What do you want from players?

Not quite. False reports are quite damaging to your ability to report. If the stats don’t match the report and the player’s report is deemed false, then eventually the player will reach a point where their reports no longer counts.

This is known as a “shadow ban” where you lose a function without actually knowing you lost the function. It is also entirely unknown how many false reports you need to do to lose your ability to report, and for how long you actually lose the ability.

It is sometimes discussed if the shadow ban method is appropriate as a lot of players think false reporting is fine to do. If players for instance started receiving warnings that a lot of their reports didn’t check out and was warned their ability to report would disappear, false reporting might be taken a lot more seriously.


stop demanding things, think everything revolves around them and stop whining about pretty much everything.

just enjoy the game and accept that sometimes you or others have a bad day

From my gaming experience Overwatch is thee worst when it comes to their policy.

It’s really sad though and I can see this getting worst. I mean do they not care at all?

Update: Brutalistica just informed me that they’re tossing his appeal side into the garbage can. They’re not explaining anything. They’re just copy and pasting rules policy and such. There’s zero explanation. Are they trying to chase players away?? This just confirms me that you must stay away competitive play. I am going to make another thread.


Yeah that’s like common knowledge, but that’s not the point of this thread. Nevertheless you can’t truly enjoy a game not knowing you’re going to get ban for something you didn’t do.

The thing is if we don’t support this case now. It’s going to get worst. Bad enough most appeals are ignored on those who are innocent in the manner. It’s taken a mental affect on them that they’re not being treated as valued customers, but more as wallets with legs and feet.

Sadly i do agree with this, they promised a game that you did not had to pay again and add loot boxes and no progression system. Give limited time to get items, new skins and emotes are now costing a lot of actual money instead of game currency ( making game currency useless when you gain 20 per level up that takes 4/5 hours, how are people calling this fair? ).

There are a lot of malpractices and anti consumer deals with overwatch, i hate them too, and i hate how they keep trying to make me pay for more when they promised they would not do this. I really hate how to a lot of people it comes to the “poor” “its just 30 dollars” “cheap scum” shuns and insults always come on this areas too. Buy or get insulted, its just baffling.

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Update: Okay so Brutalistica gotten a response from the game master and of course…

" Greetings, friend. This is " not going to put on blast" . I’m stopping by to follow up after your most recent ticket with respect to your account action. Following an additional review of your case (which is an exception here, since we only conduct one review), we can confirm that the evidence presented was correct and that the subsequent action taken was appropriate. Our decision in this matter stands and will not be overturned and the account will remain suspended. For privacy and security reasons, it is our policy never to reveal details regarding account investigations beyond those which are provided in the original notice mail. "

The usual rules and policy speech and

" We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject. "

Leaving with a quote…
" It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts." - Robert H. Schuller "

Pretty much added salt to the wound.

Overall the game masters knows that

However they will persist the ban because they believe the trolls are in the right.

Overwatch developers.

You created a hero and you can get ban from playing it. Players created memes for specific heroes that are now known as troll picks. You support this and not fix it? Why should players play your game at all when they will get reported by troll reporters claiming the match was sabotage.

You don’t even need to have chat box on and you still get credit for being reported because their word is better than the player that’s being reported? Why do you favor that concept so much when it goes against your ruling on game sabotage? If the player is playing and trying to win how is that treated as game sabotage?

How can you gather evidence and you know the truth, but still persist the ban? Who are you truly helping? All this does is promote more troll reports due to a faulty automated report system. All you had to do was explain the situation than saying we agree that we are in the right when you’re not. You know you’re in the wrong and all you had to do was uplift the penalty.

What type of twisted logic are you going at with this? Why out of WoW and Hots you’re the only one that follows this corrupted policy to the full extent? Then you want to come with endorsements and lfg when that only adds more toxicity. This is a very sick game run by…ugh I am loss for words.

This cycle will continue until we have someone new in the office that can fix this toxic policy mess.

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This is a sad day for fair and good players, it seems that the people in power will never take the time and consideration to check this things. In the dawn of war 3 forums, i once stated how disappointed i was when the developers left the game in such a dire state. Then i was censored stating that i was spreading lies about the game. So i posted again, stating how disappointed i was on the issue and the mods censoring the information about it, checking my facts and making sure they where true. So i got banned for saying lies.

In the end it does not matter if you did the right thing, it is so disappointing that they try to make fake hype and good will without addressing the real issue. Numbers will not make people better players, it will teach them how to lie to their allies until the game is over. Is this what the developers really want? fake just pretty none solutions?. It does make their numbers look good, but that is the issue, they are solving numbers issues before solving human issues.

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Yes this is exactly what they want. Promoting false positivity. Troll haven and be prepared to be report if you have a favorite hero that’s not meta.

I am hurt as well that this game isn’t what it’s meant to be. WoW and Hots are the only games with decent reasonable game moderators.

Not Hots, jesus christ what did they did by adding loot boxes…but that is another topic i already made. What i will never like from Hots are the servers and how they dc people for no reason and they will not be able to fix it because it built in the server and game function, it will not be able to get fixed until there is a Hots 2 and everything you spent on the first one is worth 0.