What do you mean by skill?

Or aim at a wall behind the shielding Rein to trick him out into thinking someone is attacking him from behind.

It just irritates me to no end even people insist heroes are no aim no skill. Mercy doesn’t need much aim, but she’s pretty good at enabling her team when the player is good. Moira doesn’t need aim, but she’s still a great healer if you know how to manage your healing juice.

Brig is her own category because I don’t have much of an opinion on her and can’t say much.

Either way, people look at low skill floor heroes and scream "no skill!!1! While ignoring the skill ceiling.


Moira is my healer main, and it annoys me to no end when people say she takes no skill. People always talk about her like she’s a DPS always complaining about her OP orb. Got news for you fellows she’s not meant to be a DPS, I only use her DPS to finish off low HP squishies or restore my healing juice off tanks. I can always get really good healing stats with her because I know how to manage her heals and DPS. A lot of people don’t know that she does healing over time, and that you don’t have to hold M1 till your target is healed. I see so many Moiras use up all their heals when the fight has just started forcing them to to a bunch of DPSing. it’s frustrating.


Skill: not being an idiot.

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Really hard to master for the Overwatch community

All of 'em.

That’s a contradictory statement right there.


i literally made a thread about in the very long distant past,

here you go

So, skill? Aiming is skill, positioning is skill, game sense is skill.

To me skill is broad umbrella term that covers a lot of things. In Overwatch Skill then branches out into two categories:

Mechanical Skill
Non-Mechanical Skill

Both are still skill, but more specific. Both of those branches branch out even further.

Mechanical Skill

  • Aim
  • Positioning
  • Ability Timing
  • Ability Use

All things that basically have to do with direct gameplay. Not so much knowledge or awareness. Some of these can be debated to be in one category or the other. I’m not claiming to be the end all be all on what is mechanical or not. Just my opinion.


  • Situational Awareness
  • Game Sense
  • Ult Tracking
  • Cooldown Management

And stuff like that. By definition these are all skills and you can be skillful in each of these. Just some are mechanical skills and others not. But once again, this is just how I see it. I just like to label and organize things neatly.

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Maybe because it’s the easiest one to explain, and quantify.

Skill is how long it takes to get proficient at a hero.

If you can pick up a hero and be proficient a few hours later, it’s low skill.

If you play a hero for a hundred hours and still play like garbage, it’s probably a high skill hero.

My overall definition of skill is: The amount of effort it takes to perform your job successfully.

Game Sense, Positioning, Aiming, Callouts etc.

Some heros require more of one category but less of another, and some are well rounded etc.

You just contradicted yourself in one short line.

You say a hero doesn’t need skill, and then go on to say that all she needs is good aim.

Think about that for a moment.

Frankly, being a genuis isnt that difficult. It just requires you to have an extremely high IQ

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Skill is the application of game mechanics. It can include aim, situational awareness, DF physics exploits, the use of a RIPTire to take out Pharmercy, and so on and so forth.

And considering a whole 1% of the population can play Widow effectively, the idea that she has no skill is baffling.

I have never seen such a fruitcake community as to be able to say “aim is not a skill” in an FPS, let alone one that will respond to this by saying “this isn’t an FPS.”

Gee, we don’t even know what genre we’re playing on, yet we’re having huge discussions about skill?! :eyes:

And I won’t even get into how the community sees game sense and positioning as mutually exclusive.

So you’re complaining that people say widow requires skill in a thread asking “what do you mean by skill?” (What I assume by “you” you mean the forum as a collective).

Game sense is a skill, positioning is a skill, aiming is a skill.

By stating

Undermines what I’m assuming you’re getting at: gamesense, positioning etc are a skill. Because I can easily say

“[insert hero who doesn’t require aim] doesn’t require skill. Only needs to be good at positioning and just a little game sense. That’s basically it.”

They mean their hero requires it and yours doesn’t.

Skill can be either aim or gamesense. Both are equally hard to master.
I think that you can include positioning in game sense because game sense lets you know where you should be at what times.

If you made this thread just to be petty about Widowmaker, then go play her and then tell me she’s easy. Aim is key with this hero, but it isn’t easy (at least for most people) until you put in lots of practice.

“Skill” is anything that is a determining factor in successfully playing your hero, things that take a bit of practice and/or thinking to pull off. It includes positioning, gamesense, cooldown/resource/ult management, mechanics (both aim and movement), shotcalling, teamwork, etc.

I don’t think there’s such a thing as an “unskilled” hero, and that if people play their hero(es) well enough to climb to a certain rank, they belong there.

Well, skill is kind of an abstract idea, but I think it covers the following:

  • Game sense (Awareness of what’s going on around you and ability to make quick decisions based on that information. Better game sense means more information is collected in a given moment and leads to better, quicker decision-making.)
  • Game knowledge (Knowledge of map layouts, hero synergies, context-specific strategies, hero strengths/weaknesses, and advanced hero techniques.)
  • Aim (Self-explanatory. You’ll definitely need this to get into Masters and up but it is by no means the only marker of skill.)
  • Range and depth of experience (Similar to game knowledge, but without the theoretical aspect. This covers anything that just knowing it wouldn’t be enough; you’d have to have practiced it. Things like Genji’s combos, Zarya’s shield timing, or Mercy’s Guardian Angel momentum acrobatics. It also includes the range of interactions you’ve encountered; most new players don’t know that two colliding Reinhardts will knock each other down when they first get the game. They find that out by experience or observation.)
  • Creativity (Your ability to develop innovative or unorthodox tactics or maneuvers to trick up your opponent or work around unusual obstacles. Winston using his shortened Rocket Jump cooldown to get across a gap or cliff he normally couldn’t cross is an example of this, as is Junkrat positioning his mine in such a way that it knocks an enemy directly into his trap.)

Different heroes have different levels of requirement for each of these categories; McCree doesn’t need as much game sense as Mercy, for example, but requires much more aim instead.

From what I can tell, people equate skill with how often they can accidentally get headshots while flicking their mouse.