What are your mains and hobbies?

Outside of gaming, that is. I’ll start. I’m a Tracer main, and outside of OW I like to read and spend time with friends and family


You are such an unique person, I do not believe I have met anyone with these hobbies before! Such a rare specimen.

In all seriousness, I love swimming. Just got back from the pool. It was extremely fun today because my foot seems to be finally healed to an extent that lets me return to my majestic manatee form. I also love horror films. If you ask me for a top ten movies of all time, they are all classic horror movies except for the Mummy (Brendan Fraser version). Oh, wait, you probably already knew that because of the whole DbD thing… Uh, metal. I love being a poser online and pretending I understand the intricacies of music. Sometimes I just drive and listen to music. It’s a vibe.

What else makes me seem more interesting than I am… I play Reinhardt. Yep. I bet nobody noticed because I rarely mention him; however, the rumors are true.


Cmon, when you have around 13000 hours on all games combined it’s a bit hard to have a ton of hobbies :skull:

I can absolutely picture you as a manatee lmfao

I’m a dbd addict and I can’t do horror without a man to hold so eh…not all of us are massive horror fans :joy:

As you should…what’s your favorite song?

Or the Hog pfp :joy:


Angel of Death by Slayer is definitely my favorite. So many years have passed and it never gets old. I barely headbang anymore, but once this starts, I start unintentionally thrashing. I even wrote a paper about it in college. :skull:



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Lifeweaver and Sym main

I like LEGO mainly and have been collecting them since I was a kid (around 24 years) so I have quite a lot. However I’ve kinda been drawn away from them due to how much they up-price their licensed sets now. Also all of the “exclusive” sets and items you can only get by buying a $500+ set is getting old and I dislike it a lot.

So I am sticking to finding older vintage sets on eBay, Bricklink, and local estate/garage sales

I did see a vintage Cloud City LEGO set on some estate sale app and they sold it for $3,000 (which is CHEAP compared to online ones being sold). It’s crazy how much some of the older sets go for due to the minifigures. Boba Fett alone is worth around like $1,200. Since it was gone I just ended up getting a bag of old window pieces :sob:


Hard light architect main likes building! That fits lol

Everything is so expensive now :sob: first $20 skins now $500 LEGOs


At least I can build my credit this way :upside_down_face:



I’m a writer and a roleplayer engaged in a storyline that’s been ongoing for 10 years.

Also I’m a horse girl and I like to shoot things with the pew pew (actually it’s more of a bang bang) and do archery, both for fun and hunting.

Looking to buy this bang bang very soon:



Main Kiriko and Bastion.

I collect iPhone Cases and a series of toy called the “Metal Build” series.

I have a gaming gang (who used to be die hard OW fans). We play various games, watch movies rated “rotten” on Rotten Tomatoes. One of us is a hunter so we sometimes bring beer and BBQ grilling boars, deers or sometimes bears.


Bear tallow makes really nice soap.


Yes Miso soup with them is insanely delicious.
Too bad its kinda rare to get bears onto our tables. Mostly boars.

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Former Lucio One Trick. Now I main Lucio, Venture, Sigma (one for each role).

I work in IT. I’m an Apple Certified Repair technician. I am a Dungeon Master for two Dungeons and Dragon Games that I run (biweekly meetups alternating Fridays). I play a lot of Old School Runescape (way too much). I also watch a lot of anime and general fantasy media.

That’s really it as far as hobbies.


I’ve not eaten bear, I’ve heard it’s kind of fatty. Where you at, for boar and bear? I could do both down south from where I am but too far north for boar without taking a trip and I like to bow hunt so I mostly get deer, turkeys, etc. I’ve had bison, venison, alligator, turkey. Eaten duck but not hunted them personally. I want to try reindeer, I’ve heard good things.


My said friend lives in Hokkaido (Japan).
He is a member of the Hunter Association that makes a living hunting these animals that endanger the residential areas. They travel in group, hunt, dismantle their prey, share the parts.

Bear meat is yes indeed fatty but the meat itself taste quite good. What I am surprised is that how little meat we can get from a full grown bear (as per explanation by him).

Would love to try bison meat but too bad there is none for him to take care of here lol


Mercy main here, vydia probably main hobby, also i have fresh and salt water aquariums :slight_smile: when i was young i was paragliding pilot and also liked long (around 100km) trips on a mountain bike


You might be able to find it imported the same as we can find Wagyu here, as there are farmed bison in the US. It’s very good, like… extra-beefy and tender beef, if that makes any sense.

Seems like a good system. This is also sort of how we hunt in the US only private citizens apply for and are granted a license (which they pay for) that allows each hunter to take a certain amount of animals from specific areas to control their populations.

Some animals can’t be hunted in certain areas—in some states you cannot kill a cougar unless it is actively threatening you, someone else, or livestock. Instead you would contact the local/state/federal government and they typically tag and relocate ‘trouble’ animals.


sombra is my main atm and i feel the most comfortable when i play her instead of anyone else. use to play widowmaker exclusively at launch but yea not doing that anymore but ill always have a soft sport for widowmaker

as for hobbies nothing really noteworthy. i frequent these forums as you can tell by my forum post count and yea i try to have fun here. otherwise i play video games (duh im on a video game forum lol) and yea mainly overwatch (duh again). i do like other games of course but overwatch is still the one for me. hopefully some other hero shooters compete eventually and hopefully have just as good replay system… one of the reasons i love this game so much

i read this guys post but im still confused as hell… i try to hard? i can see schizo since i drink and consume infused thc (i like gummies) but i dont type like trash on purpose lol. i am not really an articulate person and yea i just type what i type. still dont understand what this guy is babbling about??


This sounds like fun forums drama, but how do you know any of this?

That is unfortunate. Widowmaker mains are a dying breed. That likely does not bother anyone particularly, but still…

Drinking and Star Wars, I imagine?

Oh no, that’s accidental? Just kidding. Take it as a compliment. He is inadvertently comparing you to Jack the Ripper which is quite the high praise.