What colors would you like to see your main in?

For their classic skin, obviously.

I’m thinking of doing some edits, give me some color scheme ideas :smiley:

Here are the ones done so far:


I think Lucio would look really good with a nice green and blue color scheme with a hint of yellow.


A neon blue for Ana.


Sombra and Sunset Orange just suit her so well.


Mercy with glitters and her whole color scheme is pure white sounds gorgeous.


We need Pink Reaper. No blue. Just pink. Different kinds of pink. Pank errywhere.


I would like to see a teal/purple or aquamarine/purple Lúcio.

Additionally I’ve been thinking lately that Mercy doesn’t have a gold/white skin like so many other heroes have. Her base skin is yellow/white/orange. I would like to see her have a gold/white skin something like Tracer’s Posh skin and Symmetra’s Utopaea.

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Hopefully the black isn’t offputting, it’s hard changing black into lighter colors.


I’d kinda like a sorta iridescent colour for Tracer and Mercy. Like the rainbow skins in Borderlands 2.

Are you using photoshop? You can make another layer, select the black with magic wand or lasso or however you’re comfortable separating it out, put it on the new layer, then either color replace the black with white or use the slider to do so (could set the layer to greyscale and then change the brightness too lol). Then you could repaint over the new white portions, but this could also potentially throw your contrast off.


I’ve done so much photo manipulation and changing black to another color is more annoying than anything else, I think. It’s usually just easier to let the black stay lol.

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I know its not her classic skin, but i’d love to see a Cherry Red mech for Cruiser D.va


I am using photoshop. For some reason, using the lasso or magic wand is really hard? It always selects the wrong spots that I’m trying to get to, so I just gave up on trying to figure it out. Thanks for the tip, though.

It really is annoying lol

Theres a little bar marked “Tolerance” when using it, and you can adjust that so your lasso tool works better. Hope this helps! ^^


Here you go! I think I might have used too much yellow lol


Thanks! I’ll try it out

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I actually use the polygonal lasso tool because you can click and drag the outline of exactly what you want. I only do that when I need to separate a small portion though, for cutting out big things I actually will usually make a transparent layer, put my original over that, and then ERASE EVERYTHING I don’t need.

Well, that’s at least usually how I extract models from my stock images at least.


These are really old but I’ve kind of put the hobby aside for a while.

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Thanks for the tip, I’ll try it out.

When I do transparency stuff, I just go in and erase it myself. It’s a long process, but it’s more reliable

Also, those are some nice pictures! I like them

Thanks. I look at them and I see all sorts of mistakes lol.

Yeah, I know how you feel. Every time I create something, I’m staring down at the mistakes I keep trying to fix. At some point I just give up and suffer with living with it ;-;

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The artist’s curse.

Everything you do is crap to you. Everyone else is so much better. No matter how good you are.