What are your ideas for killing GOATS?

Outright deleting a character should never even be considered. If their playstyle really can’t function in the game without being F or S teir, rework them.

So you want them to all become big walking ult batteries?

How to kill an entire class 101.


Lúcio is the main problem.

Now, I don’t really want him nerfed, he just got buffed and is good, but his speed is what makes GOATS So efficient by avoiding any heavy amount of damage that the counters are providing.

In the entire history of overwatch the community hasnt been happy about any kind of meta. But truth is there always will be a meta.

So rather than trying to pointlessly kill each meta just to crown a new one, they should tweak as much as possible, until off meta and meta comps dont have a big difference anymore.

Cut tank damage in half and buff tank busters . If you do that it won’t matter how much healing you have it’ll be inefficient since the ttk would be so high and dps would naturally have to be back in the meta and buffing tank busters makes shields harder to have up

That’s not what I am saying here. I am talking about imagine the current game without Brig. Which will be the next meta. Without brig there is no goats and brig is not the hero who will be played in dive. She may sometimes exist there for some reason but it will not be Brig Dive meta.

Brig IS the problem - But as long as she isn’t reworked, nerfing her won’t really achieve anything.

That’s the best thing they could do to Brig - After a year struggling, I think it’s proven that her design is a failure.

Even then, this meta is special for not including an entire class of heroes. Instead of indicating some strategies are just plain better and certain characters are overtuned, it indicates several very big problems with the game - This game is designed with three classes in mind.

I’m sorry. “Remove Brig” is just a trigger phrase for me.

People also complained about dive and it had all classes represented.

you obviously don’t play at a high level if you think this is the case. tanks are needed to make space and mitigate damage. Its the main part of their role. nerfing their damage does nothing to affect that. They wouldn’t become walking ult batteries. theyd become less powerful tanks.

What does this have to do with anything?

A lot of making space and mitigating damage is being an actual threat to the enemy.

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How can they make space if they aren’t a threat?

That killing goats doesnt make the state of the game better. It just replaces a current issue with a new one.


I play Brig, I hope they don’t nerf her out of existence. But I am very afraid of what the next meta will be if Brig isn’t in it.

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No it doesn’t. This meta is not like the others, again, it doesn’t use an entire class. There’s a LOT of problems with the game and several failures by the dev team for something like this to even be feasible, the concept of a class being literally useless and outclassed.

Again, people arent happy with a meta with all classes in it either.

That doesn’t mean really anything. The fact is that this composition indicates very big problems and they need to be fixed.

Buffing Orisa, Bastion, Mei, and pretty much every f-tier hero thats meant to counter aggro comps.

doing less damage doesn’t mean doing no damage. im saying stop letting them be viable enough to kill without dps.

simply tweaking reing from 75 damage a swing to 50 damage a swing would make him still able to take space, but not able to cleave through teams by himself.

Yeah but not just replacing the problem with a new one. Tweaking in order to make off meta more comparable to meta is a positive thing. Sledgehammer nerfing the comp to a point of killing it is not.