What Has The Forums Become?

I knew it was bad before but this. Literally all I see is Solider being gay, D.va nerfs, Representation of (Bisexuality, Pansexuality, Sexuality that I never even heard of, Trans,) and how tanks are dead.

Literally I would kill to have someone talk about anything besides Solider being gay, race, sexuality, religion, political views, and beliefs. It doesn’t belong in this game cause that’s how all hell breaks lose.


Welp, to be honest if character development was speeded up, it could be avoided, insted after 2 years we get something like that about hero from main cast, and it become war on forum XD


Meh it is norm really. On regular days it is filled with nerf and buff requests and some shotposts.

Anyway how is your day?

A war zone

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Thoughts like this don’t really help. The problem is that people get angry over what people decide to do with their own characters.

In a perfect world soldier would be revealed as gay, we would talk about the lore for a day and then move on.

Because people are bringing their personal bigotry and their outside culture wars to the game it becomes a battle because 1-2 characters are different from the norm.

So some time needs to pass and it will be like Tracer where no one ever thinks or brings up the fact that she’s gay. But for now people go crazy because 1 group got their wish for 2 characters out of 30. Apparently 1 is one 1 too many for some.

Good. Got accepted into a high school I’ve been dreaming to go to. And yours?

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It’s gonna happen dude. A lot of people invested 3 yrs into this game, a lot of them gay, to hear this, it was so monumental. Some it sucked, but I promise you ( look at twitch rn) it brought a revelation.

Going to work. Nothing out of ordinary.

I got a potg on Mccree today, head shot an Ashe, double head shot a reaper, 2 hit a pharah then hit a Mercy with a flick head shot whilst she was using GA

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I have nothing against anyone being gay or anything. If you see one of my previous pos, you’ll see.

I think Blizzard should’ve not made soldier gay but instead realeased a gay character cause everyone’s getting all mad cause their beloved hero is now part of the LGBTQ+ and I don’t see how it’s a big deal.

You dreamed about what high school you’d go to? Very interesting. I didn’t even care what uni I enrolled in a few years back. Are you in the US or somewhere else out of curiosity

US sadly. I wanted to go this HS because it was recently redesigned not long ago. It’s very modern and futuristic

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What does that look like. As I’m in my 20s I’m a bit of an old man. My high school was pretty basic. Some computers we didn’t use - a few elective choices. I think one course that gave uni credits.

Can’t really explain it but it’s called lee high in Baton Rouge Louisiana

I think if we look at this honestly it really doesn’t matter. If they released a new character people would say they’re pandering and releasing a character that’s gay just to check off a diversity box. Also lord help us if that character is overpowered or underpowered.

I personally don’t care about soldier’s orientation and would like the entire thing to die down so it can be like Tracer and not really talked about. However for the some people it’s not about how they did it, they’re mad that gay characters are in the game period. You can’t please the people who are just straight up in direct opposition to how you want to do your own story.

Interesting. I didn’t know the commonness of magnet schools outside of highly selective education countries like Japan/SK. The only option I had was to skip 1-2 years. Congrats on getting into a school you wanted.

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Yeah I honestly don’t care either but that seems to be a everybody’s solution so…

I don’t think the forums became anything. It was always there, all it took was a few lines in a comic to ignite it.

Havent been in the forums for a while. Its like they’re taking the “Rowling route” (I heard it from a website) just to calm everyone down and get attention. I dont hate anyone being gay or bi, but I think they should’ve said that Soldier and Tracer are gay in the very FIRST place rather than going like, “Wanna calm everyone down from asking for nerfs, get more people’s attention? Lets make a character gay.” The game is 3 years old, and I have a feeling Blizzard is running out of ideas. I havent see much lore ever since Retribution and McCree short. I wanted to play this game because of its lore.

Well, Junkrat needs buffs so you wanna help us shine a light on that?

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