What hero can hard carry?

Like the title says, with some game sense what hero would allow you to hard carry 5 people to wins in gold?

Anyone, as long as you are actually good at the hero.


Apart from being good at a hero, you will have a far easier time with a hero who can do self sustain and damage to make sure you are not dependent on your teammates. In the current meta, I will still argue that brig is the easiest hero to rank up with for the mid-tier skill levels.

Genji/Doomfist. Two characters who won’t stand still and die…

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Any hero, in higher tiers… In low tiers… No one :wink:

76 says hello :slight_smile: …

Doomfist as well cause hes the most broken char in ow history.

In your case (around 2k sr) IF you can aim, McRee will get you out of gold. If you cannot aim, better learn doomfist he’s still going to dominate in lower tiers even after these nerfs

From a pure ‘who can carry every game’ point of view there are only a few.

A hero without mobility relies on healing, so any dps with base movement is out.
I would say if you are a really good Genji, tracer or DF you can wreck teams.

Then you have ones who if you know how to play them carry the majority of games. These are Zarya and Brig.

i can get some good carries as symmetra.
I mean you can carry as any hero as long as you are good :slight_smile:

gold : Reinhardt, definitely.
(especially in this meta)
Zenyatta aswell, if you got good aim.
Dps are not as game changing as before, imo

I’d say main tank for sure. Gold main tanks are actually terrible. Way worse than gold dps.


You can litrally get to GM with any character in the rooster as long as you play them to there full potential even mercy :slight_smile: am doing a series on that from plat to GM only mercy :slight_smile: now

Probably widow/hanzo because of their one-shot potential.

You have two days left to farm SR with Brigitte. If you’re not playing GOATS, which is 99% of the community, you’re going to have a bad time.

Ashe…duh. She is absolutely the best dps in the game right now. hands down. no question.

Some people here have played with a lot of bad ashe’s so they are suspicious of people playing her in comp.

However, she is a rapid fire widowmaker that is mobile, can boop, can dynamite, has a great ultimate.

I might have said Hanzo before they nerfed him a bit and in particular before they nerfed the grav. Hanzo-Zarya was so strong because that was when we had the double sniper meta or aka the “Q-meta.” Basically Zarya hits Q then Hanzo hits Q and everything dies. That stuff has been scaled back a lot though.

Tracer/genji/sniper make the best one tricks. Hanzo works as well.

Not tracer though. If they have a torb or brig ± a moira you’re gonna get killed fast. Especially a brig that deletes her from the game, which you probably have a 50 percent chance of seeing, and if you don’t see a brig, the team will add a brig to stop you.

tracer, widowmaker, hanzo, doomfist, brig. all can carry by themselves cuase they have little reliance on the team to work. i would say sombra but this is competitive mode this is QP+ we talking about.


i had an account i took from 2000 to 2500 in 3hrs only playing dps and having torbjorn, bastion and soldier in my top 3 most played, not saying one word through voice or text…i went 20-8 with a 71% winrate and i only lost half of those cause people would instathrow in spawn when they saw me pick torb or bastion on attack. these were all solo Q btw.

just play your best

normally play dps at a 2700-2800 level and OT/MT at a 3100-3300 level so my gamesense and mechanics are there even if my hero picks are not good and i am not experienced on them, so yes play whatever you’re best at and try your best.

EDIT: most important/underrated thing in those elos (really anything below 3K) is to not fight back when someone on your team is nonstop complaining and don’t hestitate to mute them if they have nothing constructive to say…there are legit people who will just complain the entire game but offer nothing to benefit the team like callouts or suggestions, these people never get ahead.

Any of the Shield tanks Really. for a number of reasons.

  1. They can still do damage and get kills.
  2. It’s rare to get a good tank or someone willing to play tank on a team.
  3. Most game are more Objective based. Tanks control the flow of play. Moving payload, pushing chocks/points.
  4. Shields can help protect the rest of your (dumb a$$) team if they use them, keeping them alive longer in the hope they might help you get kills.
  5. They have big heath, giving you more of a chance to stay alive.