An invisible skin for Tracer would be good!
Yes, I like that sunset- reddish orange on her, oppose of the light orange with black and not grey.
However, you are simply the best!
Bright Red with small green accent
I’ll get to all of these one day, that’s for sure. Hopefully it doesn’t take me a year to do it
Ashe with a classy brown/copper color and some dark blue hues would be nice.
How about Mercy with turquoise and hot pink?
d.vas skin but either iridescent, galaxy, or pink to teal fade
Gib Soldier rainbow colors just because.
i like how she is: Black, White, Gold, Grey, and The right amount of Red: Perfection!
I like the idea of any hero with another hero’s colours.
Example: with an Ashe set theme. So, red eyes, white hair, black/darker costume.
I know it’s not what was asked but I like those kinds of ideas :3
Can you give Symmetra a mermaid color scheme ? Purple, with pink and turquoise accents
Rainbow anything.
I’ve always had a thing for swirled colors or gradients. I think it looks pretty cool.
i don’t really have a main, but i kind of think pharah would look dope in a swapped color palette to her titanium color skin, silver metal is now gold looking and gold looking is now silver metal color.
other than that i’m pretty satisfied i think
i want every. single. overwatch. character. to have an american flag skin like reaper.
White and gold Genji with blue eyes. Like Reinhardt’s Paragon skin
Sigma with a turquoise and gold theme, with white accents!
Tracer, black and white. White pants, black jacket, white harness, black straps, white lights, no goggles if possible.