What are your ideas for killing GOATS?

Hammond is a problem now? Oml

Maybe the solution is to nerf the two tanks that are at the top instead of nerfing everyone.

Or maybe the solution is make it so DPS can do their job without dying instantly. Your choice.

Or maybe buff the DPS that are trash.

There’s a lot of options here but you’re only concerned about ruining a class that already got weakened in the latest patch.

even full health with the armor roadhog can 1 shot you so long as he hits all headshots with his scrap gun and melees you.

I think you have some reading issues. Never said that some tank damage shouldn’t be nerfed, but nerfing it all is not a solution. We need a global damage and healing diminish on key heroes.

this is a non argument. im giving examples of high tank damage possibilities. Choosing to try and change the subject doesn’t make you right. it only shows you have no counter points.

Buff Symmetra/Torbjorn and other characters who are supposed to be strong against tanks.

I’d be okay nerfing Rein too, I just think that he is the major enabler.

no it is you who has reading issues, as if you read at all you would see this clearly isn’t directed at you.

nerfing lucio and/or buffing junkrat

enabler is a fine word to use. that doesn’t mean he is the problem.
take away everything else, the heals, the armors, the shields, and speed boost becomes a useless suicide button. take away speed boost, people will still roll just slower.
there is no reason to nerf literally the most basic part of the comp

for the record I would revert the nerfs to armor if they nerfed their damage. Your assumptions only are true to you, and not how I feel.

My thoughts are as follows:

  • Don’t nerf or buff heroes specifically to deal with GOATS.
  • Nerf and buff heroes if they’re too strong or too weak
  • Introduce new heroes with different playstyles that synergize with different DPS playstyles.
  • GOATS doesn’t need to be killed. It needs alternatives.

Basically…give more variety in available playstyles and team comps.

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Just disable the ability to run 3 supports (in competitive / tournament play only). Stop nerfing everything as this simply makes the heroes you nerf worse when not using GOATs unfairly / ruins competitive play even more imo.

I’m a support main in competitive play and I support this message.

I personally think Zarya is fine now. Zarya has been through many nerfs and I will say that once you get a rhythm going with Zarya, you can get big value with her. But it takes a while to get that rhythm down

The issue I have with the comp is that I think the characters individually are in a counterable spot overall; Reinhardnt sucks with mobility, Zaryas mobility is bad and she can’t protect others consistently. Overall the team should suffer from vertical mobility (and lack of mobility in general) as well as damage slightly. But any variation of GOATS could just make up that (for example people are started running reaper GOATS, which probably opens up more weaknesses but keeps the comps integrity the same)

At the end of the day they finally nerfed D.va a bit, which is what I’ve wanted them to do considering she’s almost never fallen out of the meta; DM is just too powerful. And Lucio can do just about everything decently. Combine that with speed, something which NO ONE has, he’s pretty much irreplaceable.

I’m hoping Hero 30 is some kind of hero that will aid the likes of a reaper or pharah in isolating some of their key targets. Someone with telekinetic abilities would be fun but people are tired of CCs and Stuns at this point. They also mentioned the idea of a shield-piercing ability at one point which I could go for. Something that maybe doesn’t do a lot of damage but pierces through comps that like sticking that close together somehow. Enough so that a flanker could pick off the sturdy backline more easily. Probably another utility support to challenge the likes of brig and lucio honestly.

GOATS is already on its way out through counterplay. Sombra, Doomfist, Bastion, Symmetra are all great counters if properly built around.

99% of the players in this forum doesn’t have experienced goats in game. I really don’t know why people say that are exhausted of goats.

People are exhausted of watching goats on streams? Because even Masters don’t know how to play a properly goats

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Yeah apparently if you play the comp near-perfectly then it works. Otherwise the changes added for the most part are doing their job. It really comes down to either another slight nerf to a hero, or just hero 30 doing something that makes GOATS less potentially viable everywhere.

Giving buff to the heroes that enabled dive?

(Just kidding, dont burn me.)

Instead of just nerfing GOATS, I think they should buff certain heroes so that they can better counter Goats.

Junkrat and Pharah. Buff and adjust them so that they perform better against Deathball comps such as Goats.

Anyone with an energy weapon such Syymetra, Winston and Zarya (maybe she can be excluded but I like to keep things consistent) deal extra damage against barriers and shields.

Modify Reaper’s shadowstep into a new version that functions kind of like Sombra’s translocator. So how it works is Reaper turns into a trail of black mist that follows the same trajectory as Sombra’s translocator and he reforms wherever he lands or if the ability is cancelled mid use.

Revert some of the Doomfist nerfs. While I did think he needed nerfs, I think Blizzard went to far. I say revert the reduction on his Seismic slam’s range.

Buff Hammond. I think the best options would be to allow him to use adaptive shields while in ball form and increasing his clip size. Maybe make his piledriver slightly faster.

Buff Sombra so that she’s more versatile and less reliant on her teammates to be effective.

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