What do you think is the core problem in OW right now?

Add a “Toxic community” to this and it sums up the whole thread.

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Hit scan dominance, its making many heroes obsolete including every single none hit scan dps.

Pretty much sums up the relationship this game has with healing, its actually pretty toxic how necessary healing is to do ANYTHING in this game. Honestly the reason tanking feels so bad is because healers are expected to keep tanks alive instead of them just being tanky.


The core problem?

In my opinion it is the balancing of this game. They keep buffing easy heroes like McCree and Hanzo but nerf Tracer, Zen, Ashe.

Overwatch has 2 fundamental problems right now that are somewhat linked to each other

  1. The baseline for ‘power’ is too high
    This is due to Blizzard’s incorrect attitude towards balancing. More often than not, if a hero was overpowered, they would buff said hero’s counters instead of simply nerfing the overpowered hero. So they were actually moving the problem and not fixing it. This created an environment where the centre of the game’s balance was never consistent, but always increasing after every meta.
  2. The pace of the game is too fast.
    Too much power is placed in burst damage. Too much power is placed in burst healing. Too much of the game comes down to split-second decisions and reaction times.

Blizzard. The balance team is just straight up incompetent.

IMO, the game relies too much on spam damage. People seems to be just firing both their ammo and abilities since there’s no restriction, the only thing I see being not spammed is Ults.

I think if there wasn’t as much damage being thrown around all the time the healing and shield nerfs wouldn’t feel as oppressive.

Idk how to fix this though. I think maybe if only when healing/damage connects you get Ult charge with maybe a nerf to abilities cooldown in general could help reduce this overwhelming spam damage.

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Gameplay hasn’t evolved. I thought we would eventually get a moba mode when i pre ordered but look at where we are. Pathetic tbh.

I think the biggest issue is CC. It makes balance very difficult and is part of the reason playing main tank feels so bad sometimes. Not only do they get focus by a lot of damage but they also tend to get CC locked. I truly think the game would be better if most of the CC was removed and the game was rebalance without it.

  • Heroes counter each other --> Replaced with item shop
  • Some heroes live in the shadow of others --> Bring back hero pools and don’t make it based on OWL
  • Adding a Talent system would be great because the game is too repetitive
  • Increase the matchmaking quality that has been ruined by smurfs.
  • Casual players don’t have a reason to play --> Add quests/Battel Pass/ Challenges.
  • Make tanks less of ult-batteries.

the only free time you get is too emote on the payload for 5 seconds before you have to fight again.
also its a fast paced game, time to kill is the least of there concerns

happy with the game, not happy with my personal performance

I think OW is in the best state balance wise that it’s been in a very long time, but I think they need more diversity in the tank and support roles. The meta gets stale fast when there’s so few options for those categories. Plus, adding more of these characters will also help the state of the tank role.

toxicity - thats in every game lol. you cant control people and i dont know if blizzard will use the necessary resources to combat the issue.

smurfs - i dont know how they would ever combat it w/o extreme measures like phone identification. even in other games that still isnt enough. maybe a better game warden (cringe)

matchmaking - see this on the forums a LOT. i mean i notice fluctuation but i always float around 50/50. im an average player tho so i think i belong where i belong. cant talk for everyone else tho…

harassment - along with toxicity this seems like a problem according to the forums. we do have tools to combat it … ignore and turn off voice/text chat

game balance - how can you balance 32 combinations of dps/tank/healer with ults and abilities. the magnitude is great and there will be only more heroes down the road. someone had a mathematical equation and its ridiculous.

lore and story elements - i wish there was more. a lot of people attach themselves to certain heroes. everyone loves a protagonist. we all want to know their background stories and what makes them tick

oh forgot… Report Automation - they really have to take a look at this. according to the forums and high profile players people are getting banned for the strangest reasons.

im just glad im not in charge of handling all this madness :stuck_out_tongue:

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(20 characters)

That maybe true for some people I have plenty of fun not smurfing, or with an alt. Not having fun because you don’t win is an excuse in my book

Fun is, in general, something you try to have.

In normal games, you can have both fun and win, creating false illusion, that fun = winning.

But in Overwatch, you are often given a choice - pick hero you dislike/hate to play as for probable victory, or continue on for certain fun.

A few things for me.

  • Crappy matchmaker, leading to way too many steamrolls and matches that are completely pointless and just a frustrating waste of time. I think this is my biggest problem with the game.
  • Awful, toxic, childish playerbase.
  • Heroes that exist only to ruin other people’s fun. Genji, Doomfish, Hanzo, and the worst of all Window “drop dead randomly” Maker.

DPS queue times used to be a huge problem too, but I’m glad to say that’s gotten better now with the Priority Pass system. (Still not great mind you, but manageable for the most part.)

Irony, is that we have double standards - you are allowed to ruin other people’s fun via killing, but don’t you ever dare doing it in other ways.

You make game “unfun” by denying kills? Tactical nerf incoming.

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I liked playing support at one point but like then it became who can pump the most healing in the tanks before they die and now it’s who can pocket the DPS the best. Like this gameplay is not fun (IMO) and doesn’t feel rewarding. Like yay my DPS did all the work while I basically watched.

The biggest issue is Blizzard for many many reasons.