What heros do you find the funnest to fight in a 1v1 with?

  • Rein vs Rein
  • Sombra vs Genji/ Fist/ or Lucio
  • Bap vs McCree

Since the OP implied no mirror matches (where Hog vs. Hog is my favorite), I have to give it to Winston vs. Reaper. There’s a certain thrill in knowing that he can quickly kill you if he makes it through your bubble, so it’s an uphill battle trying to weave in and out of it to take him out. It’s a little easier than it used to be with Reaper damage nerfs and the Winston armor buff, but it’s still an uphill battle.

moira vs moira is so braindead lol

Hanzo vs Widowmaker
Tracer vs Tracer
Tracer/Genji vs McCree/Zen
Junkrat vs Genji/DF/Ball(Especially thoes traps)

Also, Mercy vs Mercy both valkyrie on was hilarious.

Moira v Moira and Moira v Winston.
2 Moira’s who know what they’re doing literally won’t die and they just sit there damaging each other for eternity and feeding each other.
Moira v Winston is hilarious cause you just… throw a healing orb and hold the succ beam button on him and he’ll eventually die.

Hog vs hog will end in like 2 seconds

I don’t find game " who finds enemy’s translocator first win " somehow fun = =

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You foolish individual
Being the superior sombra and tickle her so she doesn’t get hack off is satisfying and fun

And hold hack so when she obviously decloaks you hack her before she EMPs (I have 100ms and I’ve tried hard and still can’t do it but pretend I did) is hella fun as well

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Nothing is better than playing a Sombra into a hamster. God I hate that annoying pest so much. I can just see the alarms going off in the hammond players head when I hack him.

You can’t do that, but you can emp her emp.

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I LOVE going up against ball when playing sombra. watching him jump away in a blind panic after being hacked.

warms the soul


as much as I generally dislike fighting Genjis, i love waiting for one to deflect at my Ashe, then throwing Dynamite at his feet and watching him panic

I like fighting Doomfists as a Widow.

I get it a lot in deathmatch and it’s cool.

Which is also a pain with 100ms
I’ve tried
She throws her translocator
I EMP as soon as she translocates
I’m the one who doesn’t get the EMP off

I have dodged emp with translocator once and it was an accident

Lucio vs Lucio, it’s so fun

Bastion vs Genji
The Genji thinks I’m going to get deflect-killed, but I can easily wait and finish him off as soon as deflect ends. In Tank mode I can even kill him doing AoE damage while deflecting.

I like to assert my dominance by glocking the enemy Mercy

Mercy vs Bastion.

If you sneak up on a Bastion, Mercy is one of the best heroes to hit him as she can easily hit his head and move around him without being hit or having to worry about weapon spread.

You’ll have a Mercy land on top of the bastion and start shooting him, the bastion is confused and starts looking for the Mercy, and dies before realizing she’s literally standing on him.

Widowmaker vs. Mercy

None. Fighting any hero in this game is terrible if I died. If I kill them then it’s fun. Otherwise it’s no fun 24/7.

Truthfully, anyone could say they have fun fighting a hero, until they die and then it’s “omg that hero is so broken”

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