i thought about this when i suggested the 1-3-2 changes from hog to 2-2-2, no one wants hog to kill anything but they dont want him to help sustain the team either
people complained that it took too long to kill things, and now people complain that things die too fast, honestly what do you want? i dont mean that in a negative way because honestly when it comes to balance i dont even know what i want, teams that could sustain forever were usually not fun to fight against
Personally, I like the slower TTK, since it promotes strategy and planning and setup, rather than just running gung-ho into a situation and blitzing everyone. Iâve got plenty of games where I can do that already.
Moreover, as far as balance overall⌠Ideally, Iâd like to see everyone be viable. That doesnât mean equally useful, but there shouldnât be a hero who you look at and think, âin what reasonable scenario [not just using them to use them] would I ever use this hero over some other hero X?â There are too many of those right now. In a perfect world, this means no meta, but in a realistic world⌠probably a map/mode-based meta, not just in GM but down ladder as well.
Also, Iâd like to see ladder balancing actually based off ladder.
Thing is, theyâre nerfing shields whilst buffing damage. Theyâre not dealing with the problems by balancing them - theyâre just pushing the game from one extreme to another.
that is true, was trying to start a conversation with those who hate hog in this topic
but they are not visiting because they dont care about balance they just want whatever is killing them to be nerfed into the ground because they dont want to learn how to counter
the main thing ive really wanted from them is to make the tanks more interchangable, to try and get people caring less about synergy between the main and off tank, and more about whether or not someone can actually play the hero
as an example, itâs not very common to demand someone to pick a dps that synergizes with your other dps. but with tanks, you usually will be asked to pick something that pairs well with your counterpart
honestly i like this, it sucks because i dont play rein so if my teammate goes zarya i am just expected to pick rein(i would if i wasnt garbage with him) and i went orisa instead and people would complain, i feel with the most recent patch they have improved this a bit but weâll have to see where the meta goes
yea the only thing i worry about is that itâll change the feel of the game a bit too much. like, i donât really see a world where that happens if some current characters arenât reworked (like roadhog, for example)
luckily i donât have to worry about it since iâm not a dev
Fusion Cannons
Increase damage per pellet by 5
Remove movement speed penalty
Reduce CD to 1
Double the duration
Back to 15 m range
Make it a cone instead of a beamlike thing
No Ressource Meter
CD of 1 second
Duration of 10 seconds
D.Va can now shoot and melee during Matrix
Micro missiles:
New Passive: Unique
Only the Player Honya who suggested that buff is now allowed to use this Hero.
Dev Notes: D.Va should have a Place in the Game and with those changes she should be able to slide into the meta organically without being a must pick. We removed micro missiles to make sure she doesnât feel oppressive to play against.
Personally, I prefer more organized set-ups over deathmatch (which I like to play but not as the main game mode!). More âbrainyâ strategies, more reliance on teamwork, and less reliant on âoh we got a random one shot, letâs go in!â.
I still say GOATS was the epitome of what the game should be in terms of team and coordination, only figure out how to fit dps in there. But nope, theyâve nuked that idea altogether cause people want to just pop off all the time and couldnât care less about the rest of the team.
Smaller DâVa critbox
Larger DâVa DM
Higher damage and lower spread / drop off on DâVa fusion Canons.
Lower cooldown on DâVa boosters.
Higher damage using Hana Songâs bunny gun.
Well, if you think about it the balance of squishes is divided: Damage and Support.
Squishes that are damage focused and squishes that are Buff and Debuff focused with more or less damage dealing involved.
The heavies (Tanks) could also be divided: Supportive heavies and Damage heavies.
Supportive heavies are tanks more oriented to protect and Damage heavies tanks about less protection and more damage.
But you donât have heavies divided in 2 category as well in 222, only squishes. So thatâs where you get most of team composition inconsistencies from, like 2 damage oriented tanks or 2 protection oriented, that sometimes upset players.
It seems safer to have at least a good barrier uptime and stuff, but you canât guarantee people would pick them to play as.
Also a Tankâs job donât necessarily needs to be about Escort or Bunker protection.
You canât just generalize everyoneâs statements.
Some people want a recolored CS:GO
Some people donât agree on the fundamental meaning of âbalanceâ
Some people donât know what they want as they asked for a more skilled Moira with a cleanse and rejected what Blizz offered.
and thatâs honestly fine. I think itâs ok to want change but not know exactly how you want to change things⌠so long as you remain reasonable
I want them to stop making the tank role weaker. The worse tanks get, the less fun supporting becomes as all I ever do is vomit healing so we can try and probably fail to get past depressing choke points like the ones on Anubis.
Iâm longing for the early days of 2018, an approximate 6 month period between Moth mercy ending and Brigitteâs release. All tanks and supports had significant play time, as well as most dps. For an example of how much more balanced it was in the Feb. meta report, GM D.Va was the most played tank at about 60% pick rate due to her versatility, while the least picked was Zarya at about 25%. That is leagues better than what we have had really ever since Brigitteâs release where one tank pairing would just absolutely dominate the game, often with 90%+ pick rates.
I believe the tank pairings were too rigid, and would like to see all tanks made more generally viable. I believe the pros pairing Zarya with Winston is a good thing because as much as I believe Zarya should not be tethered to Reinhardt, D.Va should not be chained to Winston. The game is at its most fun when varied team comps are run and it does not feel like you are losing because of your or your team matesâ hero selection. Rein/D.Va vs Winston/Zarya is much more interesting than endless Rein/Zarya mirror matches or whatever the flavor of the patch is.
Since D.Va is my favorite hero obviously I focus the most on her. She has not felt like a good pick ever since her GOATS nerfs prior to 2-2-2, and that was well over a year and a half ago.
dva to be viable and not one shot ult battery. âhogs an ult battery tooâ yeah that can heal himself and get ult from it, splitting ult charge to 3 people (hog and 2 heals) instead of 2. Remove stun from hook, just make it pull, make it require more thinking of cdâs. oh, mei has all her abilities? hog can still one shot full health before she gets ice cube up.
I donât have massive amount of playtime on hog, I donât have much suggestions. I have suggestions on dva because I understand how her kit and synergy works to a deeper level.
Asheâs fast hs wasnât op because it left a sliver of hp. maybe something like that?
honestly hook not being able to stun would make hook just not good at all that said i dont mind hook being looked at, very open to the 1-3-2 changes from experimental going into 2-2-2(without the damage nerf or the 6 second hook so he would have the same damage as roadhog in the last patch and the same hook cooldown) which would remove a lot of people complaining about his damage but hook not stunning means you wouldnt want to hook about half the cast because it would put you at a disadvantage
honestly dont play ashe so cant judge her too much, she seems very strong