What happened to Sombra isn't fair

I was just making sure, you wouldn’t believe the ignorance of some people on the forums.

I joined just before bastion was gutted, and to me he was OP. He was OP until i escaped silver and realised it was the opposite. How would you know zero sombra mains cared about bastion though?




I care about most of the heroes, I’m just not vocal about them.

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I wish I could play old Bastion again. I use to be able to use sentry mode effectively from so many different locations without having to rely on my team to protect me. Now, bastion needs a complete babysitting squad of healers and tanks just to be semi-playable.

Imho, i’ve slightly lowered the hack duration, instead the “hit while hack, hack 2 s cd”

They did the same exact same thing to Junkrat without PTR testing either, dropping all his rates too. I agree, they need to listen to the community as a whole and those who play the character rather than just listening to those they deem “pro players” who have vendettas against heroes they don’t play (or in the case of junkrat, bronze level players who dont know left from right)

Have I or have I not been making multiple posts pointing out how diabolical Bastion is doing right now?

Are you talking about the recent Junkrat change I pretty sure that was on PTR

She’s wasnt even that good before the nerfs. A lot of people started playing her and people started overreacting because they weren’t used to getting hacked because before the “buff” (which is really more of a rework than a buff) no one played her. The delays, cast times, 1 damage canceled abilities, bugs, and clunky gameplay just dont make a recipe for success. Hanzo and widow are everywhere and so half the time stealth is even more useless than it is now, not to mention a Hanzo can just duel a sombra at close range anyway especially with the way mercy pockets them.


If it was, it wasn’t announced durring the trial and ptr players are usually clueless anyways, just wanting to test out the announced items. No one said anything about Junkrat nerfs till they hit live b/c thats when the people who actually play the characters found out about them.

Very much this. If they had given players a chance to go “Oh right, Sombra can actually hurt us now, better adapt to that” it would have been fine.

But no, the pro scene players went screaming to Blizzard that it was unacceptable that their meta might be in danger. Despite Contenders proving that Sombra wasn’t destroying high competitive play and Jeff himself saying her win rate was in line they caved.

It wasn’t a nerf. It was a nuke from orbit.


I can usually make her work…

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Sombra is “balanced”.

holds your hand It’ll all be alright in the end, I promise.

She is playable, but there are bugs with the new LOS nerf. I guarantee that there are times where you will not succeed using hack and think you just misplayed when the truth is that the skill bugged out on you.

Sometimes, hack will go through shields or break when an enemy jumps, it can activate before you complete half the 0.65 second channel or take 2 seconds to channel. Hack is now a gamble where you either win out, get screwed, or see it act normally.

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Fitzy gets game changing bugs almost on a regular basis where hack brakes for no reason. Its so frustrational.

Bastion isn’t plauged by bugs which make him unplayable. Bug fixes is all most of us want, I’m fine with not buffing her but to leave her as a buggy mess for so long isn’t right the same would be said for any hero as buggy as her.

Yeah, now that you mention it, I have gotten this bulls**t kind of hack many times before, thanks for the enlightenment.