What do you mean by skill?

What’s Skill to you? Aiming like Pro Widows? Game Sense? Positioning? Etc.

Because frankly, Widow doesn’t require Skill. Only needs to be good at aiming and just a little game sense. That’s basically it.

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90% of the time here, it equates to aim, even if it’s not said directly.


Skill = One trick Genji. :roll_eyes:


Different witch each hero. Different heroes require different types of skill.
I mean sure it’s easy to play Mercy, but it’s not easy to play her well.
People like to argue that Hanzo’s nothing but no aim spam, but you know what ya sure you could just spam ang get a few lucky shots, but if they actually use skill and aim with him, they can pop off and carry a team. Or just spam and provide nothing to the team other than a few kills here and there.
You could play Rein and just hold M2 and firestrike every now and then, or you could get your ult every 30 seconds and get multiple team wipes in a single game.

Every hero requires skill to play well, even when some some heroes are considered a lot easier to pick up than others they may require even more skill to carry.


All of the above. I’m not sure how you can say Widow doesn’t require skill.


There are multiple forms of skill, people just put an emphasis on aim


Y’know, people say the same thing about Junkrat. Yeah, he spams choke points, and that’s his job of area denial.

But if the goings gets tough, and he needs to hit someone close, there’s nothing more terrifying than a Junkrat who can aim.

I still chuckle with other Junkrat mains who get called out as having an aimbot.


aiming is a skill
game sense is a skill
positioning is a skill
you know unless you go by forum logic where aiming is the only skill and all the others are pointless.
heck I remember when their was that one cheat software that told you if you enemy might have their ult soon and some other junk and people honestly argued if it was cheating caused they didn’t think ult tracking was a skill.


ye I agree, he’s the same as hanzo. gets accused of just being a spam bot. But once you learn how to actually aim with that hero, people will start to get really made. I’ve learned for the most part how his bombs bounce and arch. To the point and can jump in the air and take out a pharah or kill an unsuspecting Widow.

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I’d say the main ones that apply to Overwatch are:

  • Accuracy of control (aim/movement)
  • Reaction/processing speed
  • Awareness
  • “Game sense” (knowledge of options and timing)
  • Strategic thinking
  • Social engineering (for non-6-stacks)

All except the first two are applicable regardless of which character you’re playing. Those exceptions are what set some characters, including Widow, above others in terms of skill requirement. Naturally those are what people discuss when addressing skill differences between characters.

Every aspect that’s needed to successfully play this game. This includes aim, positioning, game sense, awareness, communication and some others.

Or aim at a wall behind the shielding Rein to trick him out into thinking someone is attacking him from behind.

It just irritates me to no end even people insist heroes are no aim no skill. Mercy doesn’t need much aim, but she’s pretty good at enabling her team when the player is good. Moira doesn’t need aim, but she’s still a great healer if you know how to manage your healing juice.

Brig is her own category because I don’t have much of an opinion on her and can’t say much.

Either way, people look at low skill floor heroes and scream "no skill!!1! While ignoring the skill ceiling.


Moira is my healer main, and it annoys me to no end when people say she takes no skill. People always talk about her like she’s a DPS always complaining about her OP orb. Got news for you fellows she’s not meant to be a DPS, I only use her DPS to finish off low HP squishies or restore my healing juice off tanks. I can always get really good healing stats with her because I know how to manage her heals and DPS. A lot of people don’t know that she does healing over time, and that you don’t have to hold M1 till your target is healed. I see so many Moiras use up all their heals when the fight has just started forcing them to to a bunch of DPSing. it’s frustrating.


Skill: not being an idiot.

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Really hard to master for the Overwatch community

All of 'em.

That’s a contradictory statement right there.


i literally made a thread about in the very long distant past,

here you go

So, skill? Aiming is skill, positioning is skill, game sense is skill.

To me skill is broad umbrella term that covers a lot of things. In Overwatch Skill then branches out into two categories:

Mechanical Skill
Non-Mechanical Skill

Both are still skill, but more specific. Both of those branches branch out even further.

Mechanical Skill

  • Aim
  • Positioning
  • Ability Timing
  • Ability Use

All things that basically have to do with direct gameplay. Not so much knowledge or awareness. Some of these can be debated to be in one category or the other. I’m not claiming to be the end all be all on what is mechanical or not. Just my opinion.


  • Situational Awareness
  • Game Sense
  • Ult Tracking
  • Cooldown Management

And stuff like that. By definition these are all skills and you can be skillful in each of these. Just some are mechanical skills and others not. But once again, this is just how I see it. I just like to label and organize things neatly.

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Maybe because it’s the easiest one to explain, and quantify.