What are your ideas for killing GOATS?

We can see that the developers are trying to get rid of this aberration of Overwatch gameplay with 3-3, but while they are succeeding at slightly weakening it, they can’t get it to move from it’s top spot by even an inch. Seems like nerfing Brigitte over and over doesn’t really solve anything.

My personal idea is a limit to healing stacking: A hero can only be healed by 20hp/s at once by simultaneous auras, not counting Amp.

What are your ideas for putting an end to GOATS?

Nerfing Lucio. I don’t know how, but he is the major issue.


Nerf either lucio, rein, or zaria


A hero that provides an area slow maybe. That way goats can’t just speed through a choke and bypass heavy amounts of dmg.

How about all of them? Would that be silly? They’ve been dominating for a while now, especially Rein and Zarya.

I don’t quite like the prospect of nerfing Lúcio, quite honestly, but it seems almost necessary. It just seems confusing to me because he was fine before.

Oh god, no more CC.


nerf tank damage across the board. they can kill just as well as dps because though they are lower in damage they still can dish out good damage, and have the health pools to outlive them.

Nerf tank damage to the point that they cant kill anything being healed properly and all of a sudden you need dps to kill. You know like the game is supposed to go?

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the only reason goats comp even exists is cuz of Brigitte. she is literally the only reason why the comp is a thing

Still, that could make tanks unfun to play or make off-tanks straight up obsolete, as they become slow ult batteries.

Nerfing all tanks damage isn’t the solution. Orisa, Winston Roadhog and Hammond have all barely anything to do with GOATS, for example.

True, but if they keep nerfing her she will become straight up unusable. I believe nerfing her further is out of the board for now, instead of making a character straight up useless and leaving an important hole for the composition, we should weaken the comp’s synergy or something.

He did get buffed in the support patch that brought the Nano burst heal and 50 hps Mercy, but you’re right. Most of the heroes in GOATs weren’t buffed at all, but they synergised with Brig, and that’s where this came from, as she killed Dive. No, we can’t delete her, and yes, she’s been nerfed enough, so it’s time to turn to other enablers. If not Lucio, I’d have Rein nerfed.

Assuming that adding a new hero isn’t an option, I’d do some or all of the following (probably adding a couple at a time):

  • Small nerf to Lucio–probably extend the cooldown on Amp It Up from 12 seconds to 14 seconds, OR reduce Speed Boost from 30%/70% to 25%/50%
  • Give Junkrat a 20% damage bonus against barriers
  • Revert DVa Matrix change, but increase her spread angle from 4.15 degrees to 5.25 degrees
  • Reduce Zarya’s damage range from 95-190 to 80-160

I’d also buff Orisa, but that should happen regardless of GOATS.

But we can’t delete her, and she’s been nerfed to the point where she literally only works in GOATs now. Also one hero can’t be the only thing enabling a meta- there’s always other things you can nerf.

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Mostly Rein. The guy’s untouchable at the very pole position of most ranks or second, or third, and he’s the only really real tank that protects, since he is the only one that can move his shield.

I’d mostly believe in nerfing nearly everyone but refrain from nerfing her in particular. Damage and healing creep are pretty high.

Also, revert his size nerf.


It sucks but it’s the only way to solve it. Nerfing heroes in Goats leads to them being trash everywhere else, and only usable in Goats but if goats is weak why use that comp and those heroes at all.

As for buffing, what the hell would you buff? More dmg heroes? All of them already do truck loads of dmg, anymore and we will have all heroes be basically widows on steroids. Just try playing a normal 2-2-2 comp at high level of play as a support or tank player. The dmg is ridiculous right now, it just gets clouded because Goats is dominant so people think dps heroes are weak. When it’s not true at all the dmg has gotten so high it’s actually worse than being CCed for 5s straight.

I’ve been afraid of what the meta is going to be after goats for months and if even more dmg gets buffed I’ll probably quit. I prefer CC over being one shot by literally everyone. And even positioning doesn’t solve it, because now we have abilities that do AoE dmg around corners (dynamite).

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That idea scares me because it reminds me of Brigitte herself. A character, full of CC, designed to put a stop to a composition is something that shouldn’t be repeated. A year later and we are still sitting in the garbage pile she created with this thread.

They dont have to have to kill goats. Just weakening it a bit so other comps get room to breath is fine. I would give the meta time to adapt after the new PTR change.

I guess people have gotten used to it, but GOATS is literally a monstrosity that violates Overwatch many core design principles - It only uses two classes. It is the product of many, many mistakes the dev’s have made over the years.

Yes but remove brig from the game. No goats, no brig. Now imagine the game, think about all the dmg buffs, mercy nerfs, tank nerfs.
I’ve been healing 15k reguarly in freaking quick play with **** mercy 50hps. I’ve often went even into 20k the little time I play. That’s not normal, that’s not good, because before all the nerfs to tanks and buffs to dmg I was doing 10k peaks. On extremely good games I did have 20k but I could count the number of those games on one hand in the 2 years I’ve played. And that’s just quickplay. I bet comp games will be going to 40k-50k.

The amount of dmg flying around in the game in comparison to health pools is getting really bad. Like I’ve said it just gets clouded by people’s hate for CC, Brig and goats.

quite simply touch character that the community fully beilives are untouchable and completely balanced.

nerf healing boost to 30%, it ensures aoe healer like lucio cant get 70+ HPS and it will be more in line of other support buffs like speed boost and dmg boost
nerf nano healing to 150

revert or lower the cross fade radius by 1-2m forcing tighter compositions

1 sec cooldown on both harmony and discord orbs to prevent just widly spamming and quciky reallocation

Increase shatter cost by 10-15%

reduce overall dmg so shes not outperforming pure dmg dealers like pharam junk and soldier.

I have a rework idea for orisa also to turn her a character that really hard to bypass and rundown but thats a long post


I agree with you - damage is an issue. In the launch game, Hanzo, for example, would be considered extremely overpowered. Now, he’s average.

stop nerfing brig who isn’t the problem and look at lucio and zayra