How can I play this game if I keep getting suspended?

I won FFA match with Symmetra, I was reported by DPS salty kids.

OP is the type to flex, but dealt with players who are aggressively wanting to win and quick to report if it doesn’t happen. This case happens time from time and I do know automated reports can be abused. So far being a Sym main or playing her on a losing team when doing well makes it worst even if the player is flexing.

Thing is competitive play has a much more toxic mindset environment. I can expect this result on off meta heroes even if the player swaps.

I do play on consoles, I have reported thousands of players for toxicity, (game sabotage by throwing the game remaining at spawn or walking in circles near spawn) abuse voice chat, and don’t even know if my reports were reviewed. Consoles environment is worse, if you’re suspended you can create another account, for FREE. And I was reported because I am a good Sym player, the DPS couldn’t countered me in ffa.

Did you check out his profile? He has 12hrs on sym, 4hrs on junkrat. Almost an hour on torb. Then he has 53mins across the board for supports and less time then that on tanks. That’s not what I call flexing. That’s the bare minimum.

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Yeah I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Competitive play is where the real toxic lives. Other modes probably don’t have as much which = less reports to none.

I’m pretty sure most roles are taken up during the match. However if there are minutes on other heroes then that shows flexing. It’s not the best result, but it beats 0 considering how fast matches goes.

Automated reports and random suspensions is Blizzard’s new business model. Counter slow development and declining income with the need to purchase multiple accounts. Support smurfing on all levels. Have some $20 sales weekends so everyone can add new accounts.

Brag about 40 million accounts. Win-win situation.


17hrs in dps and less than 1hr in tank and support isn’t flexing. At least if that’s his argument as to why he is getting suspended. He isn’t actually flexing. He’s switching every now and again and then acting like it’s enough. He is a dps main. And sadly sym has a bad rep, which needs to die out. But I wouldn’t call what he does flexing. I think their is more to this story then he is letting on. I main off meta for the most part. I’ve never been banned once.

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Then I suppose this leads to one tricking is ban worthy in OP’s case. However you’re suppose to play who you’re best with and when the time to flex on other heroes you do so. At least that shows something the player is willingly to flex when the time comes.

But it doesn’t show that. We don’t have proof of anything other than him being suspended 3 times, and the heroes he plays. This automated system isn’t new. The best way to not be banned is to be a team player. Crazy concept. If you intentionally go against your team what do you think is going to happen? Of course people won’t like you. Flexing isn’t going “hey I’ll play half the game and at the last minute I’ll switch to support” It’s waiting to see what the team picks and picking the best option you know you can play to better accommodate the team. He isn’t flexing.

I don’t think that’s truly the case in this game. You can still be a team player and get banned so that logic is thrown out no matter how much you want to argue against it.

I know this game well enough and a lot of time players aren’t against each other. They keep dying to the same mistakes which builds up anger and then they start pointing the finger. I can see that in OP’s case and many others before him.

I’m pretty sure he probably dealt with those kind of players who swap at the last minute. Most roles are filled at the start of the match which and flex in between to help out the team. However in OP case I can see while being an dps main if a role is slacking. He’ll swap to support it to keep the game going, but reading his " I need support " line. I know I have been there too when you’re not getting any backup from your teammates because they’re scattered or raging because of too many mistakes. The OP is flexing for sure, but you’re just picturing it in a negative tone.

The day that bs spreads to FFA consistently is the day I storm Blizzard HQ.

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Update: OP appeals has been denied and there was 0 explanation on the game masters end. Normally there is, but this nothing more than a copy and paste case. I really hate this game and the people that works there. Overwatch maybe the most toxic game ever when it comes to their ruling.

I just play it to get golden guns. I’ve been running into less toxic people, which is nice. But if you are in bronze - gold you’re gonna have toxicity almost every match. diamond is rather toxic though when you find a toxic person but a good amount of people are funny and enjoyable

I get rather lucky with my teams.

I do it for the gold guns too and yeah I’m in gold and on PS4 so no one talks…or if someone has a mic you can hear the AC and a chip bag.

Thanks for the feedback guys and yes to the player who did not believe you can get a forum ban from a in game one. Yes a forum ban is applied because they don’t want you to communicate on the forums. I suppose in their eyes if you’re toxic in game then you’ll be toxic on the forums. I have been suspended 2 times and with the recent one making it my third.

Twice during a silence ban and with a silence ban you cannot communicate. Third time was outside a silence ban and I rarely did much communication to avoid another silence ban. However it came to my realization that even if you’re flexing you will still be reported by a player. All it takes is one or two mistakes and players will come to a quick judgment conclusion. Trolls knows that the report system is abused easily and automated.

However it’s not trolls that makes it worst. It’s the players that have this " justice is served " vision abusing the report system. When making an appeal it will always be shot down to the fact you might realize Overwatch supports the " justice is served " players regardless if the reports are false or valid. I can say because of that insight alone influenced many other players to follow that path. That’s why automated reports are out of control.

This is the only game I have been falsely accused by the suspension ban and it stayed that way. The silence ban I have receive I can vouch for because during that time I was toxic, but like everyone else it was due to how toxic the game was and how it’s handled. I got caught up in that mess and fell for the trap. If anything I am not really a big fan of Overwatch as I used to nor do I trust their judgment. You can get ban for a hero they created for a game and because of premade through lfg groups.

Those group of players can abuse the report system due to how they’re feeling at that time and who is influencing them to do so. I will still play the game, but lesser now especially in competitive play seeing how the real mess starts there than outside of it. My message to all is stay out of competitive play unless you’re going for the golden gun. Play it less because competitive play don’t have competitive players or else reports wouldn’t matter. Too many players get triggered so easily they report the player with lies about a player’s performance.

When you get hit by the ban hammer your appeals won’t matter.

Oh hey you’re back. Why do you still want to play this game when it might happen again? They hardly respect their customers regardless of past penalties history so why bother? Play Paladins because it’s like the same, but more creative. It’s just isn’t fast pace like Overwatch, but you won’t get banned for a hero you’re playing. Knowing Hi - Rez ways you’re pretty much safe.

Because you allow yourself to be a victim, I went attack torb/Sym for 3 season and didn’t entertain nonsense and wasn’t banned, stand up.

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Yeah I am not believing that. I am pretty sure you swap when it was needed and you probably had players that weren’t totally morally toxic. Many players just like Brutalistica did what you did, but unfortunately met the ban hammer. They can stand up, but I hardly doubt they won’t go with it again get another ban. It’s unhealthy for the mind and also the game.

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No, I didn’t.

20 characters.

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I still like the game, but I just won’t play it as much. It’s what they wanted so…

I play that game and I like it more due to customizing your hero. I play a support that plays like a warlock. Seris I believe her name was.

I stand up alright, but got knocked down too many times. I can’t have fun if the players going to act like this over a hero pick, performance regardless of swaps and automated reports where game masters don’t accept appeals on false accounts. I think the players here are way too focus and not realizing the damage they’re doing hence why false reports goes out. They’re not focusing on having fun while climbing. They’re focusing on being toxic while trying to climb and thinking their views are right.

Who knows maybe because I am in the diamond bracket and almost closed in masters at one time is where these serious players are at.