What DF mains wanted and what they got

what we wanted:
qol change to slam so df wont get nudged into the enemy hitbox causing the slam + uppercut to miss
fix bug that made railings block slam(and shadow step)
fix bug that allowed dva and orisa to take less knock back while shooting

what we got:
extra shields(dosent do anything)
increased ult moving speed(nice but not the reason why he is a bad hero)

guess they hate bug fixing and tries to ignore it by giving us content


Ask Sombra mains about bugs fixes

Then realize Doomfist got off easy, for now


That’s not a bug, every hero in the game will get a shot blocked by railings.

Roadhogs hook for example will stop at a railing and break it but not go on to the target.


Ask Reinhardt about bug fixes…oh wait, he never has gotten a single one and now has more than ever after the latest patch.

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

We all got it bad


This is not a bug, by the way. As far as I know, that’s intentional.

Edit: Actually, it apparently is a bug. I stand corrected. Move along.


It should, but half of the time doesn’t. I get pulled over all kinds of objects all the time.

Certain objects it does, But railings are a 100% stopper.

He isn’t a bad hero now though.

it does considering it lets you survive otherwise lethal engagements (i have seen many DF survive with a tiny sliver of hp thanks to that buff)

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Play Doomfist and you’ll notice how many stupid bugs can lead to your immediate death or cost you a kill

I wanted 2 things

  1. Increased velocity on his crapcannon so I’m able to defend myself from these crappy tracer/genji mains and conserve ammo thru headshots.
  2. LMB removed as a way to cancel RP since it blows the CD if you’re just trying to use it as a stun too quickly. Removing the charge buffer on RP would also fix this issue.

Lol no. How about you try playing the character then come back and tell us how useful it is.

nah. DF isnt my cup-o-tea.

But i DO like turning DF into ice sculptures.

I like baiting out Mei’s iceblock with SS+Upper. Then sitting in front of her iceblock charging up RP until she comes out.

i see it frequently. msot ppl get timing wrong (either too soon or too late and into wall they go)

df vs mei is super fun as its a battle of who has better skill and 1 of em will die to the other.

“Extra shielding does nothing” Is this a joke?

Yeah, I thought it was hilarious that the devs thought +5 shields was a “buff”.

Especially when they knew they were decreasing the damage falloff for a large chunk of the roster.

It actually technically is! I love it as Orisa though and I hope they don’t “fix it” like they did to Moira and healing through barrier.

Wait really? Omg I always thought that was by design. That’s so huge, oh my God.

Sorry I was wrong btw. My bad.

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Tell that too any hero that cant reliably pull off their combo on a doomfist because random shield health out of nowhere.

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Ana’s combo didn’t work before the +5 shield buff. It doesn’t do anything