What do you want from the new Support?

I’d love to see them have an ability to place jump pads. Rein charging at you? Jump pad out or make him hit it and miss.
It would also allow everyone on the team to reach different spots.


I just want more hitscan damage options if I’m honest with you. Supports feel very projectile-heavy.

I’d prefer a Mario Kart speed pad on the ground rather than a jump pad, but then again, I play Bap. I might have a little bit of bias on that front. High Noon plus jump pad would be hilarious, though.


I want them to have strong/burst heals so I can continue playing Brig and Lucio with minimal whining from my team


i want them to be able to survive for more than 1-2 seconds against enemy flankers and tanks ,


I want their survivability to be tied to their movement similar to Mercy & Lucio. Would be fun learning a new movement focused kit.

Or alternatively I’d like something like Zen, where the only option you have against flankers is to square up and show 'em who’s boss.


To be a decent healer.

bap already exists

I’ve thought of the speed pad but we have Lucio for that.

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I’m okay with some utility overlap. Currently if you want to provide damage boost you can go Mercy or Zen depending on your taste; I’d like a Lucio with an uzi or a desert eagle.


Idk what I want
I need healing

I want them to do a lot of healing, be nearly unkillable unless you’re trolling, and have overpowered utility.

The main thing I want is for Blizzard to not put heroes behind pay or grind walls. At lowest it takes 2 weeks to unlock a new hero if you don’t own the BP. Putting heroes in the BP just creates more problems than anything good. Most heroes in OW are known to be very unballanced when their new in the game and it usually takes some time before the developers been able the balance them to a better level. If everyone just gets the new heroes at the season start no ones at an advantage or disadvantage. I don’t think people who buys the BPs will stop doing it if new heroes are not in them so there’s nothing to lose of making them available from the start to everyone.

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I want her to be waifu or Mama Hong

A support with a Portal Gun


More cleansing, or other means of dealing with Ana. Sometimes I don’t want to play Kiriko, but atm, sometimes she’s necessary or it’s a throw. It’d be good to have a Kiriko sidegrade.

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Just talking classic archetypes/basic playstyle my top desires for Support are a summoner/pet class, another bard/dancer type that captures the play style better, and a true lifesteal based healer.

If somehow they’re an aim heavy Support, I really want a short to mid range hitscan for that next. Otherwise, if they’re indeed the Mercy like “pure Support”, I’d hope for serious ability complexity instead and more MOBA/MMO inspiration. And while I’d be happy either way if they’re fun, we are still severely lacking for more utility/DPSy focused options and are well overdue for another Lucio or Zen type.

Most noticeably lacking utility is probably giving alternative mobility options like the jump pad idea. and also damage reduction, though Blizzard may well simply not want to go there again. Speed and especially cleansing will need some more overlap eventually as well. HoTs are also kinda under utilized.

A rapid firing weapon like Tracer or Sombra. Everyone either fires 1 powerful chunky shot (Kiriko crits, Ana) or a volley, then a brief cooldown (Lucio, Baptiste).

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So all supports if your good cool so you wont be disappointed

I want her to be as beautiful as Kiriko.

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i want the same thing i want from any new hero from any role

high. mobility.

new and interesting mobility, short cooldowns on those movement abilities. overwatch has something no other game has. it has a WIDE variety of movement tech. blinks, shadow steps, fades, wraiths, teleports, wall climbs, jump boots, flight (and a lot of different KINDS of flight), boosters, translocators, dashes, slides, grapples (multiple kids!), self damaging rocket jumps (multiple kinds!) charges, the list goes on and on and for good reason. keep leaning into this!

mobility is fun :smiley:


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A precision tracking weapon for healing and/or damage would be great. Either a beam or a rapid fire hitscan weapon would do.

Any kind of deployable ability would be nice. The deployable could damage like a turret, give buffs or debuffs, provide mobility options, or much more. There’s a lot untapped potential there.

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