Would you be happier with 1-3-2 roadhog brought to 2-2-2?

pretty much would you be happier with the hog that could heal his teammates and provide damage resist when he took a breather? because i know a lot of people hate not being able to kill things but turns out people hate being killed(lets forget that they dont know how to counter him)

i wonder what the reaction to 1-3-2 hog with no damage loss would be like compared to current hog, i just want him useful i like killing things but i dont mind if they did take him into a healing tank direction as long as they dont butcher his damage

EDIT: i have created this topic but since this forum doesnt allow one bump i created my own bump(only ever do one bump)

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No 1-3-2 period no matter the tank.


I want a Hog that is more like an off-tank and less like a fat DPS.

It would help make Hog viable in more compositions because the main tank often has trouble surviving without damage mitigation from the off tank, and it would make Hog feel less cheap to play into for beginners/low levels because to them Hog can feel like a DPS only way better.

I think all tanks should have some kind of damage mitigation, it could be shields, bubbles, DM, ETC. Honestly I think it would be cool if hog’s TAB aura gave stun immunity/reduction

He was interesting but didn’t really work. In 1-3-2 a single tank really can’t cover all the places he needs to be. Super easy to flank and move around, killing the rest of his team while he sits there impotently.

That hog also had an extreme weakness to CC and Ana’s anti nade. His dmg was also beyond pathetic to the point it almost made his hook pointless. All he did was draw people in to shoot him easier as he couldn’t over come the healing the enemy would get.

Half of what makes Hog work is being so dangerous people fear him. A tank no one fears is just a door stop to walk around or an Ult battery. For a good example I always look at Orisa vs Rein.

Both have a shield but Rein is DANGEROUS up close, so people stay back. They respect his barrier. His hammer hurts and can kill most hero’s in 2-3 swings. His charge is instant death for most non tanks as well.

Mean while Orisa’s gun gets harder to aim the closer you get and people pay no attention to her or her barrier. They just walk up and kill her without fear. This is what happened with the solo tank version of Roadhog.

He was super hard to kill between his own healing, the lingering healing of the cloud etc. But he really had no power to stop enemies from killing his team.

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honestly he was garbage in 1-3-2 but what i meant is bring 1-3-2 hog to 2-2-2 but without the 6 second hook cooldown and without the damage nerf that came with 1-3-2 hog


Probably not a straight conversion, he’d need further tweaking for 2/2/2, but that was the right and healthier direction for him.


so you want tank players to literally abandon the game

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No I’m against 1-3-2.

so am i, might be a bit miscommunication here but i dont want 1-3-2 back, hog was trash in 1-3-2 but i think hog from that mode(with a few changes he wouldnt need the 6 second hook or the damage nerf) would work well in 2-2-2


I like Roadhog for being what he is: a fat tub of flub that makes enemies, flankers particularly, think twice about approaching the objective and other key map points without backup. Much like an actual literal Tank.

Also the less “Holy Trinity” design in this game, the better.


I think when people talk about bringing in 1-3-2 Hog, they are referring to implementing the changes Hog had in 1-3-2, not 1-3-2 itself.

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thank you, i think my wording could have better tbh