What Happened To The Forums?

The forum reflects the state of the game.

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Yeah the forums nowadays are full of complaints here and there. I just want to see some nice threads :confused:


I did that once, but only once though :disappointed_relieved:

Things just got worse. Those of us who tried to make this place a bit happier and not focus so much on the balance have kind of just lost the motivation do keep it up.


I don’t think things are so bad. I believe in being the change you want to see. I try to be positive, and often I find people on here I can joke around with and even play with from time to time.


I didn’t know we have that section. Guess i have been in the wrong forum all this time XD

The forums reflect the opinions of a small group of people, not the state of the game. The forums can’t be seen as a fair sample of the community because a majority of people on the forums come here to complain. People that are happy with the game spend more time playing it than on the forums. Complainants outnumber the positive discussions on the forums, but not in the entire community.


To be honest, the forum needs a Balance Discussion section where the staff can push all the complaints thread to.


I feel ya… Coming to the forums now just feels like a chore…
As of now, I only come here to see which hero is currently being hunted, to see which iBannedv we’re on, or to read old Nevermore threads.


They removed the downvote, that’s what happened.

I share the exact same sentiments.

I’m not saying that it’s the exact case or that it’s the reason why, but I felt it started changing right around Comp’s inception.

Then (d)evolved into what it is now sadly.

More like they are playing another game already. I doubt you will find many ppl still happy with the game irl.


You must be fun at parties

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Additionally on the forums: Waaaaa there are too many threads about X


Typical internet where everyone feels entitled to their opinion, and that their opinion is right and no one elses. Forums in general have gotten worse since more and more “entitled” people exist.


The forums have always been like this, it’s just that the topics of complaint change. After Mercy’s rework though, she’s been a constant topic, and after Brigitte’s release she’s been a constant too. Also a lot of the regular popular posters have left the game and the forums, which definitely changes the overall atmosphere.

Tbh, if the forums weren’t like they were right now, I wouldn’t come on here. I find it fun arguing with people over heroes like Mercy and Brigitte. I also love a good controversial thread. I like drama.

Yes. Very.

They’re still around, it’s just everyone ignores good constructive posts and the ones that get the most attention are trash “I HATE THIS GAME THIS HERO IS BROKEN BLIZZARD SUCKS” threads. All people want to do on here is argue with poor logic.


Lack of forum structure and moderation. Cramming nearly everything into one area makes finding subjects a chore. Moderation is very sporadic, most likely due to the dev team giving up on this being a discussion area for the game.

Losing the downvote function hurt as well. Yes, some good comments got unnecessarily silenced, but it helped control trolls, who now run rampant.