What do Tanks need to be more appealing?

I know a lot of you are going to jump to the comments and say “They need all of their counters nerfed!” or something crazy like that, but I think that’ll just lead to tanks being considered Overpowered, and people will say the usual “Actually, they were ALWAYS overpowered, and we just couldn’t tell!” lie.

Instead, I think we should prevent that by buffing tank defenses first, with no nerfs to anything else, and we see how that works. It’ll be smarter to experiment with changing stats for a bit until we hard commit to one change that everyone might hate. And if it works well, tanks will be more appealing as they won’t just instantly eat dirt because of things countering them too well.

I suggest tanks passively resist a flat amount of debuffing abilities and damage. So Discord and Anti are less effective on them because they’re the designated defending class, but we don’t nerf Anti or Discord directly. We see if that makes the tanks too strong, or not strong enough, and work from there.

It wouldn’t be that much work for blizzard, would it? Allegedly, they’re making tons of money off of skins and battle passes and such, so why can’t they spend some of that time on carefully buffing/nerfing things instead of just sledgehammering everything?

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Better kits imo.

I really enjoy playing Queen and Orisa as they feel very active.
Rein and Sigma are necessary in some situations but imo, they’re way more passive and therefore boring… The idea you need to babysit your whole team is just not fun imo.


This is basically what they need, but also for dive tanks they need to be a little less risky to play as, which could be hard to exactly do, without making them entirely oppressive. But there’s a huge issue with dive tanks just exploding if their dive goes south, for whatever reason.

Such as if a Monkey dives on a backline and a Reaper or Bastion just happens to be there around the corner, that’s it. Monkey is dead. Or if Doomfist just misses his punch, he’ll fly so far out of position he can die in the blink of an eye, with no real counterplay options to survive with.


Tanks dont need to be more appealing, just scale back everything across the board so things are neither instantly blown up, or caught in an endless cycle of sustain.


Adding back an offtank (now that we have less cc), and a global healing and damage nerf (to all heroes in all roles)

Frankly we need to either remove most CC from the game (slows, disables, stuns, etc) or we need to give tanks passive resistance to all of it.


Tanks needs to be less dependent on the supports.
Something like ball except not useless for the team.
Maybe give them self sustain. Can use the case to nerf the healing across the board too if tanks won’t have to rely on it that much.

Let Dva crouch in mech so I can Tbag


A simple change that wouldn’t really make any difference on their gameplay but change their title from ‘tank’ to ‘brawler’ I mean that’s all they really are now.

Most tanks don’t really care what’s happening to their team behind them, they’re out there brawling, so we should just call them what they are.

If you’re babysitting, you’re playing Pißwasser wrong imo. Rein’s good for taking care of his team when he absolutely has to, but his shield is better as a personal defense unit. He’s also really good at playing into an active role from his passive stance, like on a tempo.

On the first beat, assess the opposing team and their formation.

Second beat, as your team rushes to get behind cover (obviously you) throw out a fire strike

Third, charge, pin

Fourth, fire strike and shield.

Now he doesn’t move perfectly in 4/4 time, but as a Tank, he follows a “tempo” or pattern that can kick up or down in BPM depending on team comp/strategy/most effective tactic available at the moment. He’s good at taking space when his team can follow up on it, but he doesn’t need to play solely passively.

I think they need a tank buddy. Probably 6v6.


Not saying the hero is bad. Just saying I don’t have fun with him because he has that “shield” time.

Heck if I know, blizz have put themselves in a trap, with one tank the game will never be fun for the tank as they either: can’t die but can’t kill anyone either or they just spontaneously combust when they try to make a play

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If you simply don’t like shields, no matter the playstyle or ability of the character, that’s a personal taste issue and not a game issue, and I simply disagree. Have a good day!

I think whenever dive tanks jump in, their entire team should get a large on-screen notification saying “YOUR TANK HAS BEGUN AN ENGAGEMENT. IT IS NOW SAFE TO PROGRESS PAST THE CHOKE POINT.”

On a serious note, Tanks unironically need less hard countering, especially within their role. Tools to keep tanks in check a little bit are fine, but without a second tank to make up for any counters or other compositional shortcomings anymore, solo tanking feels nightmarish with how easy it can be to deny them their value. Having a good game on Rein? Get ready for the Ramattra Raid to begin. Doing good on D.Va? The sudden appearance of an enemy Zarya says otherwise. Slammed a Widowmaker as Ball? That Widowmaker main will mysteriously become a Sombra main over the next 8 seconds. Doing literally anything on Roadhog? Do I even NEED to explain this one?

Yes, this game is built around the ability to counter swap (and this is arguably really, really outdated now with the hero unlocking system, but we all know that’s not changing). But the question was implying Tanking is unappealing, and having to swap or have your value radically neutered is exactly that.


Yeah, I enjoy the more brawly/active playstyle - I feel like in 5v5, I like it when tanks can come in and start shaking up the enemy. Orisa is literally an amazon warrior

I enjoy all of the tanks well enough (and think Sigma is great) but in the current sandbox, I would have loved to see what a “hammer expert” Rein could have looked like!

Either way, I’d focus more on Tanks being able to disrupt and force enemies to disengage suddenly over making them immune to cc/debuffs/etc or becoming bullet sponges

make them actual tanks like world of tanks.
d.va can be a tank with wings

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Have a nice day indeed lol

They need to reduce the chain CC problem. Hinder shouldn’t affect tanks at all, and all other forms of CC should be reduced by a good 50+ percent

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All i know is that when i shatter 5 people, someone should die even if my teammates aren’t around. Thats how it used to work in OW1 and its what got me in to tank. making plays. my job now is to stop plays and take advantage of mistakes rather than doing things. and its just boring

(This is my experience in masters, i don’t know how things are in gold)

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