What happened to Sombra isn't fair

holds your hand It’ll all be alright in the end, I promise.

She is playable, but there are bugs with the new LOS nerf. I guarantee that there are times where you will not succeed using hack and think you just misplayed when the truth is that the skill bugged out on you.

Sometimes, hack will go through shields or break when an enemy jumps, it can activate before you complete half the 0.65 second channel or take 2 seconds to channel. Hack is now a gamble where you either win out, get screwed, or see it act normally.

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Fitzy gets game changing bugs almost on a regular basis where hack brakes for no reason. Its so frustrational.

Bastion isn’t plauged by bugs which make him unplayable. Bug fixes is all most of us want, I’m fine with not buffing her but to leave her as a buggy mess for so long isn’t right the same would be said for any hero as buggy as her.

Yeah, now that you mention it, I have gotten this bulls**t kind of hack many times before, thanks for the enlightenment.

I mean, Sombra mains would never have noticed Bastion as strong or weak anyway; she’s his strongest counter.

That doesn’t forgive these bugs A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #15 by Xaron-1831

Don’t worry guys, as a Sym player, I can tell you what you have to look forward to. They’re going to leave Sombra waaaaaay down in F tier for a year or two, then they’ll show her some “love”.

They’ll rework her, alright. They’ll rework her so hard that there are none of her original abilities or mechanics remaining. She’ll maybe be viable, which is great news for all the players who didn’t like her to begin with, because she’ll play like a completely different hero.


Aye, Bastions second chance at a rework up next.
-Bastion no longer got Sentry mode.
-Bastion no longer uses configuration Tank.
-Bastion can now fly.


I realized how dumb the rework was when I read the Sanjay post. They can push Sym 3.0 to live and name it Sanjay and keep the old Symmetra. Nobody would think they were meant to be the same hero.

that is funny cause no one played her even with the buffs pre hack nerf. I could count on like 3 fingers for how many sombras I saw during that 2 week period. She has been out what like 18 months now and is DEAD LAST in win rate sub diamond.

I would be ok with sombra if she at least had a definitive niche. At least sym and torb have point 1 defense as something they can be used for. What is sombra’s definitive niche right now?

She needs to be redesigned from the ground up. Her skill floor is WAY too high and HEAVILY relies on team work. That is a very deadly combination in lower elo ranges.

Lowest pick AND winrate.
She’s even setting below Ana…
I hope Sombra gets some attention next.

I’m kinda waiting for Jeff to tell us they’re completely reworking Sombra’s kit because its “unfun”. I honestly don’t see how they can balance her without the community reacting the same way they did last time.

I find Hanzo and Brig are far more annoying to play against in their current state. But nothing has really been done to them despite community uproar. And I’m not saying that they should get the Sombra treatment its just unfair how the Devs seem to be actually “keeping a close eye” on them and adjusting their kit in minor ways until they feel balanced while they flat out destroyed Sombra without a second thought.

…Well, at least her on fire rate seems ok…

I do too, actually. But if in the 16 months of Bastion being in the spot he’s in, and the Sombra mains are using that as leverage in their argument that Sombra is now bad (again), then I see no reason to take them seriously.

Yeah, I know. Bugs are never acceptable, but don’t forget that it took Blizzard 2 years to fix a bug with his ult.

Bastion may or may not be worse than Sombra, but he’s been in the gutter far longer than she has, and he needs it badly. He wasn’t even brought up when Jeff came out and said that DF, Sombra, Torb, Sym, Hanzo, and Mei were all getting looked at.

You’re right, he needs help and no one denies it. But Sombra players counter him, so they wouldn’t know how hard he’s had it, and they’re terrified that the same thing will happen to Sombra.

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No, he’s just killed by everything which makes him unplayable.

So which is worse, a hero you can play but can’t use, or a hero you can’t play but can use?

IMHO both are in bad spots, but Bastion needs to be looked at since he’s in dire need of help. Sombra, yeah she needs bug fixes, but any more and it’ll have to come after Bastion gets help.

Well, I mean it already has. She got “gutted” 2-3 weeks after her buffs that were labeled as her saving grace.

My point is both need help, but in terms of timeline Bastion needs it badly. As long as Bastion goes untouched, it’s very likely that Sombra would follow in his footsteps. I mean, she kinda already has since she’s been in a wired spot since launch, but that was because she was UP, but playable. Actually the same goes for Bastion too, since he was playable before his rework, but not after.

To a degree yes, but the same goes for me towards Sombra players. I can only imagine what its like to play/main her. My hero pool is too large for me to focus on her, but I do still rally for her fixes. Thus it irks me when people are pulling up her current winrate, when she only JUST passed Bastion.

Bastion still has a niche on hardcore bunker comps. Sombra is too unreliable to do anything of the sort.

Not really. His only reliability is being pocketed by 4 other teammates. That’s not what I call reliable.

No other hero in this game needs that to work. Wait, actually Sym and Torb need comps built around them, and thus they are getting changed and reworked… Maybe Bastion falls under that same boat. :thinking: