call mech is activated.

My favorite is when I don’t even get call mech but end up killing the pig with just headshots and seeing them try to run since the flask is on cooldown.


I quite enjoy 1v1ing Tracer as Brig or Ana. The Brig match-up isn’t nearly as much of a stomp as it used to be and the Ana one is a great skill-check for me. Getting her out the fight or killing her is pretty satisfying.

I quite enjoy fighting Tracers and Genjis as Lucio. I feel so good when I come out on top in those situations.

Lucio v Lucio


First that came to mind were Rein vs. Rein and Lucio vs. Lucio

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Pharah v Pharah. It goes 1 of 2 ways:

  1. “Look, neither of us can land aerial shots so lets agree to ignore each other and terrorize our teams”



Lucio vs Genji or Lucio vs Tracer. I think Lucio is the character I excel at when i have to be a duelist. I like to impress DPS players who think I’m a free kill or free dive.

  • Any hero against Torbjorn
  • Ashe against Pharah
  • Moira against Genji
  • Mercy against Zenyatta
  • D.Va against Winston or Roadhog


Mercy vs Mercy.
Cause you know if one Mercy kills the other one, they will have a vengance against each other until the match ends.


Sym 2.0 and Sym 2.0 since they would both start jumping around each other.

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D.Va vs. D.Va is hilarious because:

  • Losing mech actually gives you an advantage.
  • Trying to re-mech mid-fight is a death sentence.
  • Your slow little pez dispenser can’t hit your doppelganger’s skinny frame, so the most efficient form of D.Va on D.Va combat… is to melee her to death.

Don’t be surprised if both teams just surround you and start betting on which Baby D.Va survives. It’s basically a [male chicken]fight.


mine can…

d.va pistol fights are literally, who can spam AD and CRTL the fastest


I know 99% of people will disagree with my opinion, but…

Orisa vs Orisa

It’s like two bulls tangling with one another. It’s all about positioning, cooldown management.

Please put your pitchforks away :frowning:

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Doom vs literally anyone (except McCree, I do not like that man)

I just like to punch people real hard.

As a Sombra main Zen is my favorite 1v1.

Winning is fun, and if a team leaves their Zen alone with Sombra in play they’re near guaranteed to be down a support.


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