What Has The Forums Become?

Buff Junk with pride power, make him and Hog a couple KappaPride

This game is dying. There is no hope.

Here you go then have a break XD

You must be new here.

A hot mess.

9 characters required

Forums is the same as it’s always been.

This isn’t even it’s final form.

Just wait.

Literally you would what???

It’s on blizzard, haven’t given anyone anything g to talk about in years.

No lore development. No future expansion plans to make theories on. No teasers to keep us at the edge of our seats.


Oh by there is a balance update, yay. I’m sure millions of people who left the game will randomly come back, huzzah. (Sarcastic):joy:

The vast majority of Overwatch players don’t frequent forums for the reasons you put down, but to be fair, there ARE places here where you can have a nice conversation.

That’s why you gotta lure them in with :switzerland: chocos and Mei :icecream: .

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This week? This crap happens every week.

Welcome to patch day lmao. Maybe you weren’t around for when it was announced Tracer was homosexual but the forum was full of the same. Accusations of LGBT pandering, fake troll threads about parents saying their kid destroyed their game/are heartbroken over the announcement etc.

My main acc actually got forum banned that day because I was trying to put a positive and lighthearted humorous spin on the subject by saying that Tracer’s shoes and mini-bomber and leotard combo clad in goggles with crocs and a pixie haircut were a dead giveaway. Especially the crocs.

It’ll pass. Give it a few weeks lol. Then you can go back to arguing about balance topics and fighting with people who think Zenyatta’s Orb of Harmony should heal 3 people at the same time.

I made a post asking blizzard to make two new player icons for each Overwatch hero that was animated, that we could buy with competitive points. No responses no likes. It was burried instantly TwT