Shub-Niggurath isn't racist

Its not a racial slur, its the name of a fictional character from Lovecraft mythology.

She is an Elder God of fertility and overall, a great idea for an Orisa skin.

Please stop taking down my posts that reference this character, they are entirely appropriate and typed with only the best in mind.

Thank you.


inb4 this one is taken down too. I think it’s more people aren’t mature enough to say her name.


You don’t even pronounce it that way.


That would be pretty cool for Orisa tbh


I love lovecraft but I prefer not to soil myself every time I play against an Orisa


Seems like a rather odd thing to talk about on the overwatch forums


I think that would be hilarious :open_mouth:

Such a juxtaposition

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Almost like he said he mentioned it in an Orisa skin topic, or something


Ikr? I’ve been working on a concept but im not used to drawing Orisa at all. Im basically doing it how Spongebob draws circles.

Zen got a Cthulhu skin, i think its ok to promote Black Goat Orisa whenever it seems appropriate.


I heard this name before.

And it was from South Park.


Yup, she’s the final boss of the latest South Park game.

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I get where you’re coming from, but you have to accept that people that reply to your posts have some control over what happens to it. If this topic spirals out of control, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Back on topic, I don’t think that skin would fit Orisa, as many depictions of Shub-Nigguroth is a hulking mass of mouths, tentacles, and other various portions of human biology.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


Well, the forum is strange, it depends on who reads your post.
Even post that are right and historicly proven will be removed if the mod does not like it

Sincerly Hame
~Freikorps voran, die Grenze brennt~

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It was also the last boss from Quake

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Trying to give form to any of Lovecraft’s monsters is kind of against the whole point of them imo


I mean…this is the most random crap ever for Overwatch, though. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but it’s not a huge surprise people might think you’re referencing the character just to be cute. Next you’ll want a Black Ops 3 Seraph skin for McCree (and honestly, even that would be more fitting than whatever this is for Orisa).


I always felt that the point of keeping many monsters vague was to allow others to shape them as the authors see fit. Lovecraft left the design to us, I feel.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


That is partially it, your mind can craft terrors far better than any words can, but also a key stone for cosmic horror is the incomprehensible nature of it’s “Gods”.

Something so much older and greater our feeble minds can’t even perceive it’s true form, absolutely terrifying.


Im talking about mod warnings because half the time i type “Shub-Nigguroth” they confuse it for an insult.

She has a proxy for Earth specifically thats a lot more like a black goat. Earthlings mostly only know of Shub that way. Plus she’s probably the most powerful mom ever and i think that fits the robo nanny really well and would match Cultist Zen.

Shub gets around.

I get that, hence this topic. I think it would work out great as basically a Cultist Zen skin for Orisa. I don’t see this as too different from asking for pirate skins.

Lesbian used to be censored too, iirc. It don’t always make a ton of sense.